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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Black Belt in what? What martial arts interest you? And is a machinegun all your arm can form into?


Your display reminds me of my ability set, Trained in Anasatsuken, "Kame" Fist Style, Sumo, German Wrestling, Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, White Lotus, just to name a few,


And as for armaments I developed something called an "Armaments Matrix" which I had a friend of mine install into my right arm. This allows me to transform my arm into any number of firearms. It kind of works like the iGunPro app except...just a bit more effective. Add to that Jake's inspiring me to learn a bit of Magic to supplement my arsenal of tricks and then there's my aptitude for electricity manipulation, admittedly lacking swordsmanship skills (which is why I switched to guns) and when all else fails. Ludicrous amounts of brute strength.

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