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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Imma just say right now...maybe tick a few guys off...Lion King is the best movie ever...been that movie's biggest fan since i was one year old. Yeah Lion King...best movie ever when I was one year old. 17 now and it's STILL the best movie ever..


*mixes Hypnotic, Mountain Dew and Vodka and downs a shot*


No contest at all..

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Yeah I do which is why I vanish sometimes for an entire day (<u<)


Actually he is off with his girlfriend but other than that yeah he is in his room drinking.


Oh and everyone but DF can have a "drink" because . . . well . . . lets face it Lora would ki-


Actually give him a drink too so we can watch him get ki*gets hit*


[holding a dented metal bat]

That feel familiar?


yes (X_x)

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*gets up rubbing my head*


Is that REALLY such a surprise? I mean I've dated girls before and it was only eventually that I meet another that I wanted to date.


Yes Dad does have a girlfriend and they're quite romantic


You wouldn't believe someone who is supposed to be "incredibly powerful and a being on consciousness" to act so mushy around a girl.


Should I regale people of how you act aro*gets hit*


[holding the metal bat, now doubly dented and trying not to blush]

You know Dad I can just reuse this bat over and over again ... so you better not ever finish that sentence here

[looks to Shizuo]

Actually I think after what Dad said I'll have one with something extra in. Pepsi and vodka please ...

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