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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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I feel like I should keep GLaDOS; it'd make Korean extremely jealous, especially after he sees GLaDOS like that xD



*smacks back of Shizuo's head*

OW! What was that for?!

You have me, a soda girl, a leek girl in the kitchen, a pizza girl, and now a computer girl. PICK ONE TO GO.

Fine...anyone want the pizza girl? She's not delivery; she's Digiorno 8D

I heard she does self-delivery.

If only you knew 8D

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I didn't make any for me. Noob had (still has) a huge crush on Glados so I decided to make a robot to quell his need for her. Recently things got a bit lonely for him and there's maintenance as well I rather not do for obvious reasons.




Knowing Korean...




Hey Desu, which girl did you want? I got the one in the kitchen, and the pizza girl up for grabs :3

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Knowing Korean...




Hey Desu, which girl did you want? I got the one in the kitchen, and the pizza girl up for grabs :3


The robot girls can now perform maintenance on eachother. Good system I think I set up. And I told you I don't want CC. Remo got the good one.

Oh okay. Yeah, only work on me when I need maintenance.


You need maintenance? ;p

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