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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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"Feckless waste of Lifeforce you Jedi are...*draws Raikiri (Lightning Blade)* shall I test how strong your faith in that fallen religion is? O' practitioner of The Force?" driven by both a desire to fight and a desire to escape boredom the Jack Of All Styles advanced towards his selected enemy, his katana was alive with bolts of electricity running down the length of the blade as he approached and lifted his sword into a traditional Kendo stance. "I'm curious to see how well your Force matches up to my Sorcery, and your Lightsaber to my Magic Sword."

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But the inablilty to learn from one's mistakes


Much to understand, you have, Young Padawan


"Feckless waste of Lifeforce you Jedi are...*draws Raikiri (Lightning Blade)* shall I test how strong your faith in that fallen religion is? O' practitioner of The Force?" driven by both a desire to fight and a desire to escape boredom the Jack Of All Styles advanced towards his selected enemy, his katana was alive with bolts of electricity running down the length of the blade as he approached and lifted his sword into a traditional Kendo stance. "I'm curious to see how well your Force matches up to my Sorcery, and your Lightsaber to my Magic Sword."

Much hate that dwells in your heart. But, I shall do what I must


*force pushes false-nex into lava pit*

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Gravity?!? No...the force dwells in all things. heheh He's actually manipulating ME!! "Teleport!!" Instantly transporting behind the experienced Jedi Knight, Nex raised his sword high above his head and swung it down on the Jedi's shoulder hoping to cleave him in two diagonally. "Don't dissapoint me Jedi!! I'm looking for a fighter WORTHY of taking me on...and I've been bored for quite a while!"

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As Bizzaro-Nex brought down his sword on the stunned and surprised Jedi Master, Striker appeared out of nowhere in an attempt to gain revenge for his previous humiliation. In his tackle, he knocked the Master out of the swings attack range in time. "It seem's the Good Side of the Force was on my side after all" he murmured, recovering from the mid-air tackle. He force-jumped onto the higher ledge. "It's over Taisen! I have the high ground!"

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Looking over to the interloper Nexev sighed and raised his palm in the direction of the oncoming lightning "Reflecta" the lightning collided with the invisible wall and was then re-directed back at Striker. The force of the lightning impacting Reflecta did, however cause Nexev to reel back away from his opponent. "Do you have some kind of death wish interfering with my battle you worthless insect?" Nexev asked the intruder as a large amount of electrical charge radiated from his body.

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Daemon walks over to take a seat in the main lobby, where he was at a different standpoint and was able to just be able to watch and not get involved since he did not want to throw anyone again out of boredom. He just sat there awing in appeal, but also tiredness over the fact that this wasn't that much of an interesting fight. He had expected more from everyone, but the jedi. Daemon looked as if he was just going to sit their in utter annoyance that this was not even a fight, but a talent show.

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As the lightning came towards him, Striker placed his lightsaber in the way to block the lightning. "I may have underestimated you. However, the Sith will die in the end."


He gave a nod to Remo, which signified that he was going to help him in the battle. He knew that the odds were in his favor, but the Sith were cunning and knew how to escape easily. "You better give up Taisen. You have no chance of defeating both of us. With our combined strength, we will defeat you."

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Nexev began chuckling. "Taisen? Where's Taisen? Taisen's a mechanic silly boy..." Nexev advanced as a blue, mist-like aura began to exude from his body, followed immediately by a surge of red, fiery energy. "Satsui No Hadou and Magic Energy...a mixture that just KILLS don'tcha think? Striker...I seriously recommend you start getting my name right." Nexev leapt high into the air and let loose a barrage of flame, frost and razor-sharp wind at Striker. "Defeat me? Just shut up already you annoying little puppy-dog boy!!"

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