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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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*Searches Soul for Possesion and kicks it out of body*


Nice Try.


You can't, your entire body and mind is possessed.


Anger, Ftw said to give us three reasons as to not castrate you.


  1. It's inhumane if I don't agree to it.
  2. You DO NOT take away a man's manhood. Ever.
  3. I get angrier and pissed every second of the day, and i'll kill all of you. No sanity left.

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1. Humanity on YCM? You're a demon, a representation of evil.

2. Look up the term "Eunuch".

3. Anger over the internet doesn't impress me.


Good attempt, but try again.


I'm half demon, i'll have you know. >.>


And anyway, i'm not agreeing to this, and even if you do castrate me, there's High-Speed Regeneration. Take that!

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