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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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But id rather it help people not try to enslave their immortal souls.


I think im going to refer to it as a femal since almost each Digimon in its Digivolution tree looks feminine to me.


Lopmon is brown and pink and was a girl in tamers, Prariemon could be either, Antylamon looks Female and was one in Tamers as well, and for Cherubimon its pink and fluffy not masculine at all.

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So, I would Biomerge with Candlemon to become Boltmon? xD

That would be pretty badass.


Also, I was looking at the digimon wiki and apparently...


DemiMeramon -> Candlemon -> Meramon -> BlueMeramon -> SkullMeramon -> Boltmon

Candlemon has two ultimate forms? o-o

BlueMeramon digivolves to SkullMeramon.

my brain r hurt

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But, it makes more sense for Meramon to digivolve to BlueMeramon, and for SkullMeramon to digivolve to Boltmon, as apposed to Meramon -> SkullMeramon -> BlueMeramon -> Boltmon.

Because BlueMeramon is just a Blue Meramon, and SkullMeramon actually has some metal on him which makes more sense to turn into Boltmon.

And if it went:

DemiMeramon -> Candlemon -> Meramon -> SkullMeramon -> BlueMeramon -> Boltmon it would it way more complicated. xD


Also, on the topic of Candlemon's digivolutionary line, it could possible go:

DemiMeramon -> Candlemon -> Wizardmon -> Phantomon -> Piedmon


So Candlemon could Cho Shinka to Phantomon?

Or is my logic just stupid and I need to watch more digimon? xD

Edited Phantomon -> MetalPhantomon


Phantomon -> Piedmon

because MetalPhantomon is ultimate. xD

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Yeh, but Boltmon has no fire connection and so it makes me uncomfortable to use it. And if used candlemon as wzardmon's rookie, you could go for that line.


I'm thinking that on the card BlueMeramon must have been thought of as a champion at some point, because it's a recolour of Meramon. I don't usually trust the wiki lines though.

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Digivolutions are usually quite screwed up as it were. I find that a Meramon can become BlueMeramon or SkullMeramon, but then the mega is still Boltmon nonetheless.


Course, I biomerge to make Lucemon Satan Mode, so I guess I win that contest.

Mine comes in a very close second though. It is one of the three god Digimon from frontier.


No matter what Prairiemon still digivolves into Antylamon and Cherubimon, so i don't have a problem.

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