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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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Even you agree.

Plus, him becoming Re-color Shadow Serophimon was an idiotic plot device, just to get whats-his-face(Its been forever since I've seen that series) to merge his Spirits and create Aldamon.


Except that fight was awesome, so I can't agree with you there. I just have the problem with Kouji gaining access to Fusion Spirit Evolution before Takuya.


ShadowSeraphimon was Mercurymon's attempt to become powerful enough to defeat Cherubimon but turns put it was nowhere near enough.


I completely forgot about that.

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...OMG I didn't notice but ya savers is like that season of PR, on a side note does savers ever you know get good I mean his mom and sister being fine with Agumon without being brainwashed is kinda ridiculous even for digimon and I think season 3 did the best job with how the government would deal with digimon, get rid of them before they get here though in the show they didn't really do a good job of it.


Except they failed to keep any of the important ones from Biomerging, and had to have children clean up after them. You'll notice the Savers group does a fairly good job of stopping every problem that's been thrown their way thus far, and they stay competent in their jobs right up until the first "Oh crap" moment of the season.


"Hiding" the digimon from the parents was a ridiculously tired cliche, you'll recall. The fact they finally just came right out and let the family deal with the masquerade being revealed and actually be sensible about it is a massive breath of fresh air, not to mention as Dresden says, there's a very good reason the mother is totally unsurprised about this.


But yeah, I'm having a little difficulty why you seem to think Savers is ridiculous when at this point in the show, Adventure was having the children come across magical gears that turn digimon stereotypically evil for no real plot reason (Devimon is evil because... I guess virus types just do that sort of thing? Seriously, no Adventure antagonist had an actual motivation... except maybe Puppetmon I suppose...) and spend a disproportionate amount of time outside of their clothing. You'll notice an entire episode revolved around a chicken turning the kids to stone when they took a cruise in the middle of their journey, and was defeated by the girls while they were changing. This served as one of the character's focus episodes.


Not that Savers didn't have it's weird moments (Citramon is my favorite dub edit of all time), but my point is that Digimon isn't normally incredibly serious fair and I'm honestly baffled what you're getting 'ridiculous' from. If you're talking about Masaru punching out digimon, that's because he's badass. If it makes you feel any better, it's almost certain that it's his Digisoul that's doing most of the damage, rather than the actual punch itself.


But if you were wondering, episode 12 is when the real plot starts to get going, everything before that is basically setup.

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As I recall, Devimon was part of a group of evil Digimon that consisted of himself, Myotismon and the Dark Masters whose aim was to control the Digital World. Devimon wnated to achieve this by using his Black Gears, which were laced with his own power. Thus his Black gears caused Digimon to go mad.

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Huh? Oh, now I guess.

  • My stalwart spirit, the conviction to do the best and be the best. With my might I strike at thee. HEAD! ARM! CHEST! Who am I?
  • I bend to the trees, my hunger so vast. I consume all, and all in the canopies I call home. Though, to be honest I should've had 'Des' in my name. Who am I?
  • I am defined to the rugged Texan land. My namesake is the former, and Your Best Friend. And Man, do you know it. Who am I?

And go.

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umm... I'm going to try for 3!


My guess would be Palmon since throughout the first season her partner's design was based off of a cowgirl, which a Texas stereotype is for a girl. I also guess Palmon becuase of her Digivolution Togemon who is based off a cactus which Texas is known for having an abundance of. It is also said somewhere that Palmon best befriend girls of their same personality types and since i am a girl and have a personality close to that of a Palmon (at least the one from adventure) i know we can become best friends.



I hope i got this right... although i don't think i did but i want this Digimon becuase it apparently has something to do with Texas my home.

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I bend to the trees, my hunger so vast. I consume all, and all in the canopies I call home. Though, to be honest I should've had 'Des' in my name. Who am I?

I wanna' guess:


.....I'm probably way off, but Kuwagamon just came to mind out of nowhere and seemed to fit the description quite well.

Plus, the last line is pretty much what got me thinking.

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I wouldn't allow for champion level partners, but you were absurdly close Arm. I will give you one clue, the Digimon of riddle #2 is indeed a bug.


Also, sure, he GOT the answer to the riddle. But it's not exactly on reserve now is it? First come first serve, even more so when you're eligible.


Now that I have time and YCM hasn't crashed, I beieve it's time I gave you all the skinny on what's going on with the battle system. Now, given the successful work with LZ, I will indeed be using this system.


Mkay now, your Digimon partners will have these given stats:




HP: Health Points, obviously. Get to 0 and the Digimon is knocked out. Pretty simply really.

STR: Strength. Determines the maximum number of sides your attack dice will have and thus the damage you will deal.

END: Endurance. This stat determines how much damage you reduce per hit. It is per hit and thus reduces each hit and not the cumulative total.

AGI: Agility. This stat determines how many attacks you will make in a turn. If you have an AGI of 4, you will be able to attack 4 times.

STA: Stamina. This stat determine for how many turns your partner can be in their Super Evolved state for. Once it runs out you get de-digivolved. STA increases by 1 per turn and oyu can Cho Shinka once more once it reaches the maximum total (or 5 points).

JUST: Your Justice stat, a very special one I decided to throw in. It starts off at 0, but increases by 1 per successful hit your partner takes. Enemy Digimon don't have this stat. Your Partner getting KOed reduces this stat to 0. Whilst fleeing a battle halves it. If your JUST stat gets to 100, somehting special occurs.


Side note as well, if we see your JUST stat getting too high (about 70), I will allow the Clock Maker out to hunt you down and prevent you from getting to 100 by wasting you. You will need to be sneaky about getting around that if you hope to make use of the stat.



Now then, battle.


In battle, it is relatively quite simple. Using a RNG/dice roll sim, you roll a number of die equal to your AGI stat. The maximum number possible of the RNG/Dice is equal to your STR.


So, if your partner has an AGI of 3 and a STR of 20, you can roll 3 attack die with the chance of doing 1-20 damage.


Normally, you have initiative, but sometimes I may decide to jump you guys instead.


Of course, full damage is near impossible, due to the END stat.


Now, say you attacked 3 times, and the hit damages are: 14, 4 & 16. And the enemy has 5 END.


R1: 14 - 5 = 9

R2: 4 - 5 = -1 = 0

R3: 16 - 5 = 11


Now, as you saw, any attack damages of 5 or below will fail to deal any damage to a target with 5 END. So, from those 3 attacks, 20 damage was dealt to the target.


Of course, now you're probably asking about Cho Shinkas and Xrossing. I am still working on Cho Shinka, but as far as Xrossing goes, they are glorified power-ups. Take LZ's Agumon: If he Xrosses it with Terriermon, Terriermon will gain bonus STR due to the nature of Agumon being relatively physical. Given that the Agumon did possess an STR of 15 for the beta hunt, the STR gained from Xrossing would be half of Agumon's.


However, not all Xrosses result in stat boosts, but they may provide other useful benefits.


So 15/2 = 7.5


A half stat is no good, and due to needing all the help you'll need, any half amounts round up.


7.5 -> 8


And thus, Terriermon would gain 8 STR whilst Xrossed with Agumon.


Now, Xrossing is indefinate, however, if heavy damage is taken, the Xros will be stressed and broken. Xrossing doesn't take up a turn btw.


Now then, I will also add that in some Hunts, Xrossing and/or Cho Shinkaing may be banned by the rules. This may be due to a certain numbers of things, such as target's power level or if I'm just a douche.



Now then, as YCM was down yesterday, I never did get to deal with the Secondary Pings. Primary Pings during Hunts refer to the Digimon target. Secondary Pings refer to unusual anomalies that may be detected as well. Their riddles and/or clues are harder to get than normal hunts, but finding the Secondary Ping locations may be very rewarding.


Speaking of which, I picked up a Secondary Ping not to long ago and came up with this:



I sell my wares on all the streets, and in any courtz,

You ain't know what I gots, and why that I fought.

But with my skills and my unending watch.

I'll have the funds to buy me a digital swatch.


And go...

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I wouldn't allow for champion level partners, but you were absurdly close Arm. I will give you one clue, the Digimon of riddle #2 is indeed a bug.


Also, sure, he GOT the answer to the riddle. But it's not exactly on reserve now is it? First come first serve, even more so when you're eligible.


I guess i forgot... but i did do allot of research and now know what Digimon it is almost for sure. At least 80% sure

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Except the Fusion Hybrids are kind of tacked on anyway (Mercuremon, Grumblemon, Arbormon, and Ranamon don't even have them) and IIRC were created by Ophanimon after the fact, so you could argue that they were made to work best with the humans, thus, since Tommy's 8, he gets a giant popsicle eating penguin.


Also, in what universe is a giant penguin attacking with popsicles not more awesome than a fairy with a plane on her back attacking with a pinwheel?

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