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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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Well poppets, after a bit of work, the hunt is now ready. Much like obtianing your partners, finding the location of the wild Digimon is obtained through a keen eye and some good reasoning. There will be various ways in which we divulge the location.


Of course, the location could be ANYWHERE in the YCM forums (not literally IN them). The Digimon could be hiding in any thread in any part of the forum, which makes is easily much tougher to locate them. But there are various ways in which to get closer to the mons, such as specifying the sub-forums over the threads.


If you think you know where the Digimon is, you pm the area you want to go to. After a day, I will post the results for those who failed to find a mon. Those who guess right (first) will be engaged in a battle witht he wild one. Should you succeed, you can choose to either let it fade away, or capture it. So, here comes the clue in poem form.



You cannot Cho Shinka.

You cannot Xros because you have nothing to Xros with.


Dennis had a birthday, he got big red car.

Little Iris had a birthday, where she fell in tar.

And when Greta had a birthday, they all made her smile.

But then our Ingor had a birthday, where he got a dog pile.

Cause then wee little Quentin had a birthday, it was good.

And the day after our Uter had his birthday, where he chopped wood.

Following on from yesterday when dear Adrian had his birthday.

Cause then little by little came sweet Rita's big day.

But to digress to our sweet day came Travis's birthday.

Lastly but not the least with a repeat was Zac's birthday.



Happy Hunting.



Side note for discussion purposes, I think I know why Taiki and Yuu aren't the ones claiming Digimon. Considering they got their Xros Loaders one year earlier, from Omnimon and the Darkness Loader respectivelyl they wouldn't be the same models as the one the Clock Maker was handing out. So, I don't think that they would have the capture feature inbuilt.

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I didn't even consider the capture feature. If it's actually impossible for them to capture Digimon, then I can forgive that, but Yuu still needs to get some allies. In fact, doesn't this mean that Taiki can ignore the limitations regarding the Xros Loader?


Also, guys, the riddles aren't hard. You just need to figure out the reference.

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I didn't even consider the capture feature. If it's actually impossible for them to capture Digimon, then I can forgive that, but Yuu still needs to get some allies. In fact, doesn't this mean that Taiki can ignore the limitations regarding the Xros Loader?


Also, guys, the riddles aren't hard. You just need to figure out the reference.


Its the main character syndrome...the rules don't pertain to him XD

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No, he read the rules, he's probably have to abide by them.


No Big Bad, the clue refers to an area in the YCM Forums, read the text above it to get the details.


Also, I did forget one thing, you have a week to figure out the clue. Fail to find it in that time, and the Clock Maker gets himself a new Digimon.

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3 Peter Pan Digimon (CaptainHookmon? Really?) and two more Journey to the West Digimon (One looks reminiscent of Bagramon and DarkKnightmon IMO, the other looks like Mervamon with more fanservice and a big cudgel instead of a sword)

lol that's hilarious. Although Petermon and Ginkakumon look awesome.


Are these digimon even legal?

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Petermon and CaptainHookmon actually look pretty cool, and I like the idea of Hookmon getting an evolution. Tinkermon's design is odd, but could work as Kazemon's Rookie, depending on what level she actually is.


Ginkakumon looks awesome, but the glass in his chest that seems to be blocking some kind of creature reminds me of the Shredder. There's really nothing to say about Kinkakumon. I know that they're based on Journey to the West characters, but I can only think of the Naruto characters named after them, and Kinkaku was a guy in Journey to the West.

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