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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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Why is everyone going for the black xloader???? I picked my colors a long time ago but ow that there is someone baller enough to make them everyone is going for black. Also my colors go with my digimon so there.


Because black is a cool color? Granted, if I flipped the colors on the Xros Loader, it would be more fitting for Guilmon and WarGrowlmon, but I prefer the design I have requested. Yes, it's silly for three people to have a Xros Loader with the same predominant color, but it works.

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Last night, I was playing Digimon Rumble Arena, and it had me thinking. Given that the DR2 was based during the time of Frontier, aren't we overdue for a new one now? COnsidering we're up to the seventh Season.


Also, discuss fond memories from the Rumble Arena and Battle Spirit series.

I was actually re-playing Digimon Rumble Arena 2 last night.

I ended up unlocking all Digimon except for BlackAgumon & BlackGabumon. :3


LZ, that is awesome. xD

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I loved Diaboromon in DR2, he was so deliciously broken, as was Duskmon with his Ghost Move attack.


Slight point of interest, DR2 is what ignited my love for the Diaboromon line.

Duskmon was fun to abuse.

I used Ghost Move and Up+Square(forgot the name of the move :L) and spammed that.


DR2 was one of my favourite PS2 games when I was younger, and still is. :3

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