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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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First of all Dresden, I must consider the feelings of the members of my club, I willingly let LZ go after you scared him off. I accepted the loss of members we had that were caused by, umm, you.


But now, I must hold you within the same standards as any other member, Senior Hunter or not. I told you quite simply that given the title of your pm, I would have to hold you to your decision. However, I never said you were suspended, I said I merely considering it. The way you replied seemed ot me that you had accepted what I had said, then completely blew it out of proportion.

  1. I NEVER said you were getting kicked out.
  2. I NEVER said you were instantly being suspended as a Senior Hunter.
  3. YOU assumed you were getting kicked out.
  4. YOU were the one who questioned my judgement when I gave very reasonable evidence as to why I chose him.
  5. YOU were the only one who had issues with Nex's appointment.

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I'm going to try to not get involved in the Internet drama, but.....


The "fight" Dresden and I had way back when may have been the cause for my initial leaving, but I do respect his vast knowledge of the series. Our two personalities just don't mix, imo. I wouldn't mind trying again, but that doesn't seem to be the case/in my hands.


On another note, the next episode is subbed so later.

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For the whole Dresden thing all I can say was that oddly despite it seeming to revolve around me, I was actually left out of it.


For future incidents, I would like it if any issues people had were actually presented to me instead of people trying to go over my head.


Otherwise it would be impossible for me to actually take your issues into account or really sympathize with your concerns.


In other news, I read Broken's post like Hauntar and was like "Oh sweet, the cross over everyone was thinking about but no one dared to dream about."


But then Chaos posted it was a human so I got sad.


In other news Dobermon did have a human partner beforehand, that lolita chick from tamers.


She was weird because she didn't really show up much but their was a vast amount of backstory about her anyway on the wikia. Not sure how it worked as it's been awhile since I checked up on it for things besides Y's game.


I kinda would find it hilarious if Doberman's power to turn into a bunch of pretty colors that let you achieve more powerful digivolutions was actually consistent throughout his appearances.


It just seemed like such a random power to give a dog.

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How long has Alfius been here he seems familiar but I can't remember seeing him until recently did he change his stuff???


Alot longer than you sonny-boy ;)


It's been a while since I've been this level of member in the club.


And I can't wait to see Dobermon as a proper partner, not just a Digimon alongside a human. The lolita girl is Alice, by the way. But the sacraficial lightshow isn't a power inherant to Dobermon. He was programmed by the monster makers to have that ability. It could just have easily been any other digimon.

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As mentioned prior I think it would be really cool if the kendo guy returns and gets a partner who he xrosses into a sword or something and basically winds up being a crouching moron hidden badass. Still pretty much nothing against Taiki because well, genius and what not but he pretty much fights a bigass sword digimon in one on.. um one and a half (if you count he's sword as half a person because while its a living being, its now a weapon so it can't fully count) and then beats him and it's all like






And thats how the comic relief got the Gaomon (or whoever that samurai wargreymon's name is) to join Xros Army.


I swear i would start watching the anime just to see that but from what i've read on wiki it's just


Nope, you have to go back now, you're just not that interesting. Go on, shoo.


Which is a shame because their is a lot of character development to be had in being that one guy who is trying to beat someone who is basically better at him in everything. Just the ultimate small fry trying to rise to the top.


Which given that Xros was a bunch of rebels really, would have really been fitting.


Though I think what would be the best thing is just


Suddenly, Taiki goes to Devittarmon (the egg digimon) resteraunt.






Just a random callback, it would have been pretty awesome.


Who is even the villian now though? Is it still Bagramon?

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Yeah why would an old man be dangerous, it's not like he is pretty much chessmastering everything what with giving random a******s digivices.


OR that the other old man Gennai didn't manage to ultimately stick it to Piedmon and was pretty much responsible for the victory of the digidestined in the first session.


OR that his digimon can CONTROL TIME without even going through it's Digivolution.




I kinda want it to be a chaosmon who is the result of a failed Xross or something.


That would be cool.

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A redesigned Chaosmon...because I don't want to see the Leomon part. Plus I feel like Chaosmon isn't one digimon, but the entire idea of failed combining digimon.


Which lets me say that Chimeramon is Chaosmon's ultimate. 3=


EDIT: Just looked up info on Chaosmon and it appears that my thinking is actually what is known....so yeah.....feeling a little awkward.

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I doubt that maybe he gains something from the hunt itself like as they fight they release energy that he takes in and he plans to do something crazy with it. or maybe the digimon serve some purpose in the DigiQuartz and he wants to get rid of them through the hunt, then there's the chance that it will somehow help him conquer the digital world I mean Shoutmon isn't there anymore so maybe that was part of his plan all along.


Also so far for the other team of hunters Ryouma is my favorite member he seems like the least ^*%&*% of them.

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