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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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Hee, hee, so you want to play a game?


Let me indulge you then. See if you prey can turn the tables. I have here eight digimon, weak but yet strong in the same way. Which one is true depends on how you raise them I suppose.


Maybe you may even prove better then me.


Dresden and Roxas already got their pets, play nice with them.


Now just to choose the rest.


I hope your minds aren't feeble enough to fail to comprehend that the ansewer is also which digimon they are.


First riddle, I've been seen in the shadow of a dynasty, but in time it was I who made those royal. What am I?


Second Riddle, In the future I will search for the things to make my wishes come true, but now all I have is my faith, who am I?


Third Riddle, We are all out of me and releasing on time. So who am I?


Fourth Riddle, Im useless now, but once I cross I will become a Queen, what am I?


Fifth Riddle, When you slumber you create my nourishment, what am I?


Sixth Riddle, I am just recently hatched but maybe I will become a god, who am I?


Play little kids, lets see. Can you beat a mind such as mine.


~Clockmaster Y

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You must answer only one riddle and you can only give an answer once a day.Don't be greedy.


Also when you fail I will laugh at you.


Also no riddle can be answered in the freak case it was solved. These are easy and self explanatory but your brains are too pitiful for me to assume so.

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I had my doubts about that one but he was the only digimon I could think of that fit the clues, of course I'm sick and am at about 20% so my next answer will hopefully be better.


Also wouldn't it be better for everyone if you shortened the time to 12 hours instead of 24 that way we could get this hole thing finished sooner.

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AWW man none for me ok

The answer for six is plain as can be

the answer is puttimon can't you see?


I can see that your wrong if thats what your getting at.



And Trimage the point is for me to see which of you are deserving the chance to get these pets, not to get this done fast. If this honestly takes to long then I will have a vote to see who gets the last one or something.


And no, only one riddle. Anything else would be stupid.

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Seems like it. Given that his specialty seems to be manipulation, it seems likely that most of Ren's hunts were done with his teammates doing most of the work.


Though why he's so set against using his own power as a battery for Super Evolution is strange.The only explanation I can figure is that he's either INCAPABLE of doing it himself, or he knows something about Clockmaker Super Evolution that we don't.

I was wondering why he suddenly decided Dracmon needed to be able to evolve, when it just clicked; remember what happened last episode? Dracmon and Astamon fought OmegaShoutmon and presumably got curbstomped. Ren probably figured that if their enemies were so powerful, they needed to take it to the next level as well.


Also, not all digimon sucked into DigiQuartz go nuts apparently; that was actually a reasonably surprising twist. The show is successful for at least making me intrigued about what the hell is up with DigiQuartz.

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