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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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I need to catch up last episode I saw was the first time we see Quartzmon, thinking about it i find it is really lame that they just injected the characters from the other season and really really lazy.


Not really. They did a foreshadowy thing and had the good graces to introduce a pair of them an episode early; I'd agree if they literally came out of nowhere, but they did take a little time with this.


Granted, I think it would have been much better if they'd done as LZ said- introduced an old character every episode or so to help out another group of Hunters doing something. That could have been interesting, and a much better use of the twenty-odd filler episodes we got instead.

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Except it would still prevent the season from standing on its own, which has been my complaint for Time Hunters before it even began. That 67 took an otherwise perfect filler-ish episode (It's not entirely filler because Locomon and Kiichi show up in the very next episode) and decided it had to recycle the plot of Runaway Locomon was just desperate.


I actually liked Tagiru in episode 67, as he was a very good friend and his usual traits that I hate don't show up, but 68 just reverted him back to his annoying self. I actually would have preferred if Kiichi and Locomon were main characters instead of Tagiru. Gumdramon has been hit and miss for me, but he's been more enjoyable to watch than Tagiru.

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79 is subbed already. As mugen said, it is rather rushed. Tagiru kills Quartzmon. Oh no, I spoiled the amazingly unexpected ending for everyone! We get to see Arresterdramon SM again, which is nice. Still doesn't get called an evolution or mode change of any sort though, which is pretty annoying. Overall, it was a good end to a good series. The hunting filler eps were all good, except for a few which I won't name. Only thing they could've done better was added some more plot and a lot sooner too. LZ's idea could've worked pretty well, just like most other suggestions for DigiQuartz's plot. I guess now we just have to wait and see if we will get another series, or if hunters killed it.


On another note, welcome Yoyo. Hope you have fun hunting. Just don't do what I did. And don't ask about it either. *Facepalms* Why, oh why do I always keep speaking a sentence to long?

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All in its due time, all in its due time.


You just be glad we managed to bring out the soft side of that decrepit old man.


Heh, I am. Guess I'll just start waiting 'til the "old man" whose 19 gets back over here =P


Also, is that save lilamon mission still happening, or have you guys finished it already? What happened/is happening with that anyway?

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Heh, I am. Guess I'll just start waiting 'til the "old man" whose 19 gets back over here =P


Also, is that save lilamon mission still happening, or have you guys finished it already? What happened/is happening with that anyway?


You're thinking WAY ahead of yourself there.


You don't even have your surprise yet, don't think of missions NOW.

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I just watched the last episode, and...well that was... anticlimactic.


No resolution on that ring-thingy that Gumdramon wears? No retribution for Ren for being colossally evil? Nothing? That's... it?

Well. I guess they left it open for another series, if they ever wanted to go that way.


I'm largely just shocked at how darned short it is. A little shy of thirty episodes if I count correctly, only a little more than half that of a normal season- which makes sense, because we only had one arc in the entire run.

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I just watched the last episode, and...well that was... anticlimactic.


No resolution on that ring-thingy that Gumdramon wears? No retribution for Ren for being colossally evil? Nothing? That's... it?

Well. I guess they left it open for another series, if they ever wanted to go that way.


I'm largely just shocked at how darned short it is. A little shy of thirty episodes if I count correctly, only a little more than half that of a normal season- which makes sense, because we only had one arc in the entire run.


Well, the original, first half of Xros Wars happened similarly, with an annoyingly open ending.


And the fact that DigiQuartz is gone now probably means hunting would become more similar to what Tamers was.


...And since Quartzmon's restrictions are gone, they should be able to reload all of their Digimon at once.



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Well, the original, first half of Xros Wars happened similarly, with an annoyingly open ending.


And the fact that DigiQuartz is gone now probably means hunting would become more similar to what Tamers was.


...And since Quartzmon's restrictions are gone, they should be able to reload all of their Digimon at once.




Yes, but nobody had any doubt that we'd get a second half of Xros Wars. That was basically just an arc conclusion. This one appears to the be the series' finale- it doesn't look like we're getting any more to Xros Wars.


Yeah, I think they'd have a lot of potential to continue from this point on; I'm sure it'll end up done in fanfic form even if they don't do anything official with it. Digimon still seem to be crossing over for some reason, DarkKnightmon is still MIA, and all the Xros Loaders still seem to work; Anyone else think it's reasonable to assume that the Cho Shinkas here came from Bagramon's personal power here?


Though here's something I've been wondering... what the hell is going to hatch from that Quartzmon egg? And what's Shoutmon going to do with it?

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Let us just hope that if there is indeed an 8th Season, let us hope then tha- Really, can Hunters even COUNT as a Season? I mean, 29 eps in all is pretty week, at least 02 made 50.


You know what, I'll just consider Hunters as still a part of the XW Season, so I now hope that Season 7 is a step up from XW's 3rd arc.

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