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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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And besides, it's nice to see the old teams again really. Because hey, messing about the time-space continuum is always fun, isn't it?


Also, I really do question Sanzomon's motives, she seems to hand out those Kinkoji's like they're god damn candy.

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So we have three people willing to brave the dangers of unknown bandits to save the fair lilamon who we have NEVER MET in the history of ever.


Yup, I have NEVER seen her in my LIFE. So anyway is anyone else going to help this RANDOM BYSTANDER?


Or am I going to have to be a placeholder AGAIN?


Or better yet behold my latest and greatest invention.... CARDBOARDER C!


It looks just like me but is secretly just a clever decoy via unique cardboardcutout technology.


You can take him on your rescue mission and be inspired by my beautiful face.

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Okay, so I just watched the raw episode, and Arresterdramon Superior Mode happens in this episode as well as the appearance of the old characters.


Oh, and they're not given XrosLoaders, they kept their old Digivices.

Now we just have to wait for it to be subbed to understand the explainations of the hunt and it's crazy goings on.

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Watched the subbed and I have to even like the filler-esque start. Tai and Marcus are so badass. <3


I'm glad that Taiki remembered WarGreymon from the DigiMemories, but I would've liked more time between them being saved and Tagiru stealing the spotlight, again. How is it that they could afford a ton of filler episodes but packed the return of former characters, the foreshadowing of Ryouma, and a Superior Mode all in one episode? Especially since they didn't need Tagiru to do anything. :/


Kiriha x Nene scene was cute, too.

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I still love the hilarity between Superior Modes, I mean, all Arresterdramon had to do was wear a bangle and realize he had a friend. All Shoutmon had to do was XROS WITH EVERY DIGIMON ON THE PLANET (that wasn't Bagramon, SkullKnightmon, DeadlyAxemon or Damemon)! It goes to show really.


Still, I can't wait to see more Quartzmon, they have THE BEST reaction faces.

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Okay so Ryo is evil part of some evil plot or something similar to a Hidden GM for the digimon hunt, and as far as Arrestamon Superior Mode goes it feels a lot like SHoutmon's cho shinkaing over the other peoples because the source of the power is something other then human or digimonand I have a theory about that. Instead of having the normal levels Xross Wars ranks digimon on a ranking system, digimon rank F-B will grow on their own over time and their is nothing you can do, rank A-S digimon will grow on their own but can draw strength from humans in order to enter a more powerful form in the case of A rank digimon it is their strongest, and as for S rank digimon they need something more then the power of their partner to change into their most powerful form. So most digimon you see are ranks F-B this so far includes Dobermon, then most partner digimon are rank A this includes digimon who were only parters in the manga and that is why they can up the numbering on Shoutmon, then we have Shoutmon and Gumdramon who are Rank S where Shoutmon gets his final form from the Omega inforce Gumdramon gets it from that ring on his tail. I also rank Hunters in which Tagiru is a D which puts his score with partner at around a C so just the 2 of them that is what they should go for. As for the Helpers it may be possible that they are not the original digidestined but a copy that the clock maker made so that humanity wouldn't be destroyed we'll have to watch to see but I am very happy about who we saw in the last episode, and as for the plot coming in I feel they succeeded in putting it in in a dose we could handle.


YAY paragraph!!!!!!!!!!

Last thing I feel like it would have been better if they called Arrestermon's new form something like Ascension Mode instead of Superior.

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From what I understand, the Kinkoji was designed to supress Gumdramon's power until he had a partner who could bring out the best in him, so, technically, Superior Mode should in fact be the true form of Arresterdramon.


Also, we still need one more Hunter if we would stand a chance against those pirates, or if you prefer you can let Lilamon day, s'all cool.


Oh yeah Tri, you should look back over the pages to check out new functions I've added to the Hunting Game.

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From what I understand, the Kinkoji was designed to supress Gumdramon's power until he had a partner who could bring out the best in him, so, technically, Superior Mode should in fact be the true form of Arresterdramon.


Also, we still need one more Hunter if we would stand a chance against those pirates, or if you prefer you can let Lilamon day, s'all cool.


I'd be willing to help save Lilamon, but there's not really much point in me saying so.


On the topic of ep76 and Arresterdramon SM I'd like to know how he was able to just digivolve/2nd chou shinka/mode change so easily, and just why it was called Superior mode. Also, seems like we're finally gonna get some plot. If anyone wants to know what'll be happening in episodes 77-79, you can read the episode descriptions here; (Spoiler alert! Don't say I didn't warn you!) http://bokutachinodi...aries.html#more


Although next week looks like yet another filler episode, the preview does show the return of Kiriha, Nene, Akari and Zenjirou (hopefully they won't just be cameoing for 1 episode like their last times), Tagiru and Ryouma's team finally agreeing to work together, Infermon beating the crap out of everyone, and a bit of the X7 sequence, which leads me to say it looks like another of the good filler episodes, as well as featuring a bit of plot from what the episode descriptions say.

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My guess is the Quartzmon are what make up digiquatrz and they themselves do something similar to hunting though in their case it is more like eating digimon and the purpose for the digimon hunt is to slow them down/power people up enough to stop them.

Also I checked the last 5ish pages and couldn't find the new mechanics unless it is the stuff with Noir which I saw before I left. Also I had some game mechanics that you've probably thought of Broken but maybe 1 of my ideas you haven't thought of so can I PM them to you?

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PM them to me, either way it gets to both of us.


Anyway we added a title thing as well and we are redesigning your loaders to allow usage of something called spirit.


However for you the point is moot since the title was only given to Mugen and the only other ones that exist belong to me and Broke.


You will thus not get one for a while.


Also the spirit gauge is not planned yet.

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