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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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We can call it, Mugen's adventure in getting his ass kicked land.


How did you guess the name of my fanfic!?


I apologize for this. Now, I am going to sleep, my brilliant mind needs sleep. Discuss the updates amongst yourself, and Hydra? NO PMs!




Anyway, the Noir Bar has a couple of effects as far as I can see. Firstly, it eliminates the opportunity for Agi stacking (though I note those who got lucky on their initial rolls for Agi still have the strongest partners), while simultaneously giving us the option to build our partner's stats in a direct fashion rather than hoping we roll something we want. Secondly, it cuts the stat bonuses we get from Noir in half- that can be either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how much Noir they give out.


At a rate of, say, 1 Noir a week, it's going to get pretty ridiculous in the length of time it takes to gain any stat bonuses; about three months for the first bar charge, assuming we never go Hunting at all. Obviously if they increase the amount of Secondary Pings, the amount of Noir given out or give us more opportunities outside of Pings to earn Noir, this will decrease.


Obviously, this will discourage us from going after any Primary Pings; so far, all the enemy digimon we've encountered have outclassed us to the point where it's impossible to defeat them without the Unlimited Endurance at the very least (technically we've also needed the double strength at the same time), so if we want stats bonuses we'll be trying to conserve our charges. The solution to this, I'd think, is to either make the average Hunt a lot easier than it's been thusfar (either so we don't ALWAYS have to spend a charge to stand a chance, or so we won't feel like we're going to fail anyway), or give us additional rewards aside from Digimon on hunts, especially to the people who fail to capture the mark.


I note that the Noir Bar is basically the same thing as an experience bar, so you could probably label the parner digimon by Level depending on how many times the Noir Bar has been filled. Since you have that mechanic, you could use level for determining other things if you needed to (Number of Special Attacks, stuff like that).

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And for those who lost in their rounds, each of you obtain a can of DigiNoir.
Does that include me? *Smiles hopefully* Please GM (or Clockmaker nevex if you're allowed to decide). I'll be good. *Whimpers*


P.s. I know I don't really have a X Loader anymore, the one in my signature is just what I'd like my new one to look like (if I ever get a new one, that is).

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How did you guess the name of my fanfic!?


I told him.


Because I didn't like Chaos being the main character.





Like I talked to Broken about a few hours ago, with the introduction of the Noir Bar, the act of keeping our Soild, countable cans of Noir in our Loaders have been rendered pointless.


We can expend and roll our Noir to charge our bars as soon as we get them, because the so-called other uses for solid Noir have not been introduced, let alone explained.


So for the time being, we might as well click away our Noir as soon as we get it. Although I'm still waiting for traps.

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Also more importantly isnt Noir just a snack food.


Why are cheerios so vital in combat?


No, it's not. It's in french , sir.


Cheerios, the example you put forward, would be much more powerful if they were called Cheerhios, with a french accent. But no, we just have to pronounce it like the mainstream society we are.


Such a waste.

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Ah, forgot to say didn't I?


There is another variant of Noir that we will be using, known as Essence of Noir. In effect, it doesn't give you stats, but it does give a Charge. It's pretty much the same as having a water over a soft drink.


Also, the bar exists primarily because the 'expire after a day' clause was hard to keep track of and kind of impractical. It's also there because now it'll make you guys think of whether you want combat benefits, or bonus stat points; the only thing it's cutting in half is having Double base level Str in battle, or double Sta. And if you're a good enough guesser or you went second, you'l know which one you need.


There is no point labeling with levels, the Charges will eventually cap @50, so, really, you'd be capped at level 5.


And I hope you remember about Tertiary Pings, as they will end up being a little bit different than other pings. Also, what makes you think that just because the Noir Charge exists that we'd make the Hunts psycho powerful now? You're kind of overthinking this.


Last thing, why should we reward failure?

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Yeah... no.


Okay Hunters, I have an assignment for you all: We have little knowledge about the DigiQuartz in which we have been Hunting in, so litthe that unknown Dangers could very easily cost you your lives.


So, whilst Y is updating the systems and function of your Xros Loaders, I will ask you all to seek out one area of DigiQuartz and record important factors such as terrain, Digimon that may live there, the co-ordinates and anomalies.


However, I advise caution to avoid battle whenever possible, as there may be dangers lurking that you could not possibly beat. So, be careful; and also, those exploring the Life area, I STRONGLY advise you to avoid the Goodbye section. The negative energy there attracted the Sepukkumon cult; and, sufficed to say, it's best to avoid them AT ALL times, that is, unless you enjoy occupying a small decorative urn.


Whilst you are away, Thunder will be cleaning the bathrooms; that is all.

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We're back.


Here's your first entry.


[spoiler=The TCG Zone]

.:This report concerns a specific Zone of DigiQuartz, located in the Yu-Gi-Oh! quadrant:.


The TCG Zone, which for my amusement and to fill an empty acronym have called Treacherous Chrome Gear Zone, is a spherical labyrinth centered around a shifting sphere of gravity, attracting any bypassers towards it with a medium to potent pull.


This Zone feeds off human's pride and arrogance to breed new Digimon, deep down at its core.


Due to the immense amount of poorly-organized data that composes this Zone, and due to the constant addition of said information into countless new sectors every day, searching for a hunting target can prove to be incredibly difficult for most.


Those with an experienced eye, and knowledge of the origin of this information however, can see through the tricky maze and locate a prey in an unfairly short time.


Several humans, who inhabit this Zone permanently, supply the core of the maze with different levels of arrogance. This leads gravity to shift at different times, sometimes progressively (thus allowing zero gravity for a certain period of time), sometimes abruptly.


This Zone is deeply tied to a different Zone in the same Quadrant, Your Deck.


In this zone can be found the same kind of data found in TCG, save for the fact that it is neatly organized and compressed into different blocks of Data. Whereas finding a specific target dwelling in this Zone which proves to be immensely bigger than TCG is harder, this place can be used to gather general information on the target's nature.


Finally, Digimon to be found in this Section have yet to be recorded. After all, I'd have hunted them had I encountered any.


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Also more importantly isnt Noir just a snack food.


Why are cheerios so vital in combat?


Probably because Digimon fight best after a good breakfast? Also, could I please have a can? I did lose in the other rounds...


Also, would I be allowed one of the new updated Xros Loaders please. I'll be good. I promise. *Whimpers*


Except I'm not cleaning those toilets until Mugendramon agrees to find somewhere else for a day. Seriously, these loos are clogged full of metal and Rookie level or lower digimon data, which is almost impossible to get out with this 10-year-old... brissly stick.


Finally, I'm not moaning at all, but is there a way that I could ever get out of Dame Square? I'm just asking, that's all.

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Good news, everybody! I have returned from the Creative Writing Zone, and determined it is a safe location for everyone! And certainly doesn't include any Deadly, Deadly Giant Fish. Not at all. Why, it's positively swimming with potential and surprises!


[spoiler= Creative Writing Zone]


Location: part of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Sextant, but distinct from its neighbouring zones, Your Deck and TCG


The Creative Writing Zone (Hereafter the CW Zone) is a massive column of water that appears, at first blush, to be a large stone bowl containing water and a few small islands floating atop. The temperature is fairly balmy, with a climate hospitable to palm trees and resort-like island areas. Data Flow from human creativity shapes these islands, from which various digimon tend to put on amateur and professional stage shows; as such, the CW Zone identifies itself as one of the last centers and holdovers of Digimon Culture. The Kabukimon Chinese Theatre, in particular, is one of the longest-running and oldest institutions, having seen acting stars from across the dimensions over the years, collecting their handprints in the Cement Sand left around it.


Smaller islands form quite frequently atop the waters, but are usually preyed upon by wild Crabmon for their raw data. In this cases, the loose data falling from the crumbling islands is absorbed by the water and compacted to a ludicrous degree as it descends; a side effect of this compression is that timespace experiences a minor breakdown that builds the farther one sinks downward in the CW Zone, which does not appear to have a bottom. While the zone only appears to be a few hundred fathoms deep when observed from the side, it is deeper on the inside; objects sink until they are eventually worn away by the timespace pressure inflicted on them, or destroyed by the digital water itself.


As a side effect of the massive pressure experienced as data sinks deep into the ground, particularly powerful bits of code and data that manage to get caught on a wall or retain buoyancy at a certain point tend to be kept in a stasis and do not degenerate any further; this can lead to surprising secrets as one descends, such as half of a powerful Piratemon's treasure ship being stuck in the pressure itself, or a trove of treasure existing off to one side of a natural cave. Likewise, however, digimon who can survive at these particular depths are monstrously strong and experience a natural mutation known as Deep-Data Gigantism, granting them superior size over shallower-dwelling digimon. Particularly dangerous are the Dagomon, which lurk just out of sight in the deepest areas of the Ocean, where light fades to zero; their true sizes are unknown, due to rarely leaving their dark shelter, but are estimated to be truly gigantic.


While I was unable to substantiate such rumours, there are whispers that in the deepest, darkest pit of the Zone, where the pressure is enough to crush even a mega to dust and the data finally settles onto a seabed of distorted dimension, the Demon Lord Leviamon makes his den, breathing out data in the form of Anima and encouraging the growth of everything above him; theories dictate that the constant growth of new islands is due to the data Leviamon releases through this.


SubZone: The Role Playing Zone


A dominion of the CR Zone, the RP Zone is a set of labyrinthine tunnels that run from the largest island deep down into the depths of the rest of the zone. Affected more poignantly by the warping around them, what appears to be a very simple maze of tunnels is anything but- without a strong mind, one will find themselves constantly walking away from the depths.


The RP Zone is at the direct core of the CR Zone, and is the focal point for the most conflicting data- resulting in a spiderlike web of pathways that all end to some destination or another. Pressure collects slower in the RP Zone, rending more of the artifacts that tumble into it useable; as such, powerful treasure collects quite quickly for those to take. The RP Zone is not, primarily, flooded, and includes a large number of dry tunnels- because of this, they are a common haunt for bounty hunters, thieves and adventurers attempting to make a quick buck. Since the tunnels work by chaotic theory and seem to break the laws of physics more clearly as they get deeper, they can accommodate a truly ridiculous number of secret bases and fortresses without anyone every coming across eachother; indeed, every gang of Piratemon in existence keeps hold somewhere in their depths, without ever stumbling across one of their fellows' camps.


Unlike the CR Zone, the RP Zone has a very definite final floor where there is nowhere else to go except back up; this final area is a massive pit known as the Out Of Character Planning Zone, and is the one spot in the RP Zone that is filled with water. The OOCP Zone is a massive basin with thousands of holes reaching into various spots in the RP Zone, where objects or unlucky digimon who tumble through are caught by a massive whirlpool, crushed under the force of a ridiculous amount of water, and flushed back into the depths of the CR Zone, too deep for any recovery to be possible.

While the current of the OOCP Zone is incredibly powerful, it is possible to resist it. A small network of islands, upheld by a local cabal of Marine Angemon, build large structures that lead into various parts of the RP Zone. By paying a small nominal fee, people are free to use the OOCP Zone as a sort of directory to various sections of the RP Zone, which change quickly. This direction is an invaluable help to navigators of the RP Zone, especially since it prevents them from being killed by the Whirlpool.


In Summation, the CW Zone is one of the largest and most dangerous Zones, but also potentially the most rewarding. The immense pressure of the waste data polishes the intact data into a state where it simply shines.



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Probably because Digimon fight best after a good breakfast? Also, could I please have a can? I did lose in the other rounds...


Also, would I be allowed one of the new updated Xros Loaders please. I'll be good. I promise. *Whimpers*


Except I'm not cleaning those toilets until Mugendramon agrees to find somewhere else for a day. Seriously, these loos are clogged full of metal and Rookie level or lower digimon data, which is almost impossible to get out with this 10-year-old... brissly stick.


Finally, I'm not moaning at all, but is there a way that I could ever get out of Dame Square? I'm just asking, that's all.


Well let's see, I told you I was going to ban you if you didn't keep bringing it up so... I guess you technically got out of Dame Square.


Not the way you would have wanted though.

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Hydra, I've noticed that you haven't been doing episode summaries anymore? Tired of reviewing filler are we?


To be entirely honest, I haven't watched anything since the Ghost episode. I didn't do summaries for the few before that because I watched them all in a batch and I didn't keep track of my thoughts well enough (though I recall being annoyed at how they're suddenly treating Digimon like a big secret NOW. You CANNOT do that after the Locomon episode).


But basically yeah, filler killed my interest in catching up. I'll watch the next episode I haven't gotten to (card games isn't it?) in the morning I suppose, I needed something to do before work anyway.

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You haven't missed much, and the latest ep with the Digimon Land theme park, the one with Sephirotmon. And the card game one was interesting, as it had a white KnightChessmon turn black. But, the next ep apparantly has plot, so, fingers xrosed on that one.

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