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The Warden

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:T From what I heard about her and the others they don't sound like they have a good agenda.


Technically they have the exact same agenda as Xros Heart; namely, to hunt digimon.


The difference is they tend to be a lot more ruthless and self-centered about it, with the possible exception of their leader, who seems to be largely a nice guy. If a little lazy. And willing to overlook Ren's blatant villain and Airu's sociopathy.


If they have another season after Hunters, I'm almost entirely certain it'll be a new continuity, and use a new digivolution mechanic. Why? Well duh, almost every season has a different mechanic from the one previous to it- the only ones who had 'traditional' digivolving were Adventure, Tamers and Savers which were respectively the first season, a total revision of the entire concept, and a dimension where power was gained from punching people.




Now that I think about it... Adventure, Tamers and Savers are also the best three seasons... (Not sure where I'd place Xros Wars at this point, I need some time to ferment my opinion of it.)

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That's strange. I should check to see if I have some weird sort of Damage Control filter on.


I think that officially makes Betamon the tankiest non-Armor partner here- and WaruSeadramon is the tankiest Hunter-controlled digimon period, so far. 1330 health is nothing to sneeze at.


Agi growth would still be nicer though.

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I know. I actually preferred health in this case, since my Agi isn't nearly high enough for me to care terribly about tiny Str increases. I just wanted to reiterate I have one attack per turn in my base form.


I mean, it's tied with Trimage's. Trimage's.


[/insincere complaining. I actually like having a Panzer of a partner, it's fun to have something a little less usual]


Oh tournaments, such a romantic setting. I couldn't help but imagine myself in the position of the prized fighter, hailed by all around me! I'm sure for each of you it's the exact same, fufufu.


Now, I believe it's customary at these sort of ventures to have... side ventures. Of a sort, you understand. Small gambles, bets if you will. Oh not with money, of course! That would simply be silly, as we have no currency. No, I propose we simply bet... favours. Any Hunter's up for a little fun... on the side of the primary game?

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Our Digimon can talk in here? o-o


Hm? No, I just use teal to differentiate my 'in character' speak. Otherwise people might think I'm always an Obviously Evil dick.


Also, I want to say that I did fairly roll Y's partner's stats, there was NO tampering at all, ironic no?


No kidding. That thing has I think the highest average base stats of any of the non-armor partners.


And I wouldn't get too excited, Trimage. Doing some simple probability math reveals that, assume chance doesn't hilariously skew wildly in either way, I'd lose ten times before whittling down Nexev's health (He has only slightly less soak than I do and approximately 7x the damage capacity in a single turn, accounting for his increased strength and agility).


Ah Master Clockmaker, I have to say, I don't feel I'm quite up to your par here... but, of course, I'd be a hypocrite if I turned down a bet simply because the odds were against me, fufufu. I'm sure my ego can take the slight hit in the event that I lose. *dramatic bow*

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That he is Lovely.


Yeha, no kidding Hydra; I was admitably shocked when the results came up, I normally enjoy seeing stat rolls fail half the time, but watching rolls that create a partner that excels in all aspects is quite off-putting, but thankfully, this one ain't an obtainable partner. Also, yes, as things go he has the highest base value of stats out of any non-armour partner period.

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