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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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You were let go.


Okay, current list:








Why don't you be a dear and sign me up. Don't worry I won't pull out THOSE tricks. Sorry Lio, its fun and all but we got to let the other boys play every now and then.


hEEhEE, nO prOblEms mAn. nO OnE hErE Is thAt strOng YEt AnYwAY.


Oh... forgot you were crazy. Nevermind.

Just hand me any old digimon and we shall win this, with TEAMWORK.

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Y here WILL join the tournament if an eighth participant cannot be found. If neither a seventh nor an eighth is found, I'll join as well. We will, of course, use random Digimon to give an even playing field. Lord know thta it shouldn't come to that, but we have to plan this stuff.


It's actually quite fun Lovely, but it would overload the front page to have SO many different .IMGs sitting about. Maybe, in time though, but since we use these to differentiate outselves from our Realtime equivalents, this is more or less necessary for us. Not so for you, since your Hunter/Member selves are one and the same.

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An episode with Ren involves him manipulating someone and then stealing their energy so his digimon becomes stronger, I don't think the main cast would help him with that and I doubt he'd want them to be involved, Airu on the other hand is in love with Yuu so she is going to try to stick to him as much as possible, and as for Ryouma maybe he'd probably observe the situation and then maybe have a conversation with the clockmaker he is probably the hardest one the read where Tagiru is the easiest to read in that he will take the dumbest option 9 times out of 10.

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So what's happened lately?


People got their asses kicked by NeoDevimon, but they were aloud to run away terrified. Now there's a tournament between us hunters (being run by the GM and CM). You can enter the tournament but you won't be aloud to chou shinka, DigiXros or use DigiNoir. That's about everything that's happened lately.

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