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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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So they can't do something like they did with Impmon where they jumped him from rookie to mega.


Also I wanna see an episode where Airu gets into a fight with her team and tries to join Xross Heart almost entirely for Yuu but her methods don't work well with the team so at the end of it she rejoins her old one, this was inspired by just how funny I found the last episode.

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I don't know of a digimon who'd want to be in a fight for the soul purpose of being killed


I wasn't trying to get her killed, I was trying to convince Nevex to let me back into the fight, because I'm so eager to battle.


But never mind, I've stopped caring now. I'll just wait until I can do hunt of my own.


Which seems like it'll never happen, seen as my entire life I've been absolutely terrible at riddles. *SIGHS* Damnit.

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Vlux I am happy to say that I do not consider you my rival, mostly because you don't read the thread and didn't even bother learning how to fight when you entered a battle, also are you sure Palmon thinks of you as a friend remember she doesn't have a choice in the matter, I'll admit me and PawnChessmon Black aren't the best of friends but at least we know we need to work together.

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Vlux I am happy to say that I do not consider you my rival, mostly because you don't read the thread and didn't even bother learning how to fight when you entered a battle, also are you sure Palmon thinks of you as a friend remember she doesn't have a choice in the matter, I'll admit me and PawnChessmon Black aren't the best of friends but at least we know we need to work together.


Oh god.


Tri said something assholeish.


Welcome to the guild. Took your sweet time.


As for Renamon and I, had actually guessed a different partner riddle, but that riddle's answer didn't have a sprite so I got her instead.


I totally don't carry her around leashed.

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Okay so no s*** mugen you don't have thumbs to hold the damn leash.


Also now while I am so touched everyone is so enthusiastic about these hunts and what not we are going to have to break up this fight guys.


You can be as grumpy as you want Vlux but sadly my assholeish authority overrules you.


Tri don't feed the troll, he just ate.


Also their is no Team Blaze. You would need at least two digimon for that Vlux.


And also a team certificate which I'm not just going to hand out willy nilly.

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Machinedramon does have the Megadramon hand, which does act like a clamp of sorts, he could hold a leash with that.


Besides, team would be silly when this is a top dog sort of thing, no sharing as well. What would be the point of having a team when inevitibly you'll end up backstabbing that person anyways.

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Okay so no s*** mugen you don't have thumbs to hold the damn leash.


Also now while I am so touched everyone is so enthusiastic about these hunts and what not we are going to have to break up this fight guys.


You can be as grumpy as you want Vlux but sadly my assholeish authority overrules you.


Tri don't feed the troll, he just ate.


Also their is no Team Blaze. You would need at least two digimon for that Vlux.


And also a team certificate which I'm not just going to hand out willy nilly.


Soooo... no more hunt?

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I may not be doing too well right now, what with being backed into a corner with all you guys surrounding me, and everyone whispering to Palmon that I'm a dick that she should leave, but EVENTUALLY I'll have this guy; omnimon_demotivational_poster_by_garret_07-d39gibn.jpg


That's right! This guy'll be killing a**e for me eventually!




If you are only still here for spite you aren't going to get a royal knight. They are a bit picky. Megas are like that.

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