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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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But on this occasion it is the equivalent to a boss in a video that will auto dodge all your attacks no mater how good you are, or lucky, and the equipment you have you can't win, with his current stats only a few people are able to hurt him add that to the everyone he takes down becomes his slaves and my favorite his army out numbers us and we can't get more people in the fight and that is the situation you have.

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Actually my main complaint is that, if he's able to continuously use slaves like he has in the past, he has HP approaching infinity. If he's able to redirect attacks to his servants with impunity, that is mechanically identical by him regenerating health by an amount equal to a player every time he kills one of us- as well as add all of our damage capacities to him.


His enslavement ability really is ludicrously broken, made better only by that it doesn't replicate Diginoir (which is now a requirement for hunts). To put into words, I'm fighting two of the strongest Hunters we have here, at full strength, as well as a Digimon that attacks twelve times in a round and soaks twenty more points of damage per attack than I do; keep in mind my Endurance is actually the highest out of everyone here (I think. I need to check). Even with my strength doubled, he has a much higher damage capacity. My WaruSeadramon's stats are divided in such a way that drawn-out fights are more my forte, but NeoDevimon outclasses everyone one of us in every single way that even without his Slaves this would be near impossible.


Oh well. When/If he beats me (there's technically a chance for me to win If I get five really good attack phases and everyone else wiffs a lot), that's the end of NeoDevimon anyway. He'll have four slaves by that point and including himself, that maxes out the number of people allowed in a Conversation.

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I cam up with the suggestion that because no more people can be put in that PM bundle that people who answer the riddle should be able to send their cho shinkad partners to the fight where they can be xrossed into hydra's partner seeing as mine is pretty much useless in the fight and he responded with he'd just cho shinka again but this time into a mega so it pretty much means that not only does he have infinite life but if some does figure out a way to hurt him he'd just go into an even more broken form.


Also his stat boost was from champion to ultimate 10,3,3,3 where the stat boost from rookie to ultimate is 10,5,5,3 along with his base stats being around my cho shinka with that multiply he is on a level that would take extreme luck to beat, then add his ability to turn anyone he beats into a shield/sword because they still attack and the situation become ridiculous, so unless Hydra finds the power within himself to go mega I don't see anyone being able to beat him other then you Broken.

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But fitting, since Bubbles fits the 'Beware the Nice Ones' trope.


I will toss you guys a bone here, not as the GM, but as Broken. This fight was meant to literally be unwinnable; Nex and I have been working to mesh story into the Hunt to give it more depth and atomosphere beyond 'go out, win fight, be done for the week'; hence why there's some role playing as well.


This NeoDevimon is a top of the line bruiser from the DFF (Digital Fighting Federation), whose pissed off because LZ captured Grap, who, wasn't precisely meant to be in a hunt, but Y went with it anyways. Grap was one of their fighters, and, sufficed to say that not only disgracing one of their fighters but also enslaving them is grounds for a proper ass-kicking.


In any case, be grateful you guys decided to fight, if you didn't, THIS is who'd be hunting you guys.


.: Blastmon:.


HP: 5000

Str: 2000

End: 1000

Agi: 1


I say to you all, be very, VERY grateful that your fight is on somewhat of an equal level.

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Hm, Airu's more of a Killer Rabbit / jabroni in Sheep's Clothing rather than a Beware the Nice Ones. She looks cute and innocent, but five seconds in her presence tells you all you need to know about her personality.


I considered that it was unwinnable, but the fact it's the second Digimon we've faced period coupled with stats that seem juuust at the believable edge of outrageous and a totally broken ability made me think "poor design" not "intentionally powerful". If I were facing it on an even footing, I could probably take it down if I got lucky in my rolling.


...Know what? I declare Favored Enemy: NeoDevimon. If I fail in this battle, I'll take it down next time we deal with the DFF. If someone else gets in the way of that, I'll go through them. He's my quarry now.


(By the way, if you're going to try and improve our game here, shoot me a PM. I'm a Game Design major and I have a couple ideas how you could smooth over the kinks in the battle system and integrate it better with a storyline.)

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We're good in that regard, it's our Game, not yours. Besides, we know what we're doing... mostly, TBH I'm kind of making s*** up as we go along; Infinite Battle Soul, completely out of left field. Even IF that did backfire due to Rapidmon's ridiculous Str under the effects of DigiNoir, which I am considering in redacting.


Nonetheless, we're proving we mean business, and it's the 3rd hunt, you just didn't notice because Legend beat you to the first two.


Also, Neo's ability is also part of the DFF storyline, you're all going to be captured, but here's the best part, it's up to the DFF's leaders to decide your fates; and since Nex & Y control them, we have something special planned.

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Oh well. When/If he beats me (there's technically a chance for me to win If I get five really good attack phases and everyone else wiffs a lot), that's the end of NeoDevimon anyway. He'll have four slaves by that point and including himself, that maxes out the number of people allowed in a Conversation.


Not quite.


We, the beaten ones, are there for shiggles.


He could easily be rolling for all of our digimon without us being there.


I considered that it was unwinnable, but the fact it's the second Digimon we've faced period coupled with stats that seem juuust at the believable edge of outrageous and a totally broken ability made me think "poor design" not "intentionally powerful". If I were facing it on an even footing, I could probably take it down if I got lucky in my rolling.


Once more, no.


You got to fight it without his HP healed after he fought Shamamon, with Noir. That is to say, 200 STR and 12 AGL.



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I would like to add that the idea of multiplying his HP by 10 was Y's, not mine. And I told him, either x2 or x3.

I actually nerfed that when I saw your point during the fight with Chaos. He is all 3x now like you said.


But on this occasion it is the equivalent to a boss in a video that will auto dodge all your attacks no mater how good you are, or lucky, and the equipment you have you can't win, with his current stats only a few people are able to hurt him add that to the everyone he takes down becomes his slaves and my favorite his army out numbers us and we can't get more people in the fight and that is the situation you have.

Chaos was able to knock him down to half his life points when he fought Neo and Neo also had Mugen with him as well.


The simple fact is that when fighting someone who fights other people as a proffesion they get REALLY GOOD AT IT.


Old Grap was still 'green', Neo is a seasoned vet. And since none of the possessed have diginoir everyone but you have a MAJOR advantage against them.


What you don't get Tri is his stats don't restart, he doesnt fully heal each time he wins.


So in all honesty HE is outnumbered, not you since everyone with a digimon can fight him and deal damage.


They simply have failed to guess the riddle correctly.


Actually my main complaint is that, if he's able to continuously use slaves like he has in the past, he has HP approaching infinity. If he's able to redirect attacks to his servants with impunity, that is mechanically identical by him regenerating health by an amount equal to a player every time he kills one of us- as well as add all of our damage capacities to him.


His enslavement ability really is ludicrously broken, made better only by that it doesn't replicate Diginoir (which is now a requirement for hunts). To put into words, I'm fighting two of the strongest Hunters we have here, at full strength, as well as a Digimon that attacks twelve times in a round and soaks twenty more points of damage per attack than I do; keep in mind my Endurance is actually the highest out of everyone here (I think. I need to check). Even with my strength doubled, he has a much higher damage capacity. My WaruSeadramon's stats are divided in such a way that drawn-out fights are more my forte, but NeoDevimon outclasses everyone one of us in every single way that even without his Slaves this would be near impossible.


Oh well. When/If he beats me (there's technically a chance for me to win If I get five really good attack phases and everyone else wiffs a lot), that's the end of NeoDevimon anyway. He'll have four slaves by that point and including himself, that maxes out the number of people allowed in a Conversation.

I thought of that awhile ago actually.


Neo is so certain of his win that he won't bother using shields in his full mode. He only fights dirty when he is fighting someone a higher level then him.

He may have Dou shield Gokuwmon or even shield them himself. But if you attack him the attack will connect unless you actually roll to low to damage him.


I should also add that Hunter Hunts are going to be harder then normal.


Remenber Legend? He is still a thing.


I cam up with the suggestion that because no more people can be put in that PM bundle that people who answer the riddle should be able to send their cho shinkad partners to the fight where they can be xrossed into hydra's partner seeing as mine is pretty much useless in the fight and he responded with he'd just cho shinka again but this time into a mega so it pretty much means that not only does he have infinite life but if some does figure out a way to hurt him he'd just go into an even more broken form.


Also his stat boost was from champion to ultimate 10,3,3,3 where the stat boost from rookie to ultimate is 10,5,5,3 along with his base stats being around my cho shinka with that multiply he is on a level that would take extreme luck to beat, then add his ability to turn anyone he beats into a shield/sword because they still attack and the situation become ridiculous, so unless Hydra finds the power within himself to go mega I don't see anyone being able to beat him other then you Broken.


His life is not infinite. The fight is SCALED

If you pull out some super move to make your stats ridiculosly high he will have to do the same.

Hell given that he is guarding a DFF prisioner he may very well do the EXACT same thing and fuse with the other DFF guys.

Or even his slaves.

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BTW everyone I just answered the PRIMARY riddle, so I'll be entering the fight to help beat this bar****d NeoDevimon. Hopefully with Lillymon and my help we'll win!


I thought Vlux had been sniped. Oh well.


...Let's say, these three beat Neo.


Who gets him?


Do I get to see them kill eachother?


Firstly, I hadn't heard about my apparent death, so it hasn't happened, and also, I just entered the first with NeoDevimon, so DON'T stop it now! I want to fight and help beat this p***k!


*I mean entered the FIGHT with NeoDevimon =P


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Really the guy you brought in is Vulx nothing against him but seeing as he cho shinkad without really knowing how the whole thing works can re redo it with diginoir otherwise he is about the same amount of a liability as me, what I don't get is why Nexiv doesn't have the new page just be him controlling the other 2 so that we can have more hunters here, I know that Remnant answer the riddle so why can't he be there, and I am saying this partly because he has one of the highest ATKs out of all of us.

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Really the guy you brought in is Vulx nothing against him but seeing as he cho shinkad without really knowing how the whole thing works can re redo it with diginoir otherwise he is about the same amount of a liability as me, what I don't get is why Nexiv doesn't have the new page just be him controlling the other 2 so that we can have more hunters here, I know that Remnant answer the riddle so why can't he be there, and I am saying this partly because he has one of the highest ATKs out of all of us.


Because dear Tri. Guess who didnt PM ME the riddle?

You can have a invite but you can't get into a party without walking through the front door.


And Mugen is still included because he did alot before so I think he should still be involved.


Also if your going to be with the downsizing and stuff I can technically roll for all of you and the whole battle would be just one post.


And to answer Mugen I am thinking about it, probably based on who does the most. So most likely Hydra since Chaos wasn't supposed to have been able to fight so he can't count...


But I WILL get you some consolation prize or something. Maybe a trophy or some digimon.


Or I can just give you Legend.

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We're good in that regard, it's our Game, not yours.


Balance wise, no, you aren't. The interaction between some of the stats could really use some reworking. If this is a "No, it's my game! Nobody else should touch it!" thing then fine, I don't really care, but the offer's open.


Even IF that did backfire due to Rapidmon's ridiculous Str under the effects of DigiNoir, which I am considering in redacting.


If you redact DigiNoir, you'll have to remember to rework Stamina, Endurance and HP levels of enemies. As it is, most of us have so little stamina that we'd basically be unable to do anything in a hunt, and enemies typically have high enough Endurance that scratching them becomes a real problem with our current Strength totals.


Nonetheless, we're proving we mean business


I presume you haven't DMed a game of D&D before? Anything similar?

"Proving" things to the players is rarely a good idea.


Also, Neo's ability is also part of the DFF storyline, you're all going to be captured, but here's the best part, it's up to the DFF's leaders to decide your fates; and since Nex & Y control them, we have something special planned.


Having our fates decided as punishment for something we couldn't realistically avoid. Whoopee.


(Sorry if I sound uncharacteristically pedant, I've just bad bad experiences with killer DMs before. Once again, Game Design major, this kinda thing is important to me.)

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Well as Neo is currently run he is not supposed to be invincible, if i wanted to do so I would have made him mega.


He is however supposed to be annoyingly hard. He is supposed to show that at the very least the DFF are competent at what they do and whenever they show up you should try to get your head in the game.


Their will be less strong enemies later, maybe they make you go through a few rounds of the DFF tournament so you fight their basic fighters like Grap rather then the big name shots like "Demonic Dozer of Deciet" Neodevimon.


You can win, its just going to be hard for you.


Though to balance that I will make the rewards for beating him also more valuable. Though I might keep neo around as a recurring antagonist simply to make you squirm.

Though if i do so you will still get rewards.


Squirming people are fun.

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Oh, it's not the redaction of DigiNoir, just the Str bonus. It's been proven that, on some partners, to be UNGODLY powerful. If your mon has a Str of 15, doubled to 30 with Noir, then x5 to 150, that's a lot in the long, run especially since some partners here have more than 20, such as Terriormon, WHO blew up about a 1/3 of Grap's HP in one go as Rapidmon due to ungold high Agi & Str values, even with his low End he still kicked ass.

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