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The Warden

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Was it explained on how the other Hunters could Cho Shinka? I mean, wasn't it Omnimon that let Taiki and Kiriha. Is it the new Loaders?


I've always liked the characters that treat deadly battles as games, which drew me to Yuu instantly. I just wish Yuu wasn't portrayed as just somebody there. He hasn't been given a reason for being in the main cast other than him going to the same school.


Taigiru: Main character, obvious free pass. Although, they give him a reason by being Taiki's "apprentice" (lol Kiriha).


Taiki: Was told to stay out of it due to balancing the game, but he still has his protagonist spirit. Has to be there for Taigiru's development anyway.


Yuu: 3rd wheel syndrome, in every way.

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Legend what you said is true but unfortunately Yuu is such a bad main character that he shouldn't be in the show. Being the main character gives him an automatic 100 character points but he is such a bad one that he loses 120 character points and thus should not be in the show, character points is a term I'm using for how much someone should be in a show and a score of 100 means that most of it should have them in it even if they aren't the focus and of course only a terrible character can earn minus points.

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If Ryouma is somehow DarkKnightmon, then it would be MaloMyotismon all over again.


...Which, considering how this season is reaching for parallels to 02, might actually be a point in favor of that actually happening.


I kinda want to see a reincarnated Bugramon, though. I figure his original angelic form might be interesting.


Was it explained on how the other Hunters could Cho Shinka? I mean, wasn't it Omnimon that let Taiki and Kiriha. Is it the new Loaders?


Nope. Never brought up at all, which is weird. I tend to assume the contract with the Clockmaker is where the power is derived from, but in all honesty, that's 100% unsubstantiated theory.


Legend what you said is true but unfortunately Yuu is such a bad main character that he shouldn't be in the show. Being the main character gives him an automatic 100 character points but he is such a bad one that he loses 120 character points and thus should not be in the show, character points is a term I'm using for how much someone should be in a show and a score of 100 means that most of it should have them in it even if they aren't the focus and of course only a terrible character can earn minus points.


I literally could not understand one sentence out of that.

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Actually, I don't think it was explained how Kiriha got the ability to Cho Shinka. Dracomon cheered the team on, and then Kiriha just had MetalGreymon give it his all. Kiriha's Cho Shinka is more in line with classical Digivolution, although it's possible that Bagramon programmed the ability into his Xros Loader; Kiriha just had yet to access it.


Bagramon has served his purpose. The only reason I would want to see him again would be in flashbacks to explain his backstory just so his absurd powers make sense. I want DarkKnightmon to be the final villain, but he needs to have a more dignified return.

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I've done it I figured out an original digimon hunter plot BWA KA KA KA KA!!!


Digimon started coming into the human world but eventually they were captured and their numbers were small enough that an organization was able to keep it under from becoming public knowledge. Eventually this organization figured out how to capture the creatures in a device called a Digital-Hunter or D-Hunter for shirt along with a method of going to the digimon's world. They also found that it was easier and safer for children to go to that world and that anyone over the age of 16 could risk being destroyed if they went, so to gather more data they set up an event gathering children and having them go to the digital world telling them it was a VR game where the capture monsters in a fantasy world. For 2 years this worked and whenever they children returned they would bring their D-Hunter and the organization would get information on from it, not all the children returned but the numbers where small enough that the organization could cover it thinking that the children simply lost there lives. They were wrong, though most digimon lose their will when captured some digimon have the unique ability to retain it after finding out that it wasn't a VR program but another world those children chose to stay in the digital world and after meeting strange creatures call DigiElves all the digimon they captured regained thee wills. Eventually though the organization had enough data to safely go into the digital world themselves so that they could use it for there own purposes only to find a band of children there to stop them and defend the new friends they had made.

[spoiler=for Hydra]

  • Digimon started coming into the human world but a secret organization captured then covered them up
  • Organization studied them and made the Digital Hunter(D-Hunter) to capture them and figured out how to go to the digital world
  • They also found that it was easier and safer for children to go to that world and that anyone over the age of 16 could risk being destroyed if they went
  • To gather more data they tricked kids into going to the digital world and coming back so they could get enough data to safely go themselves
  • Worked for 2 years and each time a kid came back they would let the organization gather data from their D-Hunter, not all the kids came back so the organization thought they had died and covered it up.
  • They were wrong, though most digimon lose their will when captured some digimon have the unique ability to retain it.
  • Because of this the children with these digimon found out it wasn't a game and decided to stay to protect the digimon.
  • DigiElves modded the D-Hunter so all captured digimon had their wills but those who kept them normally were still special(partner digimon) all the digimon they captured regained thee wills.
  • Eventually though the organization had enough data to safely go into the digital world themselves so that they could use it for there own purposes only to find a band of children there to stop them and defend the new friends they had made.




So pretty much the RPers would either be one of the children who found out the truth of the digital world and stayed or onr of the organization members trying to take over the digital world, and of course the unique digimon are also able to digivolve in a system similar to D-Cyber where the person has to figure out how to power up there digimon instead of just getting emotional.

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O_o sees lots of essay type things about Digimon whatever it is now.


Kinda wish they would go back to the old style with the simple Digivolutions and get rid of this Xrossing stuff. Everything will be better once we get a female as the lead. -v- I'm kidding of course I couldn't care less what gender the lead character is as long as their a good character I usually like them. Like Tai, Takuya, and the such were good characters. Takato wasn't though.

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Kinda wish they would go back to the old style with the simple Digivolutions and get rid of this Xrossing stuff. Everything will be better once we get a female as the lead. -v- I'm kidding of course I couldn't care less what gender the lead character is as long as their a good character I usually like them. Like Tai, Takuya, and the such were good characters. Takato wasn't though.


Takato was great. Not sure what you have against him.


Takuya was dull as all heck though. I suppose he wasn't terrible per-say and the thing with Flamemon was pretty cool, but the guy really didn't have anything special going for him. At least all the other main goggleheads had something of an arc they went through (except Davis, whose' immutability is actually his entire point, so it doesn't annoy me as much).

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Hmm, must continue with Unity. My next Digimon fic is going to have a female lead, just thought it would be a nice change. Mysidia didn't have a lead, they were all kind of equal really.

Haven't read your fics but having a female lead is BOSS!


Takato was great. Not sure what you have against him.


Takuya was dull as all heck though. I suppose he wasn't terrible per-say and the thing with Flamemon was pretty cool, but the guy really didn't have anything special going for him. At least all the other main goggleheads had something of an arc they went through (except Davis, whose' immutability is actually his entire point, so it doesn't annoy me as much).


I liked Takuya although I bet if I go back and rewatch Frontier I most likely wont like it as much. lol I have nothing against Takato its just I think he was kinda a weak goggle head. I think Rika would have been a better choice for the main character in Tamers not becuase shes a girl or anything its just that I find her to be a more interesting character than Takato. To me Takato just felt like one of those important side characters that travels with the group and the camera just happened to be focused on him the whole time.

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I feel Takato was a good leader because he grew as a character made mistakes and had a good will that pushed him to be the best, and I suppose that last part is also Marcus' strongest attribute but with RIka she started out mean but that was just to cover up her insecurity and the weakness she gets from that is the biggest reason she couldn't be the main character. And as for Henry well he was kinda boring so that took him out of the running.

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The main character doesn't necessarily have to be the leader. That's a common misconception. Both Savers and Tamers had teams that were small enough that there really was no official 'leader' position- all three had input into what they did. They still had main characters, however- and Takato and Masaru were the main characters because they had the most important character arcs and relevance to the plot.

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Taiki has a problem with self-sacrifice in general. It's honestly a little weird watching him; he's the first protagonist I've seen that has a complete and total lack of ambition, despite still being reasonably active and intelligent. Everything he does is for someone else's sake, never his own... which is hilarious compared to Tagiru, who seems motivated solely by selfish ideals (not that that's a bad thing. Your ideals can be positive and simultaneously selfish; case in point, Masaru).


Heck, the entire point of his fight with Yuu was him realizing that by never fighting for his own sake, he could never be as strong as he needed to be.

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You cant xros with others partners. I asked Broke.


Nice try Trimage but the villians are SUPPOSED to have higher stats then you. If you found a way to be all accounts stronger then we would have to amp up the villians, as Mugen saw when he fought Devimon.


Since only two people were there I gave devimon champion stats thinking Legend will compensate, I underestimated the diginoirs power you see and Devimon was swiftly beaten. As thus I was greenlighted to evolve him which caused his stats to become admitably ridiculously high. I toned it down to a 3x for all stats but if you try some superior mode super trick I will have no choice but to make NeoDevimon become Ghoulmon or something.


Its really not THAT easy to beat the system when the system has the ability to change it's rules at will.


Mugen also takes the title of most disgruntled mindslave ever.

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