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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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Hehe, you must have spoiled the answer to Roxas.


Isn't it fun how I'm the only one who actually figured out the riddle?


Or did Sonic not give you the answer, Hydra?


Please, I've had the answer for weeks. I got it the day it was put up. I'm just lazy :P Plus, I had no idea what the procedure was. There's not much help on how to go hunting for things...


Anywho, I'm waiting for everyone to start the battle. I keep getting PMs from you guys, but no one has replied to me to say when we're doing it :/

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So, the answer was SPOILED?! to some people... I see...


Wasn't me. Just saying.


Edit: Hey guys, I need some input. What's a good title for the Hunters RP? I think I can put it up now if I just get a good sounding title. It can include anything really. I'd like the terms "Digimon," and "Hunter" to be in it though. Anything else is fine though.


So far all I've got is: "Digimon: Hunters Across Time" or something like that. IDK though, which is why I need suggestions.

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What is the point of across time, will there be time travel involved cuz if not then it is just weird, and if it is something where you can use hunters from the animes and mangas the I call Yuu.


I am fighting him right now just waiting for hydra's move which I hope takes a long time, also if you compare my Cho Shinkad STR to his END it doesn't look good for me the best I can do is act as a destraction for other people.

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What is the point of across time, will there be time travel involved cuz if not then it is just weird, and if it is something where you can use hunters from the animes and mangas the I call Yuu.


I am fighting him right now just waiting for hydra's move which I hope takes a long time, also if you compare my Cho Shinkad STR to his END it doesn't look good for me the best I can do is act as a destraction for other people.


Invite me next time...


Also, it's across time because DigiQuartz is a world in which time flows differently. That's why they "time shift" in the anime to get there.

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Ya but the current anime has The Boy Hunters who Leap through Time, so using time again is a little lame, that why I had Legend of the Digital Hunters but it is your RP you might want to ward it differently though because it sounds kinda odd, also I can't invite people only Nexev can.


Well I sent the answer to Broken. I figured he could, but he told me that it was too late. Which is odd, since I did it before all this stuff about going to NeoDevimon becoming an option again was posted.


Also, the title has been edited once again! "Digimon: The Legendary Data Hunters"

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I'm looking for an anagram maker but when I tried google none of them worked very well so can anyone help me, also on a digimon note I'm kinda disappointed in Yuu they've focused so much on Tagiru that it is negatively affecting the other characters, I kinda feel the show would be better if they took Tagiru out and split the digimon he got among Yuu and maybe the bad guys like they come in at the last second and steal them all the time.

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I'm looking for an anagram maker but when I tried google none of them worked very well so can anyone help me, also on a digimon note I'm kinda disappointed in Yuu they've focused so much on Tagiru that it is negatively affecting the other characters, I kinda feel the show would be better if they took Tagiru out and split the digimon he got among Yuu and maybe the bad guys like they come in at the last second and steal them all the time.


Well they focus on Tagiru because he's the new main character, and he's like Taiki's successor. Yuu always annoys me anyways. He's always annoying and tries to act superior, and during Xros wars I just thought he was plain stupid :/

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Well they focus on Tagiru because he's the new main character, and he's like Taiki's successor. Yuu always annoys me anyways. He's always annoying and tries to act superior, and during Xros wars I just thought he was plain stupid :/


See, the only problem I'd bring up to that analysis is that Yuu really is superior, to Tagiru at least (and let's be fair, if Yuu is looking down on someone, it's Tagiru). He gets better marks, he puts in more effort, and he's shown himself to outdo even Taiki in terms of strategy and planning when it comes to actual Hunts. He's a lot more subdued than Tagiru is, and I get the real impression that he takes this stuff a lot more seriously than the other Hunters do... which makes total sense, considering he still remembers the consequences of the last time he treated Digimon fighting eachother like a game. His character arc seems to be focused around lightening up a bit, which I think he is.


Really, I think the problem with Tagiru as the main character lies in the fact there are so many more qualified people around. I'm all for a character arc, and I'd be totally for the idea of this hot-headed nobody fighting his way into relevance through sheer determination... except there is absolutely no need for him to do so. Not only is Taiki still active, powerful and capable of handling things on his own, but Yuu is a potent force as well. Honestly, watching most of these episodes, it occured to me that most of the conflicts could have been resolved without Tagiru being there at all; the other people capable of defeating the enemies don't do so simply for Tagiru's own sake.


Tagiru is the bog-standard 'hyperactive slacker idiot hero' character, which I'm usually all down for. I can get behind Naruto's determination to be hokage, or Ichigo's belief he can kill anything by cutting it a lot, or Natsu believing in his friends to a ridiculous extent. Heck, most people probably know my favorite digimon protagonist is

Masaru "Punched a Giant Chicken in the Face During the First Episode" Daemon, who is one of the purest distillations of that particular trope. But the reason we root for those people is because they're the underdog- the idiot hero is literally their last line of defense in this case, it's up to them to face impossible odds and succeed. Not only is there nobody to pick up the slack if the hero fails, people actively expect them to fail because they're the underdogs. With Tagiru, this is reversed- the characters have unflinching faith in Tagiru's chances for success, even though they could solve the problems themselves. This cheapens Tagiru's victories quite a bit, I think- instead of winning through heroic determination, he just comes off as annoying persistent, like a kid that bugs you until you give him candy.


TL;DR- The show focuses on Tagiru, but it's difficult to justify that focus because Tagiru quite simply hasn't done anything worthy of being really 'heroic'. Even the most pussy heroes need to pull off some feat to show that they have some sort of potential in them- but basically everyone else outclasses Tagiru in skill, which begs the question of why he's here in the first place and how he intends to actually go about surpassing Taiki instead of just yelling about it.

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I think it would have been a better show if they had focused on Yuu maybe give him a new partner until near middle to end where Dame/Tuwarmon comes back and have him collect hunters along the way to make a team/group of competent people. I think that would have been a much better show because instead of just Yuu having grown a lot over the year you can see his growth which is good for a story unlike Tagiru that just seems to get more annoying like him beating FlaWizardmon or whatever its name was after Taiki and Yuu had beaten it bloody for like ten minutes.

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FlaWizardmon made sense, and was also the most hilarious thing to happen in the show so far. He almost literally stole the position of protagonist, then used his Heroic Immortality to survive absurd odds. He lost when Tagiru took his spot back, obviously because he'd been turned back into a one-off episode villain again. I'm somewhat amused at the idea of the show taking place from the perspective of FlaWizardmon as he becomes the biggest, baddest ruler of DigiQuartz now.


If Yuu were the protagonist? Very interesting idea, honestly. Personally, I'd find some way to take Taiki out of the lime light, then have Yuu slowly bring the Antagonist Hunting Team to his side. Having a different digimon than Damemon also has some worth behind it, if only for drama value. It'd be interesting to have a situation where the audience knows a character's Dark Past, but the digimon himself wouldn't.


I find it hilarious how quickly Yuu would become Tagiru's love interest if he was gender flipped. Seriously, just watch the first episode again and picture Yuu's teasing while imagining he's a girl in the scenario, the rest writes itself honestly.

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IDK I think his manipulation of Airu who likes him is 1 of the best things that has every happened in digimon, but like I said before Taiki not being involved and Yuu being the star would have been a much better move the creating the ultimate hated character and sticking him in the lead for no good reason, and that stuff you said about his past was also a good point. Next episode has Airu so I'm excited especially if it turns out that Tagiru likes and she likes Yuu really I'd be happy with anything that spites Tagiru.

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Well they focus on Tagiru because he's the new main character, and he's like Taiki's successor. Yuu always annoys me anyways. He's always annoying and tries to act superior, and during Xros wars I just thought he was plain stupid :/


As Hydra pointed out, there's no reason for why Tagiru should be the new main character. His lack of necessity and blatant Wesley status are precisely why he's the new Daisuke, and much like Takeru, Yuu should have been the main character. There is absolutely no reason for Tagiru to be Taiki's successor, especially since Yuu could have been that, and the whole "Well, Tagiru has a dragon, so he's automatically the main character." I get that dragons are the standard for main characters, but I find dragons as overdone as most people agree vampires are. Besides, if Takeru was the main character, then the tradition wouldn't have been as firmly established as it is now.


I hated Yuu for most of the first season, but as soon as the first episode of the new season aired, he instantly became my favorite character in the new season, if only because of him constantly pointing out how bad a character Tagiru is. He was definitely stupid during Xros Wars, but that was meant to be a reference to Ken's descent into darkness, as well as a way to establish just how strong a hold DarkKnightmon had over him. Yuu doesn't need to act superior because he's proved that he is, and he isn't at all arrogant about that. For example, in the episode with Blossomon and the girl who I would prefer as Yuu's love interest over Airu, he showed that he was jealous of Taiki and Tagiru. And yet, despite it being a character focus episode for Yuu, Taiki defeated Blossomon, and yet Tagiru got the capture despite the fact that he didn't make a significant contribution to the fight. Even when Yuu does make his first capture with SuperStarmon, Tagiru is once again told that he had the makings of a superstar, in spite of the fact that Tagiru did nothing to prove otherwise, other than finishing him off, and that was only because of Tsuwamon.


Basically, Yuu is a much better character in the new season, and yet the writers are shoving Tagiru into the spotlight and desperately trying to justify that by hyping Tagiru up when he doesn't deserve it.


The lesson of the story? In spite of the writer's best efforts, Team Twilight ended up as one of the best teams in the entire franchise. Yuu and Damemon are a great duo that deserve more attention, and DarkKnightmon is the best villain in the franchise, even to the point that he is a far more impressive villain than the "true" Big Bad Bagramon. Without DarkKnightmon, Bagramon would not have access to the Darkness Loaders (And yet he had access to Xros Loaders?), and it was DarkKnightmon who came up with the D5 plan. Bagramon is extremely powerful with no explanation, while DarkKnightmon admitted he trained furiously, and relied on the power of Xrossing to further his strength, and as soon as he got the Darkness Loader, he continued on that goal. Before anyone brings up the fact that Bagramon is a Demon Lord, keep in mind that Lucemon is supposed to be leader and yet he was Lilithmon's subordinate. The official biographies don't always count, and even if they do, when you have to rely on supplemental materials to explain glaring flaws in your plot, then you have a problem. There are very few exceptions when that's acceptable, such as the Hyrule Historia explaining the Zelda timeline, or when you rely on Word of God and then incorporate the plot details into the actual story.


I seriously got to catch up on this show.

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and DarkKnightmon is the best villain in the franchise


Wouldn't quite go that far, myself. Kurata beats him in terms of sheer evil-ness, Lucemon had a more impressive demonstration of power, the D-Reaper simply felt more threatening and I'm torn whether he comes off as a better Villainous Gentleman than Adventure Myotismon or not. In all honesty, I found him a little boring after Nene left Twilight, though the parts where he was manipulating Yuu were cool. Still, opinions.


Yeah, I'm really starting to think the Achilles Heel of the entire Digimon series is their protagonist selections. They started with Tai and... never let him go. 02 gave us Obnoxious Stupid Tai, Tamers had Shinji Ikari Cosplaying as Tai, Frontier had Bland Tai, Savers had Really Hot Blooded Tai... Taiki is honestly the biggest departure from Tai's archetype we've had thus far, and he still takes a ridiculous number of cues from the guy. Tagiru sets us right back where we started, except with more obnoxious.


What I'm saying is that I'd like a protagonist that isn't a brown haired male with goggles, a fire-based dinosaur digimon, and a hot-blooded idiot-hero personality defined by their courage and faithfulness to their friends. Give or take exactly one field.

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Eh, I just like DarkKnightmon's personality the most for a villain. Kurata was definitely a complete monster, but he was just annoying. To me, a great villain is someone who performs despicable actions, but you can't help but acknowledge how awesome they are while doing it. Lucemon's power is one of my main problems with his portrayal in Xros Wars, because in Frontier, he had to be awakened by destroying the world. The D-Reaper had no personality, but is still one of the most dangerous foes in the series. DarkKnightmon is definitely closest to Myotismon, right up to having an anticlimactic death. So, it's more appropriate to call him one of the best villains, but he's definitely my favorite.


I have no problems with Takato and Takuya, the latter being understandable and nowhere near as whiny as I've heard Shinji is, and Takuya had his unique moments, such as the episode with him as Flamemon and his role as surrogate big brother to Tommy. I have nothing against Masaru either. I actually think Masaru about as unlike Tai and Taiki is, if only because he actually fights the Digimon, although that could just be because he's an exaggerated Tai.


The series would do well to acknowledge Yu-Gi-Oh! or even Pokémon Adventures, just because of the different protagonists. Well, as long as they don't turn out like Yuma. We already have that with Tagiru.


Kiriha had Greymon, which was kind of a step in the right direction, as he had a dragon, and like Ken, Takeru, and Yuu, he didn't have a dog. If they can break their habit of giving the Lancer a dog every season, then they can break the habit of giving the main character a dragon. The one example I could think of is Dawn and Dusk, because Coronamon and Lunamon were the mascots, but even in Dawn, it was possible to end up with a dragon in your team, unless you got Kudamon and Biyomon. That reminds me, one habit I don't want them to break is killing off the lions. I mostly just want to have a friend proved wrong because he's obsessed with dragons and I want to see him proved wrong that the series doesn't always need to have a dragon. Dragons were always designed to be the big beast that the heroes had to vanquish, and as such dragons became a symbol of power. Dragons always have to be thrown into the story for that reason, so dragons don't feel unique anymore. If the writers want to stay in their comfort zone for the main Digimon, then give the hero a dog.

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For me I liked DarkKnightmon because he wasn't the most powerful beast out there, actually he was probably weaker then the death generals but he was smart and knew how to use people like he did to Yuu and even Bargramon, the only flaw in his plan is that the blow he dealt to Bargramon should have been a little more fatal so hopefully he would have kept control. Also for some reason I feel like Ryouma might have some thing to do with DarkKnightmon IDKW but I got the feeling they are a lot alike to the point that he could somehow be DarkKnightmon in human for somehow.


What I would have liked in the new season is if in the first episode Yuu stumbles into DigiQuartz and meets Gumdramon who is running away from the trio of evil(no better name yet) and decides to hide in Yuu's XLoader because Airu is scary and he'd rather be with anyone other then her, then a fight breaks out between the three and Yuu with Gumdramon which at first their loseing cuz of the three on 1 but in the end Yuu's strategy allows them to turn the table and win though Ryouma doesn't let his team to evolve or digixros for some reason, after a couple of episodes of Yuu and Gumdramon getting to know each other and collect digimon they finally bring out Arresterdramon instead of cho shinka in episode 1 after the two have known each other for like 5 minutes.

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