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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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2 things one I think Superior Mode is simply a mode change similar to burst mode it is right there between digivolutions or when Takeru cho shinkad gumdramon he wasn't powerful enough to do it all the way and Superior Mode is simply his true cho shinka. And two can we go after NeDevimon now that he has had his second victim I saw some post that say we can so I am checking.

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Wow, I REALLY, REALLY wanna read the XW manga, seriously, it does actually seem much more interesting than the manga. Hell, it has several of the spirits, a god damn Ikkakumon and Moon=f***ing=Millenniummon.


You mean more interesting than the anime? The only thing I like more in the anime is Nene's characterization, simply because I don't like the rape subtext that are omnipresent thanks to Shademon. Apparently even Bagramon is actually a legitimately good villain. Not sure about how DarkKnightmon compares to his anime counterpart, although there are plenty of satanic overtones with him in the manga, which is a nice plus.


By the way, it's apparently that Millenniummon chomped DarkKnightmon Darkness Mode (Nene forced a Xros with Blastmon and later Lilithmon), and then Nene Xrossed the two to make ZeedMillenniummon, and then Nene became part of Moon=Millenniummon. Even though I read the raw of that chapter, it looked like an even more disappointing send-off to DarkKnightmon.


Fortunately, Tactimon is apparently still around in the manga. I wonder what will happen to him and Bagramon, especially since it seems like they won't do DarknessBagramon. MillenniumBagramon, perhaps?

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As Hydra has succesfully entered the battlezone the sniper is currently on hold until either Hydra or Devimon drop dead.


After all, the guy currently has his own problems to deal with, however should no one get a ansewer by the time Hydra dies, then Roxas auto dies.


Basically for every day their is no one distracting Devimon, he will kill one person.


Unless everyone dies, all players will be revived at the end.


If you get an end game you will have to do a certain task for me in order to get revived, those who died in combat will get away with less of a price then the sniped ones do.


In addition if you get a game over and someone else wins by paying the price and taking out devimon, you will still be "dead" in all the latter rounds until you pay the cost.


Should you have not actually posted and thus not aware of the sniper and all of this.... well lets be frank, you most likely were kicked out of the club by then anyway.

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As Hydra has succesfully entered the battlezone the sniper is currently on hold until either Hydra or Devimon drop dead.


After all, the guy currently has his own problems to deal with, however should no one get a ansewer by the time Hydra dies, then Roxas auto dies.


Basically for every day their is no one distracting Devimon, he will kill one person.


Unless everyone dies, all players will be revived at the end.


If you get an end game you will have to do a certain task for me in order to get revived, those who died in combat will get away with less of a price then the sniped ones do.


In addition if you get a game over and someone else wins by paying the price and taking out devimon, you will still be "dead" in all the latter rounds until you pay the cost.


Should you have not actually posted and thus not aware of the sniper and all of this.... well lets be frank, you most likely were kicked out of the club by then anyway.


This is no longer funny.


Thanks to someone , the answer was spread around. They aren't figuring the riddle out anymore.

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This is no longer funny.


Thanks to someone , the answer was spread around. They aren't figuring the riddle out anymore.


Actually Hydra probbably figured it out himself.


But just to be safe we should punish them anyway.


Okay lets see, normally Thunder would be safe as neo is busy but since he begged so nicely....




Okay there, Vlux is DEAD, no this doesn't really matter, i doubt he would have figured out the complex mechanics behind my masterful riddle.


Or just failed to understand the game mechanics either way.


However he is still officially the first sniped.


Happy random snitch?

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Actually Hydra probbably figured it out himself.


But just to be safe we should punish them anyway.


Okay lets see, normally Thunder would be safe as neo is busy but since he begged so nicely....




Okay there, Vlux is DEAD, no this doesn't really matter, i doubt he would have figured out the complex mechanics behind my masterful riddle.


Or just failed to understand the game mechanics either way.


However he is still officially the first sniped.


Happy random snitch?


You're not funny.


Shoot the ones with a chance first.

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Yeah yeah I wooooould but if everyone with a chance are out of play then this fight will last on even longer.


It would take like, fivever.


Thats f***ing long, thats one ever more then forever.


And I am starting to feel REALLY BAD for Legend.


Besides the only person who tried to ansewer the question (aka the only person who could 'have a chance' that wasnt already in the fight) was Roxas.


And he is already marked so I see no need in bumping him early.


Dresden seemed a bit afk to even notice he got kicked honestly and so on.

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Yeah yeah I wooooould but if everyone with a chance are out of play then this fight will last on even longer.


It would take like, fivever.


Thats f***ing long, thats one ever more then forever.


And I am starting to feel REALLY BAD for Legend.


Besides the only person who tried to ansewer the question (aka the only person who could 'have a chance' that wasnt already in the fight) was Roxas.


And he is already marked so I see no need in bumping him early.


Dresden seemed a bit afk to even notice he got kicked honestly and so on.


Know what's stupid?


I did most of the fighting.


You guys don't have to worry about Zero, noticed?


Wonder why?

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I thought of that and have sent Broken a PM. I'm also waiting on another investment that will hopefully help us.

Zero was captured not dead, and I'm pretty sure NeoDevimon takes over the digimon not the hunter.




I knocked out Rapidmon. Xrossed with Grap and Agumon.


Then Devimon pulled some BS and Cho'd in my face.


He can't use those.


Also, Broken and GM are not on the Hunters' side. He'd much rather have Devimon kill us all.

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