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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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Rem what RPs have we been together I have you as a friend so that means at least 1 but I feel like I've seen you more then that.


I remember trying to do that one Katekyo Hitman RP, but then school started...


I think whatever RP we were in must've happened a LONG time ago, because there haven't really been any super interesting RPs lately. Even when I joined, the quality of RPs began to dwindle on this site. But I have been in a few of the ones that didn't suck. There was the war RP. Were you in that?

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I am pretty sure he wasn't in it.


But then again, everyone tried to get into that, it would be hard to remenber everyone who I denied, kicked, or made fun of in those rps.


Ah Nex, always the kind, loving one. I'd like to believe that, even when you are old and withered, and time has taken it's toll, you'll still be this supportive : )


And yeah, I think some people were definitely denied. I only remember it because it was quite the feat, and I was glad to be in it. Until it got super huge and every time I logged on there were another 3 pages to scroll through. We even had to have that rule about posting to limit things. The only name I truly remember from that (besides the obvious ones) is Ikatsui. Ahhh, what a pleasure it was to kill him. I can still remember how satisfying it was to personally type out his death scene : )


But that was back when I wasn't as good of a writer.

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Oh, this whole pointless conversation reminds me.


Isn't this club supposed to host some RP at some point or another?


You know, I wasn't sure at first, but I think I really like you.


Owning eachother as self-insert digimon would be hilarious and also slightly creepy.


EDIT: Those two sentences were not supposed to look like they were related.


Well, even when it was in fact a random +1 post, I've always thought about the idea of self-insert digimon. I used to draw other people's when I was in third grade.


Then slashed them through my digivice and caused chaos and stuff.

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Oh, this whole pointless conversation reminds me.


Isn't this club supposed to host some RP at some point or another?




Well, even when it was in fact a random +1 post, I've always thought about the idea of self-insert digimon. I used to draw other people's when I was in third grade.


Then slashed them through my digivice and caused chaos and stuff.

This is not rpish enough?


And I have the best self insert, he was FancyNexmon.


He was Super Mega Ultimate as opposed to your mere Super Ultimate.


His super power was being utterly irresistible to all women.


And having sixty different mode changes as well as auto regeneration, and so on.

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This is not rpish enough?


And I have the best self insert, he was FancyNexmon.


He was Super Mega Ultimate as opposed to your mere Super Ultimate.


His super power was being utterly irresistible to all women.


And having sixty different mode changes as well as auto regeneration, and so on.


Your use of the past tense makes me think you forgot to save him before shutting down your computer, and couldn't bother writing it all over.

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[spoiler= So episode 67]

  • Those blush-sticker things that some of the characters have now are annoying; if nothing else, they make it impossible to take Tagiru seriously. Just saying because we now have a third Hunter sporting them.
  • I love how nobody ever questions the existence of digimon. The kids don't even consider it a secret at this point; there isn't even a hint of surprise towards Tagiru of him having his own digimon. It's like they simultaneously don't have a masquerade while somehow having a masquerade.
  • It appears the Clockmaker offers loaders to anyone who has sufficient interest in digimon, whether or not they actually intend to take part in the Hunt. He really is liberal with the things. I'm still waiting to see if the colors they take on have any actual meaning or not, or if that plotpoint about Tagiru's loader being the exact same color as Taiki's is ever going to be brought back up again.
  • Locomon's nightly rides here seem disturbingly similar to other Digimon's schemes for consuming human emotion: Put the humans in a situation where they can't not feel your chosen emotion (to the disclusion of everything else), ignoring their physical or mental wellbeing in the process, then proceed to feed. Locomon just gets a bit of a pass because his chosen emotion happens to be happiness/wonderment. I kinda wanted to see if the plot would address this directly if the other things in the episode hadn't happened.
  • Hey Ren. Been a while. Almost disappointed you weren't trying to suck out the children's happiness by plying them with trains for some reason or another. Dracmon not hungry I guess?
  • So, uh... how is Ren making Locomon faster? Does he just put him through a training regiment or something? Ryouma and Airu look surprisingly nonchalant about this- do they often use giant flying trains as homebases? Also, why did they invite the others (including random children who aren't Hunters) on board? I'm going to go with, "Because we have a giant flying train".
  • I love how the conflict of this episode is born from Airu just going "Hey, you know what this story needs? DEMONIC POSSESSION." and re-enacting the scene from the Tamers movie. C'mon, you just KNOW she knew bringing out Parasimon for absolutely no reason was a bad idea, the guy feasts on pain and suffering and is in her own words, uncontrollable. What a b****. Also, I think she's stretching her definition of 'cute' a bit far.
  • You know, somehow I get the feeling that this Locomon is the reincarnation of GranLocomon after Shoutmon reformatted the digital world. Taking this position actually makes the end, where he turns away from power and speed (the two things he was known for in the old Digital World) almost touching rather than painfully cliche.




And of course... the trailer for 68.


[spoiler= 68 spoiler]

  • ACTUAL PLOT?!?!?!
  • Hideaki returns? And actually seems to be doing stuff? Curiouser and curiouser...
  • Looks like all the members of Rival Xros Team are getting a significant part here.
  • Was that Witchmon I spied?
  • Was that eyecatch at the end, with all the Goggleheads from previous seasons, hinting that we might see Taichi and... maybe a few more?



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I think the reason why Ren and his crew had the kids come on was so Locomon could gather energy from them and about powering him up I think that was getting him to reach his limits through motivation like when he was trying to catch up with the other digimon. Also I get the strange feeling that Ren is GranDracmon and that he somehow was split apart and turned human or something cuz that kid is evil and good at turning people to his side which is GranDracmon's thing either that or he himself is controlled by his digimon and the actual person is much nicer then we've seen. My point Ren so far has out D!(&ed the digimon emperor and that is pretty hard to do.

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I'm just so excited that there is a high chance for all the goggle heads to return. The awesome art and nostalgia that will make me go into a coma.


Now that we know Kiriha is coming back, do you think he will return to the main cast? I can't see him as anything other than a Hunter, unless he got into his father's business.

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