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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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Best part is they still don't work.


See, they aren't actual loaders, they are hollow and just really plastic. Game Master is the one who is able to make them function.


So yeah.


I'd like to point this out as a case of "it's the intention that counts."


His intention was to get past the deactivation restriction by getting a new one.

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Thunder: You will answer ONE riddle per day until you get a partner, after which you won't answer ANY riddles. Also, please post your answers in the thread and don't PM them to Broken.


Sorry, didn't know.

*Gets ready to get jabronied at*

I think a Thundermon would be

In-Training right now, but like

Arkadimon I'd keep my name

as I digivolved.

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BD you aren't 1 of the people in charge of this so why are you being so antagonistic with me, also no I had planned to change Xloaders before this seeing as a lot of other people went with a base black and then a sub color. I only just started posting again because Nexev was attacking me when I wasn't doing anything.


He's an Enforcer. He's been given power by BH so he can ENFORCE. But even then there is me and Roxas before you get to Nex or BH. You are being whiny and trying to subvert the rules of the game, when you get called on it you say that the rest of us don't understand what you're talking about. Stop it.


Yet I will admit that Dresden is being a little harsh. Come on Dres play nice, BH had to add a specific rule for you last time remember. Don't make him do it again.


And with that I am ending this arguement forthwith.

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I THOUGHT I said that I overturned the Clockmaker's ruling, yet still confiscated Tri's DigiNoir for some very unsportmanlike thoughts. It appears I was mistaken in this action.


Now, I am going to ONLY say this once and I expect this to be read, thought over, and read again so it STAYS. Lay off Tri, yes, he may be stupid, but that doesn't mean he needs reminding EVERY 5 SECONDS!

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IDK with Renamon but do you think this is stronger then X7 http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Shoutmon_EX6 because I get the feeling it should I'm only saying this because its number is lower but it does have a letter before the X so IDK.

The only difference is its missing the Starmons. Well, that and 3 of them being variations of the anime digimon.


http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/MegaBlackShoutmon_X7 :o

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...OK, Broken, if you want me to stop getting pissed at Tri for saying such moronic stuff, you've gotta get him to stop saying such moronic stuff all the time.


Shoutmon EX6 is stronger than Shoutmon X7 because EX6's materials are the Evolved versions of X7's Materials (Barring Starmons -> ShootingStarmon).


Also, was it Taiki or some new guy that DNA Evolved the Starmons? Did they call it anything special other than cho shinka?

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BD you aren't 1 of the people in charge of this so why are you being so antagonistic with me, also no I had planned to change Xloaders before this seeing as a lot of other people went with a base black and then a sub color. I only just started posting again because Nexev was attacking me when I wasn't doing anything.


I can state so many rebuttals to your arguement but just this line is just too great. See what your saying here is all "If you arent in charge their is no point of being mad at me" which is funny because:

a) Dresden IS in charge of heckling people. He actually should get a promotion or something by now. See? He tried to kick me once and I'm still vouching for him, that's just how I roll.

B) This implies that, inversly, not liking him is a sign of leadership.


That's just funny.


@Broke: You did overturn me but you ALSO said you were taking it, which is pretty much the same thing as disabling it.


I mean sweet holy nexev, why would i think he can use a device if you confiscate it?

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He took my DigiNoir not by Xloader, also the thing about me having multiple loaders I only had LZ design loaders for me because he's nice though I will be trading in the black one I have now for the one I showed before. Also on the ShootingStarmon page it says Taiki is his partner so I'm pretty sure he's the one who did it.

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To be fair, you can't give that since Broken took it, but yes, you are infact allowed a replacement, a really shiny and fancy one.


LZ you really are getting better at this, if it would actually serve me, in any way i may have to ask for your services myself one of these days.


Anyway on the topic of loaders, basically this is how they work. If you noticed not all hunters have a loader yet. This is because power comes not from the object, it comes from the game master or from me. However since G is way more powerful then me, basically it is more or less just him who controls everyones power and sustains it and whatnot. In theory he could force xros digimon with a onion.


Even though that is a horrible thought and no one should ever even think about doing something like that.


The loaders, atleast these models, are mainly for show, they have displays which is very useful so you can tell digimon stats or who you have gotten to swear featlty to you.


However the base powers, xros, reload, and cho, are actually gifts given to YOU, they are more like wands in this regard, they channel your own power so it can be used easier, they aren't actually necessary.


Think of them like a strategy guide to a video game.

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So notes on Episode 67.

  • Yuu and Tagiru apparently have the "What Would Taiki Do" guideline. Rather unnecessary since he has nothing better to do than pal around with them these days.
  • Wait, you're not Masaru! This tainted my viewing of the episode to the point where I was wondering when the kid was going to punch his dad in the face. It worked for the other one!
  • Anyone else annoyed how the not-important characters have obviously malformed and simply-drawn faces compared to the mains? It's very jarring.
  • I'm amused that Ogremon and Fugamon's first reaction to having a subpar product is to kidnap a human. I'm even more amused that there's apparently enough digimon just wandering around in DigiQuarz that one can make a profitable business there. Apparently the 'being driven nuts' thing is rarer than we previously assumed.
  • Spicy Pepper Ramen sounds absolutely delicious, I'm not going to lie. Then again, I dump half a jar of hotsauce into everything I eat, sooo....
  • This is even funnier when you realize this is the -second- cooking duel that Shoutmon and Taiki have participated in. Is there anything Gumdramon tries to do that Shoutmon hasn't done first?
  • On that note, notice that Tagiru Cho Shinkas so that Arresterdramon can dice the vegetables (using the entire transformation sequence of course, making this the most pointless use of power and screentime I think we've seen yet), but does not do so in the actual fight sequence. This is an odd sorting algorithm of power escalation that Xros Heart uses.
  • This is all pretty damn harsh on Fugamon and Ogremon, isn't it? I mean, there's no evidence whatsoever that they've actually done anything to Masaru's dad; in fact, Taiki seems to consider it to be a success in Digimon-Human co-operation. Dad just went crabby because he hasn't had sleep in three days, and when you travel between dimensions to perfect your soup recipe with extra-dimensional ogres, you're gunna be pretty damn proud of the result- and yet they're still given the short end of the stick despite their only flaw apparently being that they're slightly thin-skinned. And prone to violence when they don't get their way, but hell, Oni, what're you going to do?
  • Next episode has trains. I like trains.

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