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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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Pft, i didnt do it.


Neither did i, after all, im not the clock maker remenber?


Plus who would actually take the case?


The only higher power is-


*realizes nothing can happen here because of not even having a Xros Loader yet*


*starts humming We Are Xros Heart*


*realizes he's never getting one*

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I already gave broken the answer to one, the very first day I joined. :mellow:


With that post, I was more pointing out how our oh-so-witty Clock Maker is an ass, and is probably proud of it too.

You can't answer a riddle until given permission by the Clockmakers, which you just got.


And the second thing is more than likely true.

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You can't answer a riddle until given permission by the Clockmakers, which you just got.


And the second thing is more than likely true.



The only higher power is Broken


I removed you for inactivity.


Forgot to add Monkey, you can guess a riddle early, as a pseudo-reservation thing. But, if someone else get's it first, tough titties.


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WAT. I missed a conversation about Savers. WAT.


SCREW THAT, I'm inserting myself into this conversation posthumously.





Thanks a bunch Legend, that came out looking great. Betamon just keeps on dancing...


@LZ: i thought Kurata was evil right form the off?


Kurata's a bit more complicated than that; after exploring the digital world with Daimon, he developed a hatred of digimon fueled by self-preserving fear -which is rather understandable when you have leopards made of fire that your firearms can't do jack against breathing down your neck- but the thing is, he was still a loyal civil servant, and his motivation was basically that he saw Digimon as a threat to the human race on a whole. It wasn't until he picked up Belphemon's digiegg when his Putting on the Reich started hitting a peek and he started being an Evil Jerkoff to anyone who didn't want to do things his way.


Basically, whether Kurata counted as Evil or just a rather dark AntiHero at the beginning rather depended on what position you're looking at him from. From the perspective of Digimon? A Complete Monster who sabotaged any goodwill the digimon may have had towards humans at the first contact, even with Daimon basically being a Super Jesus Batman Ambassador.

From the perspective of humanity, however? A brilliant scientist with slightly brutal methods, though it's no question that they're warranted given that any average digimon can rip apart a human if given the chance, and they've started invading our world.


Of course, since Masaru is Kurata's direct foil, we only ever see him in an antagonistic light. Even if he hadn't gone all Demon Lord-y, I doubt Masaru would ever get along with a guy that prefers to win using brutally efficient wartime tactics instead of intense physical fist-to-fist debate.


Right so the guy in charge of DATS... isn't in DATS? Yeh sure.

I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't have let him keep it or Agumon if he had said no.


You know, at first I questioned why Yushima seemed to be randomly carrying around a spare iC with him, but it occurred to me that he probably noticed Raptor1 paling around with Masaru and was going to let them join DATS even without the random giant chicken proving Masaru inherited his father's talent. Heck, I'd go as far as to say Yushima's been keeping an eye on Masaru for a while at this point and would have offered him the job after maturing for a year or two longer, even if he hadn't met Agumon.


I feel so retarded for having skipped Savers/Data Squad.


You should, it was excellent. I'd recommend catching it on whatever online host site you can find it in Japanese- I haven't watched the dub the entire way through, but the musical score alone was enough to convince me it wasn't as good.


Don't it sucks they have a bunch of good ideas but the executed is like a child failing to piss in a cup during a drug test and thinking he can get away with it.


I will end you.


But seriously no, it was executed perfectly fine. If I had to stretch, I'd say they could have used a bit more focus on Yoshino, but even that's just a minor detail. I'm sure I could nitpick if I did a rewatch or something, but there are no glaringly obvious flaws that stand out after the season is done- and that's not something I can say about many digimon seasons.

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After careful consideration, I am overturning Y's ruling Tri.


HOWEVER, for asking for a Darkness Loader and even CONSIDERING using it in a hunt offends me and greatly insults what the Hunt stands for. As punishment, I am confiscating it as well as your current stache of DigiNoir.

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I really don't understand the whole problem. Tri wasn't insulting anyone with his original comment, just drawing a perfectly legitimate parallel between my kind spriting actions and the anime. Taking it as an insult is a bit far but as you stated earlier, you guys are suppose to be asses. The darkness loader wasn't made for "super special awesome" powers, I just made it because it sounded interesting and challenging. Since we are basically doing the Hunters season I didn't see a problem with having someone wanting to "deck out" their sig space (which could possibly advertise). I would've done the same for anyone and done any digivice from any previous season. It doesn't matter what digivice you use because its the actual Clockmakers that give it powers, imo.


In the end though it is your club so whatever you say goes. =]


OT: Since Hydra's post go me thinking, who do you guys feel is the most neglected female in digimon?

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After careful consideration, I am overturning Y's ruling Tri.


HOWEVER, for asking for a Darkness Loader and even CONSIDERING using it in a hunt offends me and greatly insults what the Hunt stands for. As punishment, I am confiscating it as well as your current stache of DigiNoir.

...Waaaaaait... so you are giving him back his abbility to digivolve but taking his abbility to digvolve, as well as getting digimon and so on.



...Excuse me, but just what was the point in overturning me then?

I really don't understand the whole problem. Tri wasn't insulting anyone with his original comment, just drawing a perfectly legitimate parallel between my kind spriting actions and the anime. Taking it as an insult is a bit far but as you stated earlier, you guys are suppose to be asses. The darkness loader wasn't made for "super special awesome" powers, I just made it because it sounded interesting and challenging. Since we are basically doing the Hunters season I didn't see a problem with having someone wanting to "deck out" their sig space (which could possibly advertise). I would've done the same for anyone and done any digivice from any previous season. It doesn't matter what digivice you use because its the actual Clockmakers that give it powers, imo.

To be perfectly frank, Tri actually accuses me of being unreasonable and a jerk so often that it is perfectly believable that he will call you the real clockmaker as a jab to me.


In addition he did say

He just made it for me so I'll have to ask if I can actually use it which will probably be a no, but now we know LZ can do custom jobs so I really think he should have some title.

Which is most definetly considering using it since he stated the intention of asking for permission to use it, then he goes on to talk about how he thinks it would let him forcibly xros wild digimon and hunt other tamers digimon.


Which is honestly, lower then I would even consider going. The digimon I allow to be hunted all have signed a contract that stats they are aware of the rules and accept them.


All nice and orderly, like everything should be.


In addition we actualy stated explicitly that you CAN'T steal other peoples digimon and even implying that he will attempt to be above the rules is pretty insulting.


And Broken did mention that Tri is being condemed for considering to do this, which as I proved, he obviously did.


Also I will point out before Tri starts pointing fingers that in all honesty this is solely Broke's decision.


Obviously I support it because well, your the most f***ing obvious hero turned evil since f***ing Lucifer.


You have been trying to abandon partners for more power, attack others for power, tried to sue me for my digipower (what the f*** is that even?), honestly their is so much foreshadowing at this point its pretty sad.


Im not saying you ARE going to be evil or anything, just that your trying really hard to be.



Also in terms of me being an ass, I am perfectly nice, I just give respect when respect is due.


Unfortunately for you... yeah most of you are not quite there yet.


Its not me, its you.

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Which is most definetly considering using it since he stated the intention of asking for permission to use it, then he goes on to talk about how he thinks it would let him forcibly xros wild digimon and hunt other tamers digimon.


Which is honestly, lower then I would even consider going. The digimon I allow to be hunted all have signed a contract that stats they are aware of the rules and accept them.


All nice and orderly, like everything should be.


In addition we actualy stated explicitly that you CAN'T steal other peoples digimon and even implying that he will attempt to be above the rules is pretty insulting.


And Broken did mention that Tri is being condemed for considering to do this, which as I proved, he obviously did.


Also I will point out before Tri starts pointing fingers that in all honesty this is solely Broke's decision.


Obviously I support it because well, your the most f***ing obvious hero turned evil since f***ing Lucifer.


You have been trying to abandon partners for more power, attack others for power, tried to sue me for my digipower (what the f*** is that even?), honestly their is so much foreshadowing at this point its pretty sad.


Im not saying you ARE going to be evil or anything, just that your trying really hard to be.



Also in terms of me being an ass, I am perfectly nice, I just give respect when respect is due.


Unfortunately for you... yeah most of you are not quite there yet.


Its not me, its you.




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Poor Zoe out of all the girl characters she had the coolest design to. Shame that the fatty and the crybaby get more attention than the her. But if you asked someone about frontier I can probably grantee their gonna say the Kazemon and Shutumon were hot she may not have been important very much but she did get the guys to watch her. XD

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Poor Zoe out of all the girl characters she had the coolest design to. Shame that the fatty and the crybaby get more attention than the her. But if you asked someone about frontier I can probably grantee their gonna say the Kazemon and Shutumon were hot she may not have been important very much but she did get the guys to watch her. XD


Totally agree with you there. Even J.P and Tommy got more

character development that Zoe. It just wasn't fair really.


To be honest, I think that even SUZIE from Tamers actually

had more importance to the series than Zoe did in Frontier.

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Fronteir suffered from having a cast that was just far too large, honestly. I see what they were trying to do, emulate the first season with a broader number of mains, but they were just simply unable to deal with fleshing out everyone in the cast and took some pretty pathetic corner-cutting.


I object to calling Junpei "fatty". Making fun of people with larger bodytypes isn't nice, and he was actually one of my favorite characters from Fronteir (despite how little that says). I always thought his Spirits were the coolest ones too.


Really, the more I look at it the more I wish Frontier was a better season. It was obviously trying to get back to the roots of Adventure, what with a large number of kids exploring a fantastic world, and I actually think the Frontier digital world was my favorite out of all the seasons. Tamers had the most interesting digital world, with a reasonable creation story and bunch of other details that show it had the most effort put into it, but Frontier most definitely had the coolest digital world. I mean, Cross-Dimensional living trains everywhere? Multiple moons? Bright, colorful spaces? It really was a very nice design when I think on it.

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