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The Warden

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Bwahahahaha Legendary Zero the real Clock Maker(he's the one who has been making the Xross Loaders) has given me [spoiler=the ultimate power]24yyf47.png



Oh my, whats this?


Your cho shinka abbilities have mysteriously been disabled.


Hmmm I wonder who would have done that.


It must have been legend zero.


After all, he IS the clock maker.

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Oh my, whats this?


Your cho shinka abbilities have mysteriously been disabled.


Hmmm I wonder who would have done that.


It must have been legend zero.


After all, he IS the clock maker.


And this, people, is why you bomb buildings instead of buying spiky cellphones.


...I'm running out of material.



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Dude, you went up against the guy armed with Dramon Destroyers as in "Things that destroy Dramons" you should have pissed off Matt and MetalGarurumon instead.



Oh, that was it.


By having "dra" in my f***ing name , even when I'm not even remotely related to regular Dramons, y'know, because of being a robot and stuff, I get to be one-hit killed by some cosplaying dinosaur thing.

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Oh, that was it.


By having "dra" in my f***ing name , even when I'm not even remotely related to regular Dramons, y'know, because of being a robot and stuff, I get to be one-hit killed by some cosplaying dinosaur thing.


Exactly, after all, your name IS part of your code.


Kinda your fault, you should have just named your self "Bigthingmon".


Then you would have taken 2 episodes.

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Exactly, after all, your name IS part of your code.


Kinda your fault, you should have just named your self "Bigthingmon".


Then you would have taken 2 episodes.


...*mumblegrumble*f***ing writers and their "dragon sounds better".


I'd have had no objection to just name myself Badassmon or something, even if my ass is not that bad at all.


I mean, I was better than all of those other Dark Master b****es.

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...don't you Digivolve from Megadramon/Gigadramon?


Though I do agree that a different name should've been in order. Something like "MechaGreymon" would've fit.


No, I was a mishmash of mechanic digimon limbs.


Sadly no, that was Mugendramon Kai. That Kai in there changes everything.


Wait, I thought it was HiMugendramon.

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