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@Fairy: No. No they couldnt.

[spoiler=A theory I just concocted.]Clockmon's Wiki profile says this:

It is the protector of time that governs the computer's timer. It manages the "Time" and "Space" of all computers and networks, and if it is between 1900 and 1999, it is able to freely advance and rewind time.


Now if we take the Tamer game series it says that the original Digital World with ENIAC and Atanasoff should have started at around 1940. Given that Clockmon is able to time travel, if he were to travel back in time to the first Digital World and place himself in a position to appear in a Digital World other than his original one, then Clockmon should be able to travel to any of the Digital Worlds that are attached to any other the different universes.

Considering that we have a Clockmon in the series and we are getting characters from others canons, I don't think that's too unbelievable.



Any thoughts?

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Well it actually makes Clockmon a threat, seeing as he can hop away through time. But it my cause the dreaded episodes of reliving days. Its probably something unexpected to try and get ratings even higher. (on that topic, does anyone know how Xros Wars is doing in Japan?)


I want to see D-Cyber animated. Favorite digimon manga.

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Probably because D Cyber's Chinese and, IIRC, jumps around a lot and leaves out a lot of things.


Also, because they wanted to make Digimon sans humans for once.

Eh, pretty much what I thought. It jumps around as much as one would expect, seeing as its 2 volumes and V Tamer is 9. Being without humans was interesting, but not something I'd want in a series.


I was also impressed with the whole CG thing.

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Omekamon was shoehorned in and looks stupid, that random girl was shoehorned in and pointless, they never explained the grid pattern on Gogglehead's body, and it was entirely pointless to have him stay behind only to be back the next panel.

Which is why they need to animate it and expand on it. Looking at the ending again, makes me think of Zenjirou when Hikaru uses Grademon's sword.


Now I should re-read V Tamer.

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Oh, a spiked cellphone is better than a regular one. Sure, makes perfect sense.


Back in MY days we had to twist the earth like a nipple and bomb buildings to be considered as having power.

Machinedramon vs. WarGreymon was still one of the best fights in all of Adventure.


Darkness Loader is obsolete in Hunters and there never were restrictions on the what the Xros Loaders could be, only their functions. Plus, I'm not doing ANYTHING today. The whole day at home, so nice. ~

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Machinedramon vs. WarGreymon was still one of the best fights in all of Adventure.


Darkness Loader is obsolete in Hunters and there never were restrictions on the what the Xros Loaders could be, only their functions. Plus, I'm not doing ANYTHING today. The whole day at home, so nice. ~

Then its time for me to put ribbons and glitter all over mine and name it something! XD Kinda rude to hunt others Digimon isn't it?

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I think the darkness loader would allow you to digixross a wild digimon with your own then simply return it to your loader so it makes catching them easier or it would probably let you hunt other peoples digimon like you do normally which would be cool.

Would be so unfair. I'd get every Hunter to team up and destroy everything you ever loved. ;)


The Clockmaker must seal the Darkness Loader's powers.

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