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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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Because you can only evolve your partner. Taiki's partner is Shoutmon, Kiriha's partners are Greymon and MailBirdramon, Nene's partner, however, is NOT Sparrowmon but Mervamon.




I don't understand. Sparrowmon's been with Nene since the start, and Mervamon, well...


Plus, it's not like Mervamon had evolved, herself. :T

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You could argue that they're both her partner (Like Kiriha and his mons) but Mervamon's the main Digimon because she and Nene share the same ambition at the start (Saving their younger brother from evil forces) and, since Nene helped Mervamon save Ignitemon, she felt indebted to her and felt that it was her duty to partner with Nene and save Yuu from DarkKnightmon.

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You could argue that they're both her partner (Like Kiriha and his mons) but Mervamon's the main Digimon because she and Nene share the same ambition at the start (Saving their younger brother from evil forces) and, since Nene helped Mervamon save Ignitemon, she felt indebted to her and felt that it was her duty to partner with Nene and save Yuu from DarkKnightmon.


Well. You could also argue that Sparrowmon had been picked up by Nene in that disastrous state and the mon then promised to help her find Yuu. They've been together for way longer.


But I digress. My point is, nothing coming from Nene's XrosLoader ever evolved. ._.

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I kinda got the impression that Nene never evolved anything because she personally didn't care. She wanted to save her brother, not liberate the digital world, and anything not included in that didn't catch her interest. She tagged along with Taiki and then later Kiriha because it pays to have some muscle around andthe Bagura Army are dicks, but she never really had a 'partner' because she wasn't so much a separate faction as she was an uninvolved third-party.


Look at it from this direction: Twilight was owned by DarkKnightmon. Nene joined Xros Heart immediately after leaving Twilight, then joined the Xros Heart/Blue Flare Coalition post-Bagura Takeover. She never at any point led her own army. That's why she doesn't have a partner- quite technically, she's not really a 'General' anymore.


The fact she just plain doesn't care is reinforced in Hunters. See, she's totally aware of DigiQuartz- it just doesn't concern her. Yuu's safe, so she has no reason to run around trying to be a hero, she has other stuff to do. Mervamon and Sparrowmon stay around for some reason (Sparrowmon has an almost creepy level of devotion to her for some reason, while Mervamon... I dunno, gets kicks from hanging around the human world?), but they're more akin to friends keeping her company / incidental bodyguards than actual partners.

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I have a new theory about the clock maker, I think he is a digital life form that is similar to genai or whatever his name was and that he's giving kids XLoaders because he knows of something terrible that is going to happen and knows that it will take humans and digimon to stop it so he gave people XLoaders so they can prepare for it without freaking everyone out.

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I bring your attention to that "helped create the digital world" thing.


Season 1 isn't like Season 3. The digital world isn't just a computer program, it's literally a separate dimension shaped by the hopes and dreams of the human world. By learning to manipulate and shape it in its early years, they basically became something not entirely unlike gods- Not so much in raw power, but in the ability to manipulate the digital world around them. This is why Genai's house is a safezone. At that point, having an ability like splitting your body doesn't seem too farfetched.


There were some other interesting points about it too (I thiiink that they merged with their digimon partners too, though I can't remember offhand what the evidence for that was...), but that's the basic gist. They're also the ones who made the digivices, partner digimon and every prophecy, by the way. It's reasonable to assume every deus ex machina in the first two seasons is in some way their fault.

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Something I've been wondering about is his relation with Ryoma. Ever since the Clock Maker talked to him about holding back, and seeing how he knows all that much about hunting, is it possible he's his child, or an agent of his of sorts?


Could his Xros Loader not be one of the ones made by the Clock Maker, even?

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