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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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OK, Thunder, you do realize that you have to actually post, right? You can sit around and not post all you want, but you're never gonna get a partner that way.


Here, I'm not sure if you're a moron or a troll, but in case of the former, I'm going to break this down in a few easy steps:


Step 1. Join the club (You've already done this)

Step 2. Post consistently for a week.

Step 3. Wait for Broken to take you out of Dame Square.

Step 4. Guess at one of the riddles and try for a partner


You were good at step one, but you're skipping steps 2 and 3, the most important steps out of this whole damn thing.

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What Dresden said.

But I do have to say, I would really love for them to bring a proper heartstring tugging Leomon death again. Not the mildly prominent MadLeomon death.


In fact Leomon from Green Zone, trying to make up for his misdeeds as MadLeomon, searches the Digital World for his salvation. During this search Leomon falls through into DigiQuartz, where he meets up with Taiki and the gang, but the negative emotions of humanity turn him back into MadLeomon. Unable to control his body, but still somehow inside of his own head, he manages to tell Shoutmon to destroy him.


Yes! That is what I want! I must have it!

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...There's currently a new season of Digimon ongoing... The cast is Taiki, Tagiru, Yuu, Ren, Ryouma, and Airu and their Digimon are Shoutmon, Gumdramon, Damemon, Dracmon, Psychemon, and Opossumon.


I know that. I just meant if another one popped up after this one :P


Just trying to start a discussion.

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What Dresden said.

But I do have to say, I would really love for them to bring a proper heartstring tugging Leomon death again. Not the mildly prominent MadLeomon death.


In fact Leomon from Green Zone, trying to make up for his misdeeds as MadLeomon, searches the Digital World for his salvation. During this search Leomon falls through into DigiQuartz, where he meets up with Taiki and the gang, but the negative emotions of humanity turn him back into MadLeomon. Unable to control his body, but still somehow inside of his own head, he manages to tell Shoutmon to destroy him.


Yes! That is what I want! I must have it!


Soooo the exact same plot they already used for Apollomon, then?


If we're talking a later season, I'd actually really like to see a female main protagonist. Never going to happen because apparently producers are stuck in the mentality of the 50s, but we're talking ideals here. A digimon partner who isn't a dragon for once would be a welcome change of pace- personally, I think the Liollmon line would make a great main character digimon. It works on two levels, see, because the older fans would be instantly tipped off that the main character's digimon will die at some point, and will be watching that like a hawk- that's how you're able to screw with them by putting the main character into dangerous situations. See, the audience knows that a Leomon always dies, and that supersedes the expectation of the main character never dying.


I'd also like to see a character with a DemiDevimon->Devidramon->?->? line too, just because Devidramon has an awesome design and DemiDevimon is great as well.

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I was just reading up on the new O12, and it appears that Vulcanusmon is the one responsible for making Beelzemon's Berenjena, Astamon's Oro Salmón and Sparrowmon's Zanahorias. Given this, I think it's safe to assume that this guy is pretty much the reason why most Digimon have specialized wepaonry.

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I understand this is being repeated for ceremoniousness, but I DID read the first post. ._.


I was just reading up on the new O12, and it appears that Vulcanusmon is the one responsible for making Beelzemon's Berenjena, Astamon's Oro Salmón and Sparrowmon's Zanahorias. Given this, I think it's safe to assume that this guy is pretty much the reason why most Digimon have specialized wepaonry.


It's funny, how any Spanish consisting of more than one word will always be written terribly by japanese writers.

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Skyfi: You've barely been active except for the past two days that I've seen.


As for Vulcanusmon being the creator of the aforementioned guns, I don't think that means that he created every or even most specialized weapons that Digimon use. Astamon's profile at the very least calls him a gunsmith specifically, not a weaponsmith, but I'd say if any mon has a personal gun named in Spanish after something in no way gun related, I think we can chalk him up as a client of Vulcanusmon.

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Step 1. Join the club (You've already done this)

Step 2. Post consistently for a week.

Step 3. Wait for Broken to take you out of Dame Square.

Step 4. Guess at one of the riddles and try for a partner


You were good at step one, but you're skipping steps 2 and 3, the most important steps out of this whole damn thing.


I read the whole of the instructions, but there was a lot to read, and I'm quite forgetful,

so I must have forgot about posting each day for a week. I've been doing steps 1, 3,

and 4 though.

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Except you can't do either of the last two until you post consistently for a week. Not just one post per day, but multiple posts per day, assuming you can actually contribute to the current discussion.


In the rules, Broken said not to get into petty arguments,

and to tell someone if they've caused offense, so I'm

gonna go ahead and ask for an apology, considering

that you've practically called me an idiot because I

made one little mistake/misunderstanding.


Next, I think I'll be doing what you've suggested

I do to try and get a partner.

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I was just think, if there was to be a new season of Digimon, what would you guys want to see as part of the main cast (Digimon, and Characters) ?


I'd love to see another series with the DigiSoul/Dna charge,

and as for characters, I'd love to see 4 Good Digidestined,

and 4 BAD digidestined.


Good guys could be; Someone like Taiki with an Agumon (who could eventually become the legendary VictoryGreymon with his partner's power), a cool and nice guy - the kind that everyone wants to be friends with - he could be partnered with a Gabumon... who oddly could digivove into a Veedramon...


I'll give more ideas on the good guys later =P

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Except you can't do that until you've gotten removed from Dame Square.


Well until then I'll just keep posting

until I can get out of Dame Square.


BD is right and I think a little irritated cuz he's the one who normally explains that to people in the dame Squad, also sorry for not posting in a while I've been kinda mopey feeling for the past couple of days and couldn't really figure out what to post.


Fair point, Tri.


Another thing before I retire for the night.

Does anyone else agree with me that this;



is incredibly cute. And that this..


is incredibly creepy.050Keramon.gif

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