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The Warden

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So episode 65 is pretty okay.


[spoiler= Spoilers as usual]


FlaWizardmon basically wins by taking Tagiru's Protagonism. Taiki and Yuu are unable to kill him because he's the main character now, and his heroic resolve is contractually obliged to emerge victorious.


That said, they probably could have won via the magic of Brutal Overwhelming Force. Which I'm sure they'd have used if Gumdramon didn't intervene. FlaWizardmon may have been able to shrug off all their hits like nothing, but it doesn't erase the fact he was being brutally curbstomped by the two strongest Cho Shinkas shown yet.


Of course, he trips up when Tagiru manages to regain enough protagonism to win. I admit, it was funny watching a drooling, incoherently babbling Tagiru the entire episode.


All in all, nothing else was really revealed here... kind of a let down, but whatever.


So, uh, given the preview for the next episode... exactly when are we going to get some actual plot here? I mean yeah, it's digimon tradition to start off with Monster of the Day episodes, but by this point we're 15 episodes in and we still don't know what the point of it all is.




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But just think of the possibilities! A digimon could have been feeding off of the prisoner's fanaticism and desperation, while another one from the shadows eggs on the soldiers' feelings of sadism and righteous judgement combined with their desperation to get results! Probably a Phantomon and D'Arcmon. Xros Heart has to pull some skillfull maneuvers so they can defeat both at the same time- as just Hunting one of them independently would fuel the power of the other!


It'd be great, and also educational about the American extra-legal judicial system and how it pertains to virtual monsters.

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Your legal system I might add. 100% Canadian Hydra right here.


In all seriousness, I kinda wanna see the same species of one of the previous good guys come in as a brainwashed threat. Gallantmon in Savers was great, and if I could see a villainous Imperialdramon, that'd be even better. Evil Susanoomon could be neat- they could play up the entire Shinto angle and have him summon a massive storm that continues until he's defeated. Plus, his underlings could be the three Raidenmon components.

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