The Warden Posted December 10, 2011 Author Report Share Posted December 10, 2011 I would like to shell in here, the difference in time between XW and Hunters is only 1 year. Also, Skyfi, would you kindly give me a quote of your entry post, I don't seem to recall it. Oh yeha, Daemon, your Xros Loader is AWESOME! Your skills are improving LZ. Also, Lyra, currently, your image of your XL is now currently a puppy, might wanna do somethin about that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted December 10, 2011 Report Share Posted December 10, 2011 "Whoever holds up a Xros Loader gets the capture" is a stupid rule. The episode was a character focus for Yuu, establishing that he's jealous of Taiki and Tagiru, and yet the gap between Yuu and Tagiru widened by another Digimon because of that. The point is, Tagiru is the protagonist, and the writers feel that Tagiru deserves the biggest amount of attention, despite the fact that Tagiru's very existence is entirely unnecessary. People wanted Akari and Zenjirou to play bigger roles, and Yuu finally had the opportunity to become the hero, but then Tagiru is thrown in, and Taiki favors him because he reminds Taiki of Shoutmon, which really just amounts to "they're both hot blooded". However, SuperStarmon was just as unfamiliar with Yuu as he was with Tagiru, so the fact that he compliments a complete idiot like Tagiru rather than, you know, the guy that actually defeated him, is just pointless shilling. We get it, Tagiru has room to improve. Do we really need that beaten into our head so much? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted December 10, 2011 Author Report Share Posted December 10, 2011 TBH, all Tsuwarmon did was use his DigiNinjutsu to lay the finishing blow, Yuu used Ryouma and Tagiru to get the capture. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstone Dresden Posted December 10, 2011 Report Share Posted December 10, 2011 Which makes sense given that Tuwarmon's a ninja. What the Hell else would you expect a ninja to do besides swoop in at the last possible second and steal someone else's kill? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted December 10, 2011 Author Report Share Posted December 10, 2011 Run across tree tops in a bright orange jumpsuit? Also, seeing as how my YMB was won, all those who voted are awarded with their promised can of DigiNoir. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Dākunaitomon ~ Posted December 10, 2011 Report Share Posted December 10, 2011 Throwing it out there. I have a prediction darknightmon is coming back. Has no one else cotton this feeling? Shoutmon was killed by darknightmon yet reborn within his core of darkness bagramon. Shoutmon was revived why not darknightmon? Darknightmon's ambitions are simple and on their own right pure. They are to become the strongest. He and his strange Siamese brotherhood cup thingy Deadlyaxemon aspire to be stronger. How killing your other brother with a hybrid thing going on... Ok darknightmon is really weird who the hell does he think he is? :D. Now let's take a tour down memory lane in episode 25 I believe where super darknightmon came about and never was seen again he said these exact words. To my approximation. Anyways darknightmon in some point of conquering the digital world (when tactimon went to the real world) he became caught up with the dark stone or whatever and well thought he could be a ninja and steal his brother's plot. He obviously failed and died. Now darknessbagramon. The unholy fuckness of evil. He killed shoutmon. Was it darknightmon dominant or what? Anyways he killed him and darknightmon. Basically shoutmon was revived and final xros and Kalamazoo boom dead. Now darknightmon or... Sorry skullknightmon >:D now he's wandering the digital world and stumbles upon the digiquartz. Basically his only friend is Deadlyaxemon which in a sense... Is a horse. So he goes to the digiquartz ragged and beat up and meets taigiru who tries. Emphasis on tries to capture him though due to skullknightmon awesomeness he gets away. Another occupancy is darknightmon returns with the death generals thought not all at the same time. Eventually they all show up and uh shenannagans. I don't know where'd this would go although if the writers can pull this off I'd be impressed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstone Dresden Posted December 10, 2011 Report Share Posted December 10, 2011 That sounds a LOT like MaloMyotismon, dude. I don't think anyone wants another repeat of that sh*t, I for one sure as Hell don't. I'm still a firm believer in Ren turning traitor and becoming the main antagonist, if only because we'd possibly get to see GranDracmon animated and because having the Clockmaker be the villain at this point seems really obvious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted December 10, 2011 Author Report Share Posted December 10, 2011 We've seen Dracmon and Matadormon, we've GOT to see Sangloupmon and GranDracmon animated or I will sue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstone Dresden Posted December 10, 2011 Report Share Posted December 10, 2011 I'd like to see what would happen if the time chosen by the evolution function of the Xros Loaders were changed, either to be closer to the present, and thus weaker, or farther into the future, and thus stronger or old and decrepit. Maybe one of the Digimon they encounter made a virus to sabotage Xros Loaders by setting the evolve option so far into the future that the mon would shrivel up and die if they tried, sorta like a lethal version of the Control Spires and the rest of the group's left to rely on their other Digimon until Wisemon can fix it? Hell, I'd like to see MetalTyrannomon, SuperStarmon, and Dorulumon get the spotlight for a few eps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smear Posted December 10, 2011 Report Share Posted December 10, 2011 I don't even know how it turned into a puppy. o-oI am scared. EDIT:[img=]My Xros Loader url got stolen. :l Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted December 10, 2011 Report Share Posted December 10, 2011 And besides Hydra's essay (Dear God man, are you an English major or something?!) English/IASC Double-Major to be exact, actually. Yes, Tagiru is unnecessary. That much was obvious from the first fifteen seconds or so. That said, if they're actually going to have him be the protagonist, I don't actually think he's had too much focus. We've had a Taiki-focus episode and a Yuu-focus episode before we actually have a solid villain, plus it's not like they've fallen totally into the background. So yeah, despite Tagiru still not growing on me very much (don't hate him, per say, it's just that I don't... like him. Not yet anyhow, especially compared to Taiki), I think their pacing's been nice thusfar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstone Dresden Posted December 10, 2011 Report Share Posted December 10, 2011 IASC? But yeah, here's why Tagiru is, to me, a better protagonist than Davis: Tagiru actually has goals. He's got Naruto-styled goals, yes, but dammit they're goals. Davis literally had nothing until the absolute finale when they hamfisted it into the plot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted December 11, 2011 Report Share Posted December 11, 2011 Interactive Arts & ScienCes. Yeah, Davis was kinda weird like that. I always figured Davis was more The Heart of the team than he ever was the Hero; his point was to keep the rest of the team optimistic and upbeat, which he did right up until the finale. He's the kinda person that's always a kid at heart, never really has goals set far into the future, and is fine just where he is- even his noodle cart ambition was really just an extended way of saying 'I'd like to travel a lot and not do a ton of work for the rest of my life'. I'd liken him to a much more stupid, less serious Taiki; he likes helping people because it's the right thing to do, and he doesn't care a terrible lot about himself. Heck, in the Deltamon episode, he rather quickly offered himself up as a sacrifice rather than any of his team members- of course it was an obvious trick, but that's because Davis responds to things more emotionally than he does logically. I think it actually says a lot about Davis when his reaction to a Sadistic Choice is to offer his own life in exchange rather than Taking a Third Option and trying to save all of them himself- he's not very ambitious, and he doesn't have a terrible lot of faith in himself, even if he puts faith in others. In that way, I actually think he's rather similar to Taiki's mindset- while Taiki has a cool enough head to observe things logically before he does something stupid, he still quite obviously values the lives of others far much than he values his own ambitions; see his attempted sacrifice vs. Gravimon (the fact is was also a Xanatos Gambit only cinches it; Taiki was aware the results of throwing himself at the blast would either result in Gravimon retracting his core, making him vulnerable, or everyone being saved when he and Gravimon's core died. Either way, it would be a victory. Taiki somehow manages to turn his own death into a victory condition, and is quite possibly THE smartest use of the Heroic Sacrifice I've ever seen). On the other hand, while Tagiru has Davis' stupidity and energy, he's also quite ambitious... which makes him the polar opposite of Taiki, come to think of it. Oddly enough, I think this makes him the only digimon protagonist with a specified goal; Masaru was the closest before him, but even Masaru's goal was largely subjective and more symbolic than anything (His goal was to be the best bancho. Compared to nobody in particular. It's really just an extended way of saying the qualities that he strives to have at all times, not an actual thing he's working towards); Tagiru has an actual, physical goalmark to exceed: Taiki. True, he didn't really state any specifics of how he wants to be 'better' than Taiki, but it's closer than anything we've got anyhow. Speculation on Yuu's future team: DamemonSuperStarmonVolumonBanchoDorulumon(The above three could Xros into TuwarmonX4)Sparrowmon(For TuwarmonX5)RizeGreymon(For Tuwarmon X7) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstone Dresden Posted December 11, 2011 Report Share Posted December 11, 2011 My thoughts on his team: DamemonMetalKabuterimonJagerLoweemonSuperStarmonPteramonVarodurumonDarkdramon Reason being they haven't used a single new Digimon for a hunt thus far (Sagomon BARELY doesn't count as new) so I don't think we should assume they'll start now Also my thoughts on what the Xrosses would actually look like: Tuwarmon X2: MetalKabuterimon's head moves down to become a chest cannon, and his treads expand out to allow for Tuwarmon to pilot him.Tuwarmon X3: X2's treads flip up and lock into place on his back, JagerLoweemon separates in half and turns into a pair of legs, MKabuteri and his heads become shouldersTuwarmon X4: The SuperStarmons become a giant ninja star-like weapon for X3Tuwarmon X5: Pteramon latches onto X4's backTuwarmon X7: X2-5's arms separate from his body and become hip cannons like Paildramon has. Then Chaosmon's Darkdra Arm and Valdur Arm attach in their place and the whole thing turns white OR Chaosmon's body becomes a sword that replaces the one the Darkdra Arm already has. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted December 11, 2011 Author Report Share Posted December 11, 2011 Bypassing the current topic for a short mooment. I have indeed noticed that we are lacking banners, and for this consideration I give two alternatives, we either have 3 or 2 different banners. In the 3 option, we have a banner for fully evolved Hero Digimon, a banner for Villain Digimon, and Damemon & Tuwarmon. With the Hero Digimon, we have a choice of: Adventure: WarGreymon & MetalGarurumon (possibly with Omnimon)02: Imperialdramon Fighter Mode & GranKuwagamonTamers: Gallantmon & Crimson ModeFrontier: EmporerGreymon & MagnaGarurumonSavers: ShineGreymon BM & MirageGaogamon BMXW: Shoutmon & OmegaShoutmonHunters: Arresterdramon & OmegaShoutmon Villains Adventure: Devimon, Myotismon, Piedmon, Apocalymon02: MaloMyotismon, Diaboromon, ArmageddemonTamers: Beelzemon(?)Frontier: Lucemon Falldown ModeSavers: Belphemon(?)XW: Bagramon, Lilithmon, Tactimon, BlastmonHunters: N/A Or, we can have 'Clash' Banners adversly to the solo Heroes & Villains Adventure: Omnimon vs Diaboromon02: Magnamon vs Kimeramon, Imperialdramon FM vs MaloMyotismonTamers: Gallantmon vs BeelzemonFrontier: Susanoomon vs Lucemon Falldown ModeSavers: ShineGreymon vs Belphemon Rage ModeXW: OmegaShoutmon vs BagramonHunters: N/A But, nonetheless I want a Damemon & Tuwarmon banner. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstone Dresden Posted December 11, 2011 Report Share Posted December 11, 2011 Shouldn't it be Tamers: Gallantmon Crimson Mode and Beelzemon Blast Mode or Gallantmon, MegaGargomon, and Sakuyamon?Xros Wars: X4 and MetalGreymon or OmegaShoutmon and ZeekGreymon or DX and JetMervamon? Also, for the Hunters villain sigs, I think we can classify Ren and Airu as the closest thing to villains thus far, so maybe Yasyamon and Cho-Hakkaimon, which yields to Cho-Hakkaimon vs OmegaShoutmon according to the OP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted December 11, 2011 Report Share Posted December 11, 2011 Have the Hunters banner just depict Clockmon, it gets the point across either way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barian Warlord Posted December 11, 2011 Report Share Posted December 11, 2011 Maybe Omega shoutmon left, Clockmon middle, and then Astamon to the right that way we have the ace digimon from each side. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
//Zeromaru// Posted December 11, 2011 Report Share Posted December 11, 2011 There's no proof that the Clockmaker has his own side. Plus if anything it seems that Clockmaker and Ryouma are on the same side, or at least not antagonistic to each other, so having Astamon and Clockmon is wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barian Warlord Posted December 12, 2011 Report Share Posted December 12, 2011 Right now we know the clock maker is neutral so that is why he is in the middle and as far as things go I chose the team leaders digimon when they've cho shinka'd. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted December 12, 2011 Report Share Posted December 12, 2011 The Clockmaker hasn't been strictly antagonistic to anyone, however. Remember, he's given aide to all sides at this point, and besides, Digimon Hunting is patently his game. Regardless of what his motivations are or which Hunters he'd be inclined to ally with (if any), he deserves to be center stage on the Hunters banner. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted December 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted December 12, 2011 Beelzemon Blast Mode is neutral, he only became An Hero due to the compassion and regret he feels for Jeri. Okay, panic mode here, my YMB round came up as #4, and it's time to work hard and make votes. Match 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smear Posted December 12, 2011 Report Share Posted December 12, 2011 I voted. ;3To be quite honest, I have no idea who the other two are, so I would've voted anyway. xD Beelzemon Blast Mode never appears in Tamers, only regular Beelzemon. Right? o-o Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted December 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted December 12, 2011 Blast did appear, during the battle with the D-Reaper. Blast Mode is the one where he has the enormous cannon attached to his arm and the black wings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smear Posted December 12, 2011 Report Share Posted December 12, 2011 Oh, ok. So Beelzemon only went to Blast Mode because of Mako.Wow. xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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