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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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Be fair, Hydra, this is Trimage we're talking about. There's a fair amount of a scale factor to work with.


Also, seeing the new ep finally, I'm glad they at least gave Tagiru a reason for getting the mon this week (Namely, his mon can fly) That said, I'm disappointed that Nene didn't pass Sparrowmon down to Yuu. I would've liked to see Tuwarmon Xrossed with Sparrowmon. Flying golden ninja? Hell yes want


Also also, apparently "Xros Up" isn't the type of Xros but the new term for a Xrossed mon. Discuss.

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Xros Up= lazy writers nuff said. Though in my humble opinion I have a theory.

Digixros: That which making fusion with digimon even more confusion and confusing to newbies. In a sense digixros is basically imbossible in nature as you have to reconfigure ones data to access 'modes' stored within thier brains or whatever the hell they call the processor of a digimon.

On a side not what the hell are digimon? Sometimes theyre programs on servers then they function as computors. But I digress

Now I may have digressed but why is it Digivices are all crafted by digimon themselves? Why is it that it is necessary to drag pretty much useless people into combat for the sake of character development? Why not craft it so that digimon themselves can use them? I mean pick the most useless one out there and at least they can like blow acid spit. Comon.


Digressing. When crossing you activate these forms however the Digivices up until now have all been crafted by digimon save for savers (punny)

The clock maker may have a wise feel and he may have been helped by clockmon however he cannot make a perfect Digivice. Omnimon is allknowing his name could be swapped with a god and it'd make sense. Basically omnimon is wiser than clockmaker making him (punny) able to create the better digivice. Clockmaker may have been lucky to stumble upon the Digivice blueprints however he has also buggered up with the digixros feature. Since digixrossing fuses the complete A.I. Body mind and soul of two or more digimon that is a lot to handle on one Digivice.

So bottom line clockmaker is lazy and also decided it'd make his game interesting so he limited it to two digimon xros able from a single Digivice.

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Well most of the digimon shows have it so humans work like a power source for the digivice, this can be seen in xross wars near the end of the second season but I won't say anymore so I don't spoil it, but ya 1 of the things I like about xross wars is that the humans aren't useless they all have things that make sense why they were brought to the digital world besides they saw a digimon fight when they were children or randomness, and the one I hate the most do to execution they had compatible DNA and I'm just saying that because of Marcus terrible character in a world of good ideas.

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That said, I'm disappointed that Nene didn't pass Sparrowmon down to Yuu. I would've liked to see Tuwarmon Xrossed with Sparrowmon. Flying golden ninja? Hell yes want


I'm honestly not surprised that Yuu didn't receive Digimon from his own sister. Tagiru is the most blatant Gary Stu out of the Digimon protagonists, which is why he's so annoying.

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But I digress

Now I may have digressed but why is it Digivices are all crafted by digimon themselves? Why is it that it is necessary to drag pretty much useless people into combat for the sake of character development? Why not craft it so that digimon themselves can use them?



Digressing. When crossing you activate these forms however the Digivices up until now have all been crafted by digimon save for savers (punny)Digivice.




Adventure/02: Digivices were first made by the "Old Ones", also known as Genai's race. Though it was never explicitly stated in the dub, during the later parts of 02 it was confirmed that the Old Ones were the first humans to enter the digital world while it was still in its primordial stage- the digivices and the partner digimon they were connected to were both specifically crafted for human use, specifically human child use since children have a far stronger mental connection to the digital world than adults do.

Though it wasn't explained well, I presume the digivice works by containing a fragment of the digital world's source as it was in its Primordial Stage: easily influenced by human presence. It reacts to human emotions by releasing a burst of energy that modifies whatever it is released at to better suit the human's wishes- it's designed for this target to usually be the partnered digimon, but it could technically work on anything of digital origin; this is why it frequently acted as a Deus Ex Machina- the digivice literally warps reality to the user's emotions.

Of course, this isn't always positive. Negative emotions influence in negative ways, explaining Dark Digivolution.

The Dark Spires worked by 'sealing down' the digital world around them, and making it more concrete- it prevented things from being modified by the fragment of creation, including digimon in the vicinity. Armor digivolving gets around this by being preset equipment that is simply activated by the digivice, not changed- the digimon is simply applying an expansion to their data instead of modifying existing data.


Tamers: D-Arcs were created by a single (human) madman with a computer who developed an AI project far beyond its initial scope. Well, to be more precise, he made the initial schematics for the D-Arc which were then upgraded by the sapient life he had created (which were NOT Digimon, but proto-lifeforms) into a more efficient and powerful form. Unlike the digivices that convert emotion into power, the D-Arcs exist to bridge the gap (hence the word 'arc') between Digimon and Human life; as the connection between humans and digimon decreased, the more power the combined unit would have. Bio-Merging is the logical conclusion of this, where there exists no difference between human and digimon.


Frontier: The D-Tectors were converted from cellphones by Ophanimon and... I honestly have totally forgot if they ever addressed where they actually came from, or what their purpose is except as weapons for the humans. Well, this one was made by a digimon at any case, so... there you go.


Savers: The iC schematics were created by Daimon Masaru as an attempt to bring humans and digimon together; after that point, they were presumably mass-produced by DATS as equipment for their operatives. In and of themselves, the only use of an iC is as a storage mechanism for (singular) digimon, in order to reduce visibility. When provided with a sufficiently powerful Digisoul, however, the iC works as a condenser and director for the energy; power sent through it acts as a funnel, or focusing laser, and sends it directly to whatever digimon is keyed into its systems. The problem with the iC is that, like any focusing device, it does have a limit to how much power it can hold- a theoretically impossibly high limit, but a limit none the less. When enough power is stuffed into it, the energy will get across explosively, then wreck the funnel itself- which is exactly what happened when the team attempted to go to Mega the first time- they overloaded the capacity the iC had for holding energy.

The solution, of course, was for BanchouLeomon to add his own modifications to the iC- as it was a joint project between him and Daimon. By changing the iC from a device solely based off of human technology to one based off both digimon and human origins, the ceiling for the possible power it could hold was once again, expanded to an unrealistic height- though this time, they also installed an emergency function. In case of Overflow, the human could override the iC's systems entirely and just directly send all the energy they had, totally unfocused- this makes the digimon more powerful of course, but the additional strength lacks the targeted ability to increase the core of a digimon. As such, Digimon given more power through the override mechanism pile it onto to their current forms instead of using it to evolve to the next level- this is called Burst Mode, and its name literally refers to how the digimon broke the limits of mega, and is just slathered with additional energy it can no longer focus to a single point.

This is brought to its logical conclusion in the finale, where Daimon forgoed the use of the iC entirely and just directly infused Agumon with all of his DigiSoul; in this case, none of the Digisoul was condensed into a new form at all, it simply wrapped Agumon in a massive fire made entirely out of power.

Incidentally, the red beam of light that comes out when a human activates the Emergency Override? That's an identification beam, a security measure basically. The humans put their hand over it so it can check their DNA.


Xros Wars: Created by especially powerful digimon... or the clockmaker. It's still a bit unclear, so I'm reserving my thoughts until end of the season.



TL, DR? Out of the five completed seasons, only two of them had digivices made by digimon. Tamers had one that was designed by a human but constructed by a DigiGnome(Which is an entirely different thing than a digimon), and Savers had one that was made by a human and upgraded by a Digimon.


EDIT: Roxas, I'd argue your use of Gary Stu. Tagiru has flaws that the show acknowledges, needs help from others frequently, holds no exceptional skills, is rarely actually the focus of an episode, and frankly, is only moderately tolerated by the rest of the cast. He's annoying, and by virtue of being protagonist he gets the most screentime, by neither of those traits make him remotely suited to being any variety of Gary Stu; it just makes him, well, an annoying protagonist. I didn't like Daisuke either, but he wasn't a sue.

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Adventure/02: Digivices were first made by the "Old Ones", also known as Genai's race. Though it was never explicitly stated in the dub, during the later parts of 02 it was confirmed that the Old Ones were the first humans to enter the digital world while it was still in its primordial stage- the digivices and the partner digimon they were connected to were both specifically crafted for human use, specifically human child use since children have a far stronger mental connection to the digital world than adults do.

Though it wasn't explained well, I presume the digivice works by containing a fragment of the digital world's source as it was in its Primordial Stage: easily influenced by human presence. It reacts to human emotions by releasing a burst of energy that modifies whatever it is released at to better suit the human's wishes- it's designed for this target to usually be the partnered digimon, but it could technically work on anything of digital origin; this is why it frequently acted as a Deus Ex Machina- the digivice literally warps reality to the user's emotions.

Of course, this isn't always positive. Negative emotions influence in negative ways, explaining Dark Digivolution.

The Dark Spires worked by 'sealing down' the digital world around them, and making it more concrete- it prevented things from being modified by the fragment of creation, including digimon in the vicinity. Armor digivolving gets around this by being preset equipment that is simply activated by the digivice, not changed- the digimon is simply applying an expansion to their data instead of modifying existing data.


Wrong-o. Sorry I had to do it.


While you had a hold of the Digivice and digivolution stuff for Adventure you're wrong on 02.

The D-3's were created by Azulongmon when Ryo recreated the Digi-Eggs so that they had the specific purpose of being able to Armour Digivolve a digimon. That's why the D-3's can do it but the original Digivices can't.

And Armour digivolution isn't an expansion to the data. Before Digimon had the ability to digivolve beyond rookie form naturally they created the Digi-Eggs so that they could digivolve to a higher form like some of the more powerful Digimon in the world at that time. It's the most primordial form of Digivolution there is and that point in the Digital World's history there were loads of Digi-Eggs all around, but by the time that Apocalymon first arrived in the Digital world and the first team of Digidestined were called there literally all of the Digi-Eggs had been destroyed. Because of that nobody except Ryo and the Sovereigns/Harmonious Ones knew about them and why there is only one for each crest.

Since Myotismon didn't know about Armour Digivolution, he couldn't tell Arukenimon, who couldn't tell Ken. Which is why the Spires can't stop Armour Digivolution. You can't design something to stop something else that you don't know about. (And a small extra on why it's not expansion of the data. All of the Armour Digimon are also normal Digimon, they only classed as armour because the Digi-eggs ere used to Digivolve them.)


I can't fault you on anything else. Except that the D-Arcs, while not created for the purpose of chanelling emotion, still have the capability to do so. as shown by Takato's and Growlmon/WarGrowlmon's actions during their first Digivolutions and the Dark Digivolution to Megidramon. Although that really was more of a mental link I suppose :/

In Frontier, I think the digivices may have been meant as a sort of control for the Spirits, because without them they appeared to be able to act on their own (ie Possessing Shamanmon, causing the whirpools etc)

And Xros Wars has that powerful Digimon can create Digivices somehow, there was no explanation, but the colour that they change when controlled is specific to a certain character trait that the owner possesses. I can't remember what the traits are, Nene's never got told and I think Yuu's yellow is friendship? But yeh with Hunter's we have to wait to see later episodes. We've had no proof that Clockmaker actually makes these Xros Loaders.


But Wolfy, there is no proof that if Clockmaker does make them, that he makes them any worse than Omnimon/DarkKnightmon/Bagramon. In fact he maybe better at making them since he's only human. And apart from the main character's (Not including Tagiru and to an extent Zen) human's don't seem overly intelligent in this series.


Another well made arguement/essay by Hydra. I always love reading these.


EDIT: I just read over my post, and I seem to have posted in a rather Jerk-like manner. My apologies.

And why does everyone hate Davis and Tagiru?! Am I the only one that doesn't?

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EDIT: I just read over my post, and I seem to have posted in a rather Jerk-like manner. My apologies.


Nah, you were fine. I'm surprisingly good at making stuff up without even realizing it, so it's necessary for someone to call me on it now and then.


As for the D-3s, I admit I was working off of unclear memory for the most part, so yeah, probably got that wrong. I'd argue I'm still right about Digimentals being data expansions rather that conversions, however- even if it was used as a replacement for digivolving before digivolving was developed, that doesn't negate how it works. Likewise, Ken became aware of Armor Digivolving at some point during the saga (correct me if I'm wrong on that because I'm literally just assuming he saw them digivolve at some point) and he still didn't update the spires- which implies that Armor Digivolving works in a totally different way from conventional digivolving and it wouldn't be a simple matter of tweaking the blueprint in order to block it.


My assumption is that while the Old Ones were developing the original digivices, they experimented with prepackaging bundles of emotional energy that could be reused over and over again- thus creating the Digimentals, the early beta-form of digivolution. After they developed the original digivice, they presumably scrapped the Digimental project and didn't bother making any more; Ryu ended up finding some (or making some? Could somebody explain that a bit more? I, quite obviously, never played the Wonderswan games) and using them efficiently, which gave Azulongmon the idea to have new Digidestined use them to combat Ken's spires.

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Not surprised that Nene didn't give them over or not surprised that the writers didn't take Tagiru out of the spotlight again?


The latter.


Roxas, I'd argue your use of Gary Stu. Tagiru has flaws that the show acknowledges, needs help from others frequently, holds no exceptional skills, is rarely actually the focus of an episode, and frankly, is only moderately tolerated by the rest of the cast. He's annoying, and by virtue of being protagonist he gets the most screentime, by neither of those traits make him remotely suited to being any variety of Gary Stu; it just makes him, well, an annoying protagonist. I didn't like Daisuke either, but he wasn't a sue.


True, and while I get that Tagiru is the protagonist, he succeeds far too often and gets credit for whatever reason. I had read a theory that the only reason Tagiru got Blossomon was because Taiki and Yuu's Xros Loaders don't have the capture functions, but then the episode with SuperStarmon aired and Yuu showed that his Xros Loader could capture Digimon, thus meaning that Taiki should have been able to capture Blossomon, and yet Tagiru got the capture despite the fact that it was OmegaShoutmon got the final attack. Tagiru gets too much favoritism from Taiki and Nene despite the fact that Yuu is by all means better than him. Even worse, despite the fact that Yuu is the one that captured SuperStarmon, SuperStarmon decides to say that Tagiru has the makings of a superstar, even though he was the arrogant punk who called Ryouma and Yuu third-rate. As awesome as Tsuwamon is, he's the only thing that allows Yuu to be better than Tagiru.


I'll have to watch 02 so I can compare Takeru to Daisuke, but even then I doubt that Daisuke will come close to how intolerably awful of a protagonist that Tagiru is.

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I'm a firm believer in Piracy as Advertisement and a staunch defender of free internet content, so I'm obliged to mention that fansubs are only illegal in the "totally unenforceable, basically-just-for-show-law" sort of way. There's a bill that's been floating around lately in America discussing about taking measures to actually try enforcing it, but that'll die quickly enough- a massive chunk of the current president's voter demographic is against it, and it's creeping up on election season.


That said, Crunchyroll is the better option when available, since it actually supports the makers of the show in a tangible way.




True, and while I get that Tagiru is the protagonist, he succeeds far too often and gets credit for whatever reason. I had read theory that the only reason Tagiru got Blossomon was because Taiki and Yuu's Xros Loaders don't have the capture functions, but then the episode with SuperStarmon aired and Yuu showed that his Xros Loader could capture Digimon, thus meaning that Taiki should have been able to capture Blossomon, and yet Tagiru got the capture despite the fact that it was OmegaShoutmon got the final attack.


I thought it was pretty obvious at this point that the one who gets the Digimon has nothing to do with whoever contributed the most to the fight, or whoever got the finishing blow; the deciding factor simply seems to be whoever holds up their Loader to the shattered data quickest.


Taiki let Tagiru have most of the digimon so far because, let's face it, Taiki doesn't need any more digimon; he has almost the entirety of Xros Heart with him, and any digimon he took would probably go unused. On the other hand, Tagiru still needs to build up his army, so it makes sense the additional goes to him.


As for Yuu, he's not interested in Hunting for the sake of Hunting. Yuu's entire thing is that he doesn't see the situation as a game- he remembers the last time he treated digimon like pawns for his amusement, and is trying to get as far from that as physically possible. Tagiru takes Hunted digimon half as trophies of his accomplishments- Yuu doesn't do that. He took SuperStarmon because SuperStarmon was incredibly powerful, and would be a potent ally for situations ahead- none of the previous digimon would have been that useful to him, so I doubt he cared that he got them on his team.


Basically, Taiki doesn't need any superfluous team members and Yuu doesn't want any superfluous team members, so any digimon that isn't totally exceptional in any way defaults ownership to Tagiru.


As for Taiki and Nene shilling Tagiru instead of Yuu, well, take a look at the relationships evolved here. Yuu has been Taiki's friend for the past few years and he's Nene's brother, whereas Tagiru is a relatively naive newcomer. They don't compliment Yuu's skills often because they're aware of them- they're used to it. Tagiru, on the other hand, comes off as a totally useless idiot so they feel compelled to tell him when their perceptions of him are reversed.

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And besides Hydra's essay (Dear God man, are you an English major or something?!), you've also gotta realize that Tagiru's an attention whore, Yuu and Taiki aren't.


Plus, Tagiru doesn't seem to have that much self restraint that I've seen, so they probably only keep him around because it's better than he becomes a pain in their collective ass than the alternative of him possibly dying or getting corrupted by a strong enough Digimon if they leave him to his own devices.

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