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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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That is correct, but he'll only be Cho Shinkaed for the 4 turns. Then you'd have to tank 4 in order to get your Stamina back. Hence why you were all gifted with a Container of DigiNoir. So your Str & Sta will be enough to take on your first ultimate, who will hit just as hard.

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Nope, only their location. Oh yes, despite testing Cho Shinka, there is another, more sinister purpose. See, you Hunters, can actually stab each other in the back. Whoever posts the location first will find and battle the Digimon. But during the battle, other Hunters who got the location right CAN come in and snipe hunts, or even attack another Hunter's Digimon.


Why am I allowing this? Do you even NEED me to answer that? As I said, there are no winners, only various flavours of losers.

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They get KOed and you have to flee. You also lose all of your Just points as well. If another Hunter is there was well, they can continue the fight with the weakened Target. Essentially, being first is not always best; especially should I let the Clock Maker out to play.

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Well, I pretty much told him to do it, but heads up guys, this riddle iwll also be devilishly tough, AND you will also be facing an ultimate. This will be a test of the Cho Shinka system, to see how it works out.

Its not that the riddle is challenging its just that they are challenged.



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I spent five hours of a gaming session just getting through character creation.


That's a bit typical, honestly. Whenever I start a campaign with first-timers, the first meeting is always just character creation and maybe a dinky little test scenario so I can teach them the basics of combat. It even pays to do it with experienced people who just haven't played with you often, so they can get a feel for how you run the game and what's fine and what isn't, etc, etc.

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