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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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My first picture was his inner personality. :o


Assuming Gumdramon and Tagiru are the main duo this season and they don't get further Evolutions or the ability to Xros multiple mons in a hit, I'd like to see Tagiru Xros Arresterdramon with every mon he's got one after the other, each one getting off a good hit on the main bad guy before getting knocked back and getting forcibly Xros Opened until finally Arresterdramon himself gives the final fatal blow.

If Tagiru isn't the main then we are being seriously trolled. I'm imagining Shoutmon and Taiki doing something to prevent the DigiQuartz and human world from colliding (like Savers), while Tagiru does the final fight.


Do you think there will be an arc in the digital world?

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Or maybe his lack of digimon knowledge extends so far that he is incapable of realizing their is a digimon wikia.

Whare do you think I've been getting the images I posted from? >__>

Also, I find it rather amusing how the Digimon wiki doesn't have pages that list Digimon that belong to specific families, but they have a page for all the [-dramon] Digimon.


EDIT: This club almost hit page 2, so why not try and save it?

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