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The Warden

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He views "Being American" like a disability, he tries not to judge you buy it but it will sleep out.


He blames America for having all the other tamers have names like Japanese Monkeymen.


He will in time, try to buy off one of them with a banana.


And will say lines like,


"Calm down you are letting your Americanism get the better of you."


Sadly he probbably is one of the nicer characters simply because he is willing to believe all your problems are just because of america.

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Well then, let's see the results of faith. Here is a best to worst list based on the cumulative stats.



Prairiemon: 221/5 = 44.2

Guilmon: 159/5 = 31.8

Betamon: 151/5 = 30.2

Tapirmon: 150/5 = 30

Shamanmon: 141/5 = 28.2

Hyokomon: 133/5 = 26.6

Terriermon: 131/5 = 26.2

Candlemon: 116/5 = 23.2

PawnChessmon (Black): 109/5 = 21.8

Kotemon: 108/5 = 21.6



Also, to Dame Square with you Req.

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