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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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Maybe we could move Adventure to like 2010 so that the rp starts in the 70's or it doesn't have to be connected with adventure at all and it could be in the future and have twice as awesome Digivolution scenes. Also i hate the girls style in the 50's. It could also be in the future but we get sent to the past right before Adventure happened.

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>;( you cant do that! If hes/shes from that time he/she is going to dress in whatever fashion is popular at that time. Of course like every other anime you can exagerate a bit but you cant go out of the style the rp's time is set in. If i wanted to yes i could wear a sailor uniform thats still a current trend but I'm most likely going to go with something else.


O_o although every Anime girl from the 80's seems to have either worn a bikini type thing or a shirt with puff sleeves and a pleaded skirt... not many options XD

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But we dress manga anime-ish from anime and mangas from that time...




It's not very different from Manga or anime now but its definitively clothing from a different era than our own and is odd or different in our eyes but back then it was the norm. The clothing these chracters wear could even be considered classic or the original since they inspired so many characters now.

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You realise that since there are Milleniummon and Clockmon, two Digimon who have the ability to manipulate time, you could quite easily disregard clothing. Plus, by setting it in the adventure universe you could have the characters change their clothing due to travelling to the Digital World like Davis, Yolei and Cody.

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You realise that since there are Milleniummon and Clockmon, two Digimon who have the ability to manipulate time, you could quite easily disregard clothing. Plus, by setting it in the adventure universe you could have the characters change their clothing due to travelling to the Digital World like Davis, Yolei and Cody.


That's a good point.

So, I guess every time they get to the Digital World, their clothes change.

But they're going to be trapped in the Digital World, because they didn't know about the DigiPorts.

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The time is set 20 years before the story of Adventure.


--5 years before present time--

There was a group of children who decided it would be a good idea to go swimming late at night, but only a select few of them saw a light deep under the water. They thought that it would be a good idea to check out what it is. They kept swimming closer and closer to the light, until they eventually got sucked in. The group of kids landed in the Digital World! There, they saw all kinds of digimon until they decided to leave back through the rip between the worlds. These people are the original DigiDestined. But the others who heard about their journey came to despise those children and became their enemy.


--Present time--

In the Digital World, there is a strange group causing all sort of harm to the Digimon called, 'DEL-ETE' meaning, 'Digital Expanse Lacuna - Executing The End'. They use this program called 'delete.exe' which so far destroys only Fresh level Digimon. But DEL-ETE doesn't know that their data is just reconfigured.

The DigiDestined have to stop DEL-ETE before they figure out how to completely delete all data in the Digital World! The only other weird thing about DEL-ETE is that, they have digivices and partner digimon too, so does that make them DigiDestined?!


The only way the DigiDestined are able to stop DEL-ETE is if their digimon can digivolve into the Mega stage, but there is only one way for them to do that. They need a bond so strong with their digimon that they are able to digivolve into their Champion level. After that, they need the Tags and Crests to digivolve to Ultimate, but they need even more of a bond. But to get to their Mega stages, the DigiDestined need to get these strange bands, which have a Crest shown on them, the Crest of Correlations!



[spoiler=Prologue (For DigiDestined)]

The DigiDestined are all at the same beach that they were last time, but this time they're the only ones there. Suddenly, the tides change tremendously and start to become dangerous. All of a sudden a rainbow came out of a whirlpool that was caused by the tides and shot Digivices at the DigiDestined. The Digivices started to pull them into the whirlpool!


They came out at the Digital World, where they are met by Varodurumon and their partner Digimon in their In-Training Form. Little do they know what awaits.




[spoiler=Prologue (For DEL-ETE)]

DEL-ETE are all working hard with their partner digimon to try and upgrade the delete.exe program. One of the members finds a strange signal... More people in the Digital World? Are they here to help DEL-ETE or destroy them? The boss helping DEL-ETE destroy the digital world is ShineGreymon Ruin Mode. He wants revenge on Varodurumon for some odd reason!




Progress so far. What do you think?

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*sigh* Frontier was the Digimon i grew up with when Digimon first came over here i didn't watch it becuase the first two seasons looked like they were for little kids (which they were) and by the time Tamers came they were playing Frontier on ABC and i started to watch it and fell in love with it. It was the season that got me into Digimon in the first place and no matter what it will always be my favorite.


Xros Wars is a season i don't like (and the only one) I do not at all like the whole Xrosing thing. Whats the point of having levels if their insignificant? They just fuse 2 or more Digimon together and its somehow stronger. I don't like the characters Designs the only exceptions are Nene and Zenjiro. There is no real story before they enter the digital world just Akari searching for Taiki then randomly Zenjiro walks in and in like 5 seconds are already in the digital world. There is almost nothing about this season i like.


Yeah but wasn't Frontier like that too? Besides you know, it having trains.


And don't get me wrong, trains f***ing rule but yeah.

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