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The Warden

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Even though it's Kiriha, I was still surprised that he would kill him like that. Frontier villains get some of the worst treatment in this season.


Dresden, you'll be happy to know that Spadamon is confirmed to show up in the anime. Also, I realized the background behind your username and finally realized that your avatar is the scene from The Dresden Files that I read about on TV Tropes. I really like the idea that the power of a zombie is proportional to how long they've been dead.

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Spadamon's been confirmed for a while since X4S was confirmed to be in the anime


But yeah, I think Kiriha's gone a little axe crazy I mean he pretty much stood there and let Taiki die just because he... refused his sexual advances, judging by the man rape scene on Deckerdramon's leg.


And you get a rep for being the first person on this damn site to get my name.

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Nene doesn't travel with Taiki and co, Roxas, so they don't have him to rely on that much. Why the HELL is Sparrowmon not a girl?!


I'm just waiting for X5KBSGMSD + M at this point.


For those of you too lazy to take apart the letters that would be Shoutmon + Ballistamon + Dorulumon + Starmons + Sparrowmon + Knightmon + PawnChesmons + Beelzemon + Spadamon + Greymon + MailBirdramon + SkullKnightmon + DeadlyAxemon + ChibiKamemon

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Hydra, like the fact that the protagonist routinely orders Shoutmon et al to murder other Digimon and NOBODY (Not even Akari or Cutemon) says anything about it? I'm not advocating pacifism in an anime with War on the title, but something like Trigun/RuroKen would be nice, with Xros Heart merely beating the opposing Digimon into unconsciousness? I get that it's a war, but they're 6th or 7th graders that routinely watch/order small-to-giant monsters to kill other small-to-giant monsters. Except in Zenjirou's case, where he does the killing himself.


And again, there's been NO MENTION of DigiEggs or anything like that this season, so as far as the protagonists and Kiriha are concerned, dead Digimon stay dead.

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Yes, but these are middle schoolers! They shouldn't be so ready to start killing everything that challenges them without going through some personal soul searching first. Like Cody in 02. When the Spire Digimon came about, he was reluctant to kill them because they were alive (Or so he thought). Why can't they do something like that?

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Easy, there's no blood. Dead digimon explode into fairy sparkles. It's a lot easier to emotionally distance yourself from the horrors of war when you're fighting creatures that aren't even remotely similar to your own body's physicality, and there's nothing left to remind you that you just killed someone. Besides, they haven't killed anyone that wasn't trying to kill them in the first place, and no point in leaving the Bagura forces unharmed and able to swarm you again. Tactically, it's necessary they kill their foes- excepting in cases where they aren't fighting the Bagura army (as with SlashAngemon).


The digimon members of the team don't care because they're used to it by now- even Cutemon's been tagging around with Dorulumon enough to be desensitized.

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One could argue that death equals purification, like in Frontier, so only the stray evil data that was leftover after the villain was deleted was absorbed and the actually life data, for lack of a better word, was sent back to the village.


Actually, scratch Devimon off that list. I just remembered that he was in a whirlpool until 02. Not sure if he's still there, it's been a while

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His data was extraced by the Emporer and used in Kimeramon, that's why it went rogue. There is an incontinuty though. Apocalymon bragged that he had the data of all their defeated enemies. He even used Crimson Lightning, a move of Myotismon. And yet, Myotismon was possessing Oikawa at that exact moment.

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His data was extraced by the Emporer and used in Kimeramon, that's why it went rogue. There is an incontinuty though. Apocalymon bragged that he had the data of all their defeated enemies. He even used Crimson Lightning, a move of Myotismon. And yet, Myotismon was possessing Oikawa at that exact moment.



Pointing out discontinuities in 02 is basically shooting fish in a barrel. The poor season had more conflicting writing staff than all the other seasons put together, it's a wonder they managed to get anything with a semblance of a coherent plot at all.


But yeah, I have to admit it's pretty ludicrous that they're all in middle school. But then again, digimon was ludicrous from the very beginning; the previous protagonist was a highschooler that beat digimon to death with his own bare hands... and the one before that beat them to death with his own two armored hands.

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The way I see it, Marcus's DigiSoul amplified his strength based on how pissed he was, and as for Frontier, they were Digimon at the time.


And, yes, Apocalymon may have had the data for all the other villains but I still say he didn't have all of it. He probably had their Virus data, like I said before. I know I'm dragging Frontier rules into Adventure canon, but dammit it's the only way to make any sense of this crap.

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