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The episode with Akiza getting her license (Episode 75?) is definitely a good tribute. In one episode, she had a date with Yusei, had an awesome duel, and became a Turbo Duelist.

The episode with the Poppo Time Clock I consider a Tribute to Crow (because it shows he will lose if his loss will better the situation, unlike other characters), and it has a hilarious Yusei moment (Yusei pulling Clockduelistguy backward, probably thinking "you touch my girl again, I kick your ass" was priceless).

I especially liked the dubbed episode(s) where Leo dueled Sayer mostly because it has a rather decent amount of YuseixAki and Leo dueled really cool in that episode(s). To be completely honest, I don't remember how many episodes that duel took up, but I knew it was really cool.

Then again, it looks like most of my dubbed episode choices aren't so much the character tributes as they are interesting YuseixAki episodes. Maybe you should have a tribute for each pairing with sufficient material (in other words, a YuseixAki tribute marathon and maybe a JackxCarly tribute marathon).
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Astro stop using dub names because I have no idea who you're talking about when you do that. (Thank god for the YGO Wikia to do that for me)
Mukoro he's a minor character who duels against didn't really do much, other than show that Jack likes to drive backwards.

Rua Vs Divine was only one episode 36, followed by 3 Carly dueling eps...and 3 Divine dueling eps.

With the main characters its hard because of their joint past in Team Satisfaction, but you can use that mainly for Yusei as he was closet to Kiryu. You can use when he tried to turn himself in, but they ended up arresting Kiryu anyway. I think its important to focus on Yusei's loyalty to friends, how he didn't want to attack Rally when Rudger controlled him (Outside of Martha's in (Will get the number when Janime loads..)) as well as Yusei's regrets when he dueled Rudger. So basically you want to show Yusei's raw compassionate nature, his regret, loyalty and sense of 'justice'.

With Jack its important to get his departure from Satellite, and his downfall so 26 is a MUST and same with 59 because you have Jack starting to do things for other people rather than just himself and his subsequent duel with Rex. You could include some of the episodes where you see his sense of justice with him taking out the debt collector and the thieves, he did something wrong so corrected it. Vs Crimson Familar has to be included because it shows Jack unlocking Burning Soul.

If you did cannon pairings you're very reduced to what 2 pairings...
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Well actually each ep of 5Ds raw is 24 mins in total including about 4 mins ish of just the OP/ED another 30 seconds of just previews. Back when I recorded DM eps of Sky (in my sad days of being a dubbie) they were only 17 mins long including OP/ED
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