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Survivor, YCM Island

Ieyasu Tokugawa

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Reps have now been approved by JoshIcy for reward challenge rewards.

[spoiler=Round 1 Elimination Votes]

[spoiler=And the first vote...]




[spoiler=Second vote is for...]




[spoiler=And the third vote...]

[spoiler=...goes to...]


[spoiler=*insert suspensful music here*]










[spoiler=And the fourth vote...]

Yeah, this was a cookie, and thus considered a Spoiled ballet. Thus, Hila has been eliminated, and the new challenge will be up immediately.





[spoiler=Round 2 Reward Challenge]

All righty, now we shall have our very own eating contest! The goal is simple, make a card that revolves around equipping your opponent's monsters. It can be Spell, Trap or a monster, so long as it somehow meets the requirements.


The reward for this challenge shall be a rep to each member of the team, as well as the winning team gets to send a member of the losing team to TCG Island (and you though I forgot about this didn't you :P) You will have a week to do the challenge.


IMPORTANT NOTE: In order for me to find your cards easily, your pm must be titled "Survivor Eating Contest". Please do not try to be cute and make variations on what I posted, I'm doing this so I can easily find the pms at a later date.




All normal YCM rules apply.

In this topic, my power is second only to staff members. If you complain about little things you think I’m doing wrong, discuss with me over pm, don’t flood the topic with complaints that I spelled something wrong.


I will be giving deadlines for each round as they appear. Any cards not posted by the deadline will lose 1/10 of the total score for every 10 minutes late, giving you a little over an hour and a half past the posted deadline. There will be no extensions unless you have a valid excuse, like getting temp-banned for something you did.


If I see a post somewhere in the forum that I consider cheating, there will be punishment.

I have no power over what goes on between contestants over pm **WINKWINKHINTHINT**


The entry fee is the number of posts you have accumulated/10 rounded down, so if you have 154 posts, you give me 15 points. The only exceptions are that if you have <100 posts, you pay 10 points and if you have >500 posts you only pay 50 points. All points will go to the pot, which will be the prize for first place.




Prize shall be the entire pot, second place shall get a rep for being so awesome.

NOTE: reward challenge prizes(discussed below) will not be from the pot, I will pay for them myself. (Not like I use them :P)


Current pot: 1415




I want to have as many judges as possible with a minimum of 3. I am setting the deadline for judges at 3 days after the contestents' deadline. Nothing will change that, even if all cards are turned in early.

Reasons for being stricts because I have seen contests doing nothing for atleast a week because a judg didn’t turn in their scores, and I’m pretty sure this contest is going to last long enough without that.

For scoring, I will pm you the cards without the contestents' names on them. You will also only recieve half of the turned in cards, because I know how tiring it can be to grade 10+ cards, and some of these challenges might be multi-card challenges.

Also, any judge that turns in scores for all rounds will get a rep at the end of the contest.


[spoiler=Current Judges]


Random Merlin

Little Red Lady!





[spoiler=The Tribes]

There will be a maximum of 20 contestants separated into two different “tribes.” If you want to come up with tribe names yourself, you’re welcome to, otherwise I will name you myself. Each tribe will have an accumulated score, determining if you win or lose the challenge. Elimination will be explained below.


So far, the contestants are:


1. Lightning Cloud

2. Future Paradise

3. Justice Master

4. -Dingo-

5. .Kowalski

6. Newfie Kuribo Shark

7. Hila Equitatus Inflectus

8. -Dae-




And if somebody comes up with better tribe names, kudos to you, I may use them.

[spoiler=Alpha Tribe]

1. -Dingo-

2. newfie kuribo shark

3. -Dae-

4. Future Paradise



[spoiler=Omega Tribe]

1. lightningcloud

2. Hila Equitatus Inflectus

3. .Kowalski

4. Justice Master





[spoiler=Main Functions]


There will be 2 types of challenges, reward and immunity.

-Reward challenges will be fought for a reward *shock*. Rewards can be anything from 5 points to each person to nulling out the worst scoring card from your team’s average, unless that card was a no-show, then it will be the next worst. I may even do reps if I can get it approved by a mod.

-Immunity challenges will be fought to determine which team goes to Tribal Council.


Also, any cards you make will be pm'd to me to save clutter.



[spoiler=Tribal Counsel]

This is where this contest is a little different from the usual here. After each immunity challenge, the losing tribe will go to Tribal Counsel. Here, each person in the tribe will vote on the person they would like eliminated. The person with the most votes is eliminated, no question.



[spoiler=TCG Island]

TCG Island is just off of the coast of YCM Island. This is where thousands of cards live, wandering aimlessly. There are but 2 special cards, one for each tribe. To find them, one must solve the riddles of the island.


Starting with the second reward challenge, the team that wins every reward challenge will choose 1 person on the other team to go to TCG Island. Doing so will give an increase in difficulty for the person during the next immunity challenge. However; there is a hidden immunity idol on the island in the form of a printed Yu-Gi-Oh card. I will give that person a hint towards the card’s wherabouts, and each person who visits the island afterwards will get the previous hints as well as a new one.


If you pm me which card is the correct one, you will receive the idol, and I will give you a special image to use as the idol.


The idol will protect you from vote off once, and only if you post the image on the pm that contains your vote. Afterwards, I will reset the hints and it will be a new card.


If somebody has found the idol, I will continue to give hints to the card, however, if somebody figures out the card, they will not receive anything but an alert that it is not there anymore. What they do with that information is up to them.




There will be a merge, but I’m not telling you when it will be. At that point, reward challenges will change a little(Though not too much) and there will only be 1 immunity idol on TCG Island. Also, since there is only one tribe, everyone goes to Tribal Counsel, and the person who won the immunity challenge cannot be voted off.


NOTE: If two people are still in possesion of the hidden idols, they will still be accepted, you just have to wait for both idols to be used to find another one.



[spoiler=Final Three]

When there are three people left, then only the winner of the immunity challenge will vote, since the other contestants cannot vote for themselves. Whoever the winner chooses will be eliminated, and we will move on to the final round.



[spoiler=The Jury]

The Jury will begin forming after the merge. It will be made up of those who get voted off starting with the merge. They will be the judges for the final round, wich will be a 1 vs 1 between the final 2 contestants.






Can’t think of anything else I need to include, so have at it.

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