Shadow Zero Posted February 15, 2011 Report Share Posted February 15, 2011 Well, now that you;ve got that accomplished, you can focus on the matter at hand. The matter at hand of course being to get into the medium. You examine the egg and find that it has a button on the side of it towards the middle portion. >Push the button You do so and find that nothing happens. Well, this is quite annoying. Ah well, you decide to forgo the mechanical egg for the moment to go and troll Korona and see how she is doing with her land. That and to tell her that everything worked out despite your screw up with Naksia. [spoiler=Troll Korona]DV: Um...Korona?DV: You there?PC: What the f*** do ye want.DV: Woah, easy. No need for such language.PC: No, aye can f***ing talk the way aye f***ing want.DV: Okay fine, I guess I deserve the cussing after what a major moron I was before.DV: Anyway, Naksia talk to Felixe who talked to me and told me to talk to Rohter. I did and got the game data for Nexxen and sent it to him.DV: He says he wants to wait though.PC: Why the f*** would aye carrre?DV: I don'tknow, I just thought you might like to know that things worked out.DV: Although you aree evidently still quite mad aside from that.PC: Aye'm mad?! Aye would have neverrr guessed!DV: *sighs* Would it help if I apologized?PC: Yes, worrrds fix everrrything.DV: Ah sarcasm. Can't seem to escape it.DV: Either way,I am sorry that I caused trouble.DV: Hey, here's something that might make you laugh.DV: I smashed my head against a wall for at least a full minute trying to knock some sense into it.DV: I think all I managed to do was give myself a splitting headache though.PC: No, that makes me feel even morrre sorrry forrr ye.DV: Eh, whatever. Anyway, I think I am going to get to some building now, while I wait for an idea to occur as to my own ordeal.DV: How many imps have you slain, by the way?PC: Not enough. None of them rrremind me of ye stupid face.DV: Meh. Well, you seem to have built up a sizable amount of Grist, so I am going to get started building.DV: Speaking of,now might be a good time for you toAlchemize something, if you hadn't already.PC: Aye have to build forrr Naksia so aye don't have time forrr that at the moment.PC: Ye be a stupid nerrrd so aye'm surrrprrrised ye didn't think of that.DV: Well I was kind of distracted by doing other things. It had come to mind, but I had other plans that I was trying to take care of before I got to building.DV: Looks like they're not going to happen though.DV: Or were you referring to something else?PC: What else would aye be rrreferrring too?DV: Beats the heck out of me, or rather my cranium.DV: Oooowwww......DV: *holds head in pain*PC: Ye have something wrrrong with ye.DV: Yeah, it's called a massive migraine.DV: Anyway, I'll be going now.DV: Oh, and you'll get your arm cannon as soon as I am in the medium,so look forward to that. :)PC: It'll prrrobably be s*** considerrring ye made it.DV: Pfff, just the opposite.DV: It'll be a hundred times better then the one you have now.DV: Even has an auto-target feature for when you need it. :)PC: MY AIM IS PERRRFECT!DV: Wasn't saying it isn't, I was merely inferring that you might need it for long distance shooting.DV: I was only trying be helpful, gog. No need to yell like that.PC: Oh, so now aye can't shoot frrrom a long distance?PC: Scrrrew ye, Ventus. >Feel like a moron...again Yeah...considering that you facekeyboarded and are bonking yourself on the head with a fist, you feel pretty stupid right now. If there's one thing taht being cooped up in your hive for all of your life has caused, it's a decided lack in tactfulness. That and other things, but you're not going to go into that. >Build on Koronas hive to the portal in the sky Okay, that was some pretty shitty rhyming there mister fourth wall guy, but then again, he does have a point. You start building on top of Koronas hive, which is a little difficult to do given that its a ship of some sort, or at least part of one, but you manage. You make steady progress skywards and am sure that Korona is off somewhere slaying yet more imps, and possibly ogres by now. Meanwhile, the mechanical egg sits to the side, inert and silent, waiting for something.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ice. Posted February 15, 2011 Report Share Posted February 15, 2011 That stupid useless a******. He better pray that you'll not see him anytime soon or you'll shoot him from the longest distance you can muster. That way that a****** will know you don't need his aim upgrade garbage. Whatever, it seems like somebody is trolling you. [spoiler=PC/FN] [FN] HEY! [PC] Oh, hey Karrrine. [FN] WHAT the f*** is up? [PC] Nothing rrreally except that stupid fucktarrrd Ventus pissing me off. [FN] He DOES that to everyone. [FN] I'm going to KILL him for it. [PC] No, it wasn't even like that. [PC] He was being stupid AFTERRR aye helped him. [FN] That's worse you KNOW. [PC] Exactly! [PC] Aye've gotten used to his s***. [PC] But nooo, he has to always surrrprrrise us. [FN] Okay it's DECIDED. Killing him as soon as I'm in. [FN] That'll teach him. [PC] Oh gog need help? [FN] I only HOPE he doesn't take that seriously. [FN] God knows it would suck to be his anything. [PC] Doesn't he have Sephrrra though? [FN] WHAT? Ugh no. [FN] Rohter/Sephra ftw! [PC] They'rrre...serrriously? [PC] f*** yeah! [FN] At least I think. 0] [FN] Sorry to have possibly SUNK your ship! [FN] Although that was sweeps ago. [PC] Eh, it's nothing. [PC] Unlike Ventus, ye be prrretty cool and likable so aye can carrre less. [FN] I can only imagine Ventus telling you Sephra/Rohter happened. 0I [FN] It doesn't SEEM pretty. [PC] Why me of all people? [FN] ...OH. [FN] Sorry nevermind. [FN] I was probably THINKING of someone else. >0] [PC] Aye have a feeling therrre is something blatantly obvious herrre that aye'm missing. [FN] It's nothing. SERIOUSLY. [FN] I just thought you know [FN] You were flushed for him after he MADE you that arm cannon. >0] [FN] Why has he made something cool for everyone but me. 0C [PC] Aye was not, and will neverrr be flushed forrr him at all. And if aye ever do get flushed forrr him, somebody should just kill me.[PC] Ye be to cool forrr his metal pieces of s***. [FN] Not TALKING about Ventus. 0P [PC] Heh...yeah...aye knew that...[PC] Well Rrrohterrr's differrrent. [PC] He [PC] He's just...not Ventus. [FN] Gooo oooon >0] [PC] Aye'm content wherrre aye am. [PC] But aye'm overrr that. [FN] OR ARE YOU? [FN] A ship can always be a.... GHOST SHIP [FN] >>>>>0] [PC] Aye am so overrr Rrrohterrr. [PC] They'rrre otherrr trrrolls, ye know. [FN] LIKE who. 0O [PC] Aye meant that he's not the only trrroll in the worrrld. Aye can easily find anotherrr. [FN] Except sadly the world is gone. 0C [PC] Ye be trrrying to trrrap me. [FN] Just making sure WHO has who. >0] [PC] If aye honestly like somebody it'll appearrr in due time. [PC] Let that be a teaserrr. [FN] >0I [FN] STUPID. [PC] Ugghh, aye don't know anymorrre to be honest. [FN] Well REGARDLESS I don't think you should worry! [FN] You're a pirate after all. >0] [FN] If anything you can just STEAL someone's heart <3 [FN] Anyways I have to GO! [FN] Gotta check on my lusus and WHAT NOT. [PC] Alrrright, see ya Karrrine! Karine's an awesome person and friend. In fact, this whole conversation pretty much made you calm down a bit. However you still catch yourself breathing a sigh of relief. Her and her shipping. She always does this too you. However you're more relived then ever. But whatever, you're not going to dwindle on those stupid details. You decide to start to build up Naksia's hive so she can reach that stupid portal. You also consider doing that alchemizing thing when you figure out what the hell it is. Honestly, you need to right a book about this to help yourself in the past...oh wait, the book. You probably gave that to that future Naksia to give to Naksia to give to you. Once again you start to get a headache. Stupid time travel. >Troll Naksia ...and she's not online. Perfect timing. She's probably fighting some of those godforsaken Imps that keep bothering you. Whatever, you decide to just build without consulting her. It's not like you're going to do something really stupid. You start to carefully place stuff on the top of her stupidly complicated cave-hive, trying to balance everything and whoops there goes a useful piece of wood...oh look, you just killed an Imp. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Zero Posted February 17, 2011 Report Share Posted February 17, 2011 >Fiddle with the egg You pick the mechanical egg up again and push the button several times. Nothing happens. You sigh in irritation as you get up and rummage around in your room for a particlar kit of tools. You find it and examine the egg. At first, it appears to be seamless, but you find that if you look closely enough, you can make out a seam that goes complete around the side of the egg from top to bottom and back again. Ah well, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. >Break the egg On second thought, not such a good idea. Instead you try to wedge your fingernails in there and pry it open. After several minutes of struggling with it, you are eventually able to get the seam to crack just enough to get your fingernails wedged inside of it by grasping onto the sides of it and pulling in opposite directions. With your fingernails firmly secured, you use them to help finish the job, only to find that once the egg is open, you discover that you need a completely different set of tools to deal with this problem. >Storm off in disgust You can't believe this s***! You don't even have the tools to deal with this malfunctioning piece of s***! The only person you know of who would is Rohter, and you are NOT asking for help on your ordeal, especially from him. He would never let you live it down. >Reassemble the egg You put the two piece of egg shell back together with the innards safely in place. Your one good idea has just gone down the drain, and you don't have much time left. Oh well, better talk to Szaras and see if you can get help with prototyping your Kernel Sprite with your dead Lusus. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snitch Posted February 20, 2011 Report Share Posted February 20, 2011 She'd said her goodbyes to Rohter, and after a short discussion about directions, she began to stalk the metallic grey corridors of his hive. For a short while, the loneliness took hold of her, and she felt the blood rushing in her ears and her face flush as she thought of running back to Rohter, escaping the loneliness. Worst of all - being with him. Eurgh. He didn't have time for her, and she not for him. It would never work unless the world ended or something. She found his transportalizer after a long walk, and her thoughts were even more jumbled than they had been before she started considering them. As soon as her bare feet touched the plush, red carpet of her hive she let out a big grin - it was good to be home. And as she moved into her room, she reached under the bed and pulled out a pink box. It was nothing special - a shoebox, in fact, and now, after all these years, she knew it was time to open it. As she lifted off the lid and dug her hand inside, Sephra withdrew two game discs, embedded within light blue preservation gel - SGRUB. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amethyst Phoenix Posted February 23, 2011 Report Share Posted February 23, 2011 Felixe: Gather Grist. Those imps left behind a veritable treasure trove of assorted grist for you to retrieve. You have amassed a respectable stockpile of resources. What will you do? Felixe: Alchemize. GO GO GO You approach the alchemiter. Thankfully, you at least still have those upgrades. Oh my gog you are going to alchemize so much stuff. All the stuff. All of it. > Hubtop + Rohter's Awesome Scope + Your Old Scope + Ventus' Shitty Libra Scope You create the Trillfocal Goggles. A computer, binoculars, rebound calculator, and detection suite all in one. These are so cool. > Hubtop + Cat Statue You create the Meowtop. It's a computer with a cat on it (derp). The cat does not appear to be a master of comedy nor some douchebag. This is so cute. > Poisoned Tea + Smoke Bomb You always found those smoke emitting fireworks to be sort of boring. However combined with that horrible poisoned tea...... You create Krakenhaze Smog Blasts. Extremely toxic gas, same boring as s*** smoke. > Sylladex + MewSB You have no idea if it's even possible to utilize such an abstract entity in an alchemization. > Do it anyway. How high do you even have to BE just to even.......oh wait. It worked. Yay. You create the Meow Modus Fetcher. It appears to be able to hold excess items without need of a captchacard. However, in order to swap its contents to your sylladex for use, you require a computer to plug it into. That's gonna be tricky. You only have like 72 of them. > Dragon Firework + Iced Tea You alchemize a delicious oriental brew. Mmm, Mewlong! > Waste 20 minutes alchemizing and drinking tea. You really should get back to work alchemizing more useful things for your oh gog damn this tea is good screw that. You proceed to imbibe several glasses of this potent elixir. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Zero Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 >Troll Szaras [spoiler=troll logue]DV: Hey, Szaras. Are you there?HH: Yes!HH: You-done-with-that-important-stuff?DV: Well, some of what I ad intended to do kind of isn't happening, but that's okay.DV: Anyway, I need you to prototype my Kernelsprite with my dead Lusus.HH: He's-dead?HH: .....DV: Yeah. Old age or something.HH: So-THATS-why-he-was-lying-down-so-longHH: Still-that-sucksDV: Yeah, it does.DV: What sucks even more is that I don't even have the time to grieve properly.HH: Why-not?DV: Gee, I don't know. Take a loook at the area above my hive and you tell me why.HH: It's-just-a-game-we-can-play-laterHH: ....HH: That's-a-big-rockDV: No s***.DV: Unfortunately, my ordeal item seems to be busted.DV: Even so, I would like for the prototyping to be done.DV: Just in case.HH: Well-don't-just-stand-there-shoot-it!HH: With-your-SCIENCE-powersDV: That's the plan, although I don't have anything nearly that powerful that I have made thus far.HH: Okay-firstiesHH: What's-a-ordeal-item?HH: SecondiesHH: How-do-I-prototype?DV: It's the thing you get fromthe pre-punched card that is supposed to somehow get you into the medium.DV: Oh, and I think you just toss the Dragon into it.HH: ....HH: Okay! >Szaras: Prototype Kernelsprite You click on the Dragon that is Ventus's dead Lusus and lift it up. You feel a sudden pang of sadness, knowing that this creature was alive only moments before. then again, if you are feeling sad about the whole affair, you can only imagine what Ventus is going through at the moment. You toss the Dragon into the Kernelsprite, which as a result takes the shape of a Dragons Head, but is still inside of the orb that the Kernelsprite is and still flashing all purply. Well that's taken care of. Now to get back to Ventus. >Szaras: Continue trolling Ventus [spoiler=troll logue]DV: Yeah, anyway, I have to get going on destroying that giant rock.HH: Well-bye-Venty!HH: ....WaitDV: Yes, Szaras?HH: I-need-someone-to-help-me-with-this-game!DV: You're going to have to ask around.DV: As for me...HH: Like-what-I'm-doing-to-youDV: The only thing that can destroy that rock looks like I have no choice.DV: I am going to have to use THAT.HH: ...What-that?DV: Yes...that.DV: You know what.HH: ...OoooooooHH: Well-wish-you-luck-Venty!DV: Yeah, it kind of can't be avoided, and it seems to be m only hope of survival.DV: And thanks.DV: And later, we'll have a nice long talk about everything that's happened.HH: ....Do-you-still-have-the-card-for-it?HH: Okay! ^^ Well, that takes care of that, not that you are sure that it matters anymore. As you had said to Szaras, your ordeal item seems to be busted. >Ventus: Go and get THAT. You get up from your desktop and start heading for the basement once again. Looks like it can’t be helped. The time has finally come. You quickly reach the first floor pass through the living room. Rounding a corner into another hallway, there is a set of steps leading downwards to your basement. >Descend You walk down the stairs and through the basement, clear to the other side of it. Upon reaching the back you turn right and walk a short distance, then stop and turn to face what appears to be nothing more then a blank stretch of wall. You raise your right hand and place it on a segment of cold hard stone and a bar of light goes from just above your finger tips to just below the bottom of your palm. You then have your eyes scanned by a second scanner at eye level and insert your horns into the area of the wall that opens up just to the right of where you are currently standing. After all of this, a hidden entrance finally opens in the floor to your right. ===> You walk down the stairs to the sealed off lower level where you keep all of your successfully completed inventions. But that is not all that is there. At the end of the hall, for a hall it indeed is, there is a statue of a troll that resembles you greatly, except he is older, taller, and prouder. In his hands and being held upright in front of him is a drill on a metal staff with three supporting metal appendages that go out a short ways before going straight into the drill itself, each one set apart from the other two at a perfect 120 degree angle. At its feet is a journal, handwritten by the man himself. His name is DuoHelix, and he is your direct ancestor, which is proven by the fact that the two of you have the same weapons choice, for he also wears gauntlets of stone. The gauntlets that came with the drill rest on either side of DuoHelix’s journal, waiting to be taken up by the one who they were meant for, much like the drill itself. >Claim your birthright You remove the gauntlets that Rohter had given you and place the gauntlets of your ancestor on your hands. The gauntlets fit themselves to the size of your hands, one of which you hold up towards the Drill Staff. Your hand glows green, as does the drill staff. You raise your hand, causing the Drill Staff to rise up. It then spins several times in the air before coming to a halt with the drill facing away from you and flies into your hand. You grasp the shaft of the Drill Staff firmly, holding it pointed towards your ancestor. You lower the Drill Staff and place the bottom end of it on the floor, bowing your head respectfully before moving to take the journal. You captchalogue the journal and turn towards the exit. You walk towards it, captchaloguing several of your creations along the way. You eventually reach the end of the underground passage and stop, taking a breath to steady yourself before moving ahead. >Face your fate With your jaw set and a strong determination within, you climb the stairs and ascend from one level to another in your hive, passing the Kernelsprite in your living room as you do so. Before proceeding any further, you take the orgnic covering that you made for Sephra, which is currently in the form of a basketball sized sphere. >Right a note for Sephra. “Hello Sephra. It’s me, Ventus. I don’t know if we’ll get a chance to talk anytime soon, but I thought I should send this to you. Just plunge your hand into it and the pre-set pogram within it will do the rest. Use it or not as you choose, I have done my part. I hope you recover from your injuries, and that your attempt at Sgrub is less frustrating then mine. I must go now. Just know that I appreciate everything you’ve done for me over the years, and how you were always kind to me, even if I was weirded out by you at times, Farewell. Ventus Shadus >Continue your ascension You put the organic covering and the note on the sendificator and hit the send button. The sendificator is encoded with the coordinates of Sephra’s hive as best as you can guess, given that you don’t know exactly where it is. You can only hope that it makes it there safely. Having taken care of that, you continue your ascension and eventually reach the entrance to the tallest tower in your hive. Sometimes you don’t mind that your hive is a castle, sometimes it gets to you, and other times like now, you are grateful for certain advantages that it gives you. You open the door and climb the stairs that hug to the walls of the tower, eventually reaching the top of the tower where you have a clear view of the sky, and the huge asteroid that is only minutes away from crashing into your hive, giving a reddish glare to the immediate vicinity and the area surrounding your hive that only becomes more noticeable the closer it gets. You raise your Drill Staff and point it towards the asteroid in a silent declaration before grasping it firmly in both hands and opening the compartment in the staff that has the controls. You set them to max out and take a stance, bracing yourself for the recoil that you know I about to occur. Grasping the Drill Staff firmly with both hands you fire a huge and continuous laser blast at the asteroid, pouring as much energy into it as you are able. Even so, the asteroid remains unfazed. Refusing to give in to despair, you set your jaw and press the over blast button, emptying the rest of the main energy source into the Drill Staff. The continuous laser blast suddenly grows much larger, hitting a larger surface area of the asteroid. As all of the energy is being emptied into one huge blast, you yell in defiance, refusing to give up. >Be the egg You are now the egg. You have been sitting silent for a considerable amount of time now, waiting for something to happen. Finally they thing for which you have been waiting has happened, and you raise slowly into the air, the pre-set program within you finally activating and taking effect. The hive and a large amount of the ground around it is surrounded by a pruple energy shooting seeming to shoot out of the ground. Finally, your purpose will be fulfilled. >Ventus: Continue your assault You continue emptying the main energy source into a major offensive blast. You can no longer tell if it is having any effect or not. All you know is that you cannot give up. Suddenly, the asteroid above you seems to increase in speed, not that you are able to tell at this point. It is now only a few seconds away from impact. Just before it hits, you and your hive are brought into the medium, and in that same moment the asteroid hits into the ground, causing a huge explosion and massive shockwave. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenrir Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 > Karine: Explore! Okay! Well you're in your hive so you don't really have much to explore in the first place. Your hive is a pretty small hivedorb that is a part of a much larger hivemine. It's spherical in shape and only has three floors to it. You are currently on the BOTTOM FLOOR, it's the floor you use for exiting your hive and going for a swim! It contains various coral, sponges, and occasionally dead sea-life! You don't spend much time in this floor, unless you just want to stand there and stare at the pretty coral. In the center of the floor is a rather large GLASS VIEWPORT. > Karine: Look through viewport. You do so. Your hivedorb is just above the floor of the undersea canyon your hivemine(and hiveorb!) are located. It's also the resting place of your lusus. She doesn't do much but sleep. > Karine: Go up a floor. Now you're in the main room. Nothing special here. A few coral scattered about along with your paint. Ah yes your paint! It's rather hard to find specially acidic paint, but when you do it's soooo worth it <3. Although you're uh... Patients, tend to disagree. Your computer is also located here. You suppose you'll bother someone! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Zero Posted March 2, 2011 Report Share Posted March 2, 2011 Just as your hive is brought into the medium along with you, the drills energy runs out, and you notice that you are no longer on Alternia. Instead you are on a much different place, a veritable forest with a portal in the sky above you. Before you can get a handle on things you are ambushed by several imps, that seem to be a mix of cat, Dragon, and a few other things. Your drill only has its backup energy left, but even as it glows red, you know that with your drill you can defeat these enemies easily enough. You swing at any imps that are near you with your drill, the energy radiating fromit allowing it to slice through, and any flames that are shot your way are parted to the sides by you blocking with the point of your drill. Your foes are easily defeated and you turn your attention to your surroundings. You feel a warm and gentle light, one that does not scorch your skin as the one on Alternia did, and as you look upon it, you find that you do not go blind. Enfolded in a silent sort of feeling, one that is pleasant to you, you raise your arms at the elbow and close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of the warm light that covers this land that you now find youself in. Unfortunately, you do not have time to waste. you pick up your drill which you had dropped after defeating your enemies, and go off to find your Dragon Sprite. You are sure that he has many things to say, and for once, you find yourself willing to listen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenrir Posted March 8, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 8, 2011 > Karine: Bother the loser! Well, can't go wrong with this option! [spoiler=FN/DV]-- floodedNurse [FN] began trolling demonicallyVaccous [DV] --FN: Hey LOSER!DV: Oh, gog, it's you.DV: What do YOU want.FN: Actually I WANTED to know what was up with Sephra!FN: She was supposed to PLAY with me duh!DV: Why don't you go and ask her? It's not likeI have the time to anymore. To busy getting ready to be awesome.FN: She's not ON! Duh!FN: That's why I'm asking you. 0|DV: She'll probably be on soon. The only advice I have to offer isto try and be patient.FN: But aren't YOU like her wannabe-matesprit or something? I remember you telling me you talk with her a lot.FN: Not to mention Rohter is ALL KARINE I'M BUSY BEING SUPER SMART AND YOU POSSIBLY COULD NOT HELP ME AT THE MINUTE!FN: Glub.FN: Oh and you ENTERED? Sweet now we can kill dragons! 0DDV: Well it's like you said, she's off at the moment. Besides, it's not like I could possibly do anything at the moment because I'm somewhere other then Alternia.FN: I've always wanted to KILL dragons.DV: Well, now you'll get your chance.FN: 0DDV: Oh, by the way, do you have any idea what's going on over there? I mean, like how many comet craters are there by now?FN: I'm underwater STUPID. How would I know? 0|DV: Wel Gee,I don't know. I ASSUMED since you are in some super secret hive or something, you'd have some super secret equipment or something that could tell you.FN: I am but a mere STABBYLIFEENDER person. Duh.FN: Oh and what's your land?FN: Well I presume you've been told yet. 0|DV: Actually, I JUST got here, so I haven't been given the downlowby my Dragon Sprite yet, or met any of the locals. I'll be finding out soon enough though. After I get some sweet tech, of course.FN: Riiiiiight!FN: I can't wait to find out what MINE is!FN: I bet it's something cool.DV: Good luck with that.DV: So, anything else you wanted to talk about?FN: Oh YEAH.FN: Can you TALK to Rohter and get him to see what's up with Sephra?FN: Since you're like SCIENCE grubbies or something!FN: And he and Sephra are YOU know.DV: Pfff. He's a MECHANIC. Big difference.FN: So he's COOLER?FN: I'm INCLINED to think that.DV: Wouldn't know whether or not, since I haven't really pursued mechanics myself. I've always been quite content with what I can do in my chosen areas.DV: Of which there are many.FN: Bet you can't MAKE a laser beam cannon thing. >0DFN: Ugh but that's NOT the point!FN: Just talk to HIM please?DV: I don't see why you can't do it yourself.FN: He should KNOW what's up with Sephra since they're YOU KNOW WHAT but he doesn't want to tell me. 0CFN: He's BUSY trying to figure something out!FN: Maybe you can HELP him?FN: POINT IS ASK FOR MEFN: OR I WILL STICK THIS NEEDLE SO FAR DOWN YOUR CHITINOUS WINDHOLE YOU'LL s*** BLOODDV: Ugh, fiiiiiiiine. I'll talk to him.DV: But you owe me Karine.FN: Okay! 03DV: Anything ELSE?FN: Nope. 03FN: Seeya LOSER! <3DV: Fine then. And yes, you intend on keeping that promise. You've always wanted to see someone s*** purple blood anyways. > Karine: Be Rohter. You can't be Rohter, Rohter is too busy being himself. You are currently in a new room you've found in your hive. You stumbled upon it on accident, and it's origin is shrouded in mystery. You hate it when that happens. You contemplate destroying it, as there are 11 appearifiers located in the room. You've personally never liked them, they were always so messy to deal with. That and arguably you don't quite know how to make one. It's really not your area of expertise, which only makes this room stranger. You don't remember making this room, and you were the one to expand your hive in the first place. Could this be the work of spy? AN ASSASSIN?! Someone bothers you and you don't even care. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snitch Posted March 9, 2011 Report Share Posted March 9, 2011 HOURS IN THE FUTUREBUT NOT MANY BUT NOT MUCH MANY >Sephra: Enter. Time was runningoutohmygodhurryupSephrahurryup. She hit yet another secret panel as she ran through the mansion, rapidly chasing the crystallized bird that seemed to be rushing through it. A pang of dislike hit her as she entered the grand foyer, passing near the dead form of her lusus, the air quiet and plagued with stillness. She stopped for a moment, and scooped his large head into her hands, staring at his closed eyes. Oh, what it would be like to see them open again. You will, soon enough, she told herself, digging her nails into her palm to stop her crying and picking herself up. The bird had perched itself onto the tip of the doorframe, barely within reach. As she approached it, the head turned and light bounced off it's glistening material and blinded her eyes, the bird swiftly moving through the doorway. She rushed through, into a large room she had never been in but certainly knew what it was; an auditorium. She could see her non-feathered target flying carefully above the large, impossibly tall staircases. And she ran ridiculously fast as she felt her skin heat up. As she ascended, she took a glance out of a curved window. The meteor was less than a mere minute away. Her bare feet clattered heavily on the onyx black steps, see-through unto a luminescent green light beneath the seats themselves. It was a magnificent room, and now Sephra wished she had been able to look at it more clearly, for she could never find it again. And as the meteor's red aura enclosed on the mansion in the mountains, Sephra leapt, her hands enclosing on the small bird and the crystals imploding as she smashed it into the ground. ]---[ Soft. Velvet. Unbroken chains clasped upon her wrists. She looks around, worried. She is unsure of where she is, but at the same time she knows. She knows that she cannot be unaware of these importances. But she is. Yet not. She is carried by shelled people. They are working on their own. Except she knows that is a lie. These are her people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenrir Posted March 11, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 11, 2011 It was over. The Knight of Doom had gone ballistic, and demanded the deaths of his friends and enemies alike, to appease the fiend that is Prometheus. First went the Page, who attempted to stop him. Next came the Rogue, who happened to be around the fight at the time. The third to fall was the Prince, who tried in vain to save his friends. The fourth, the Sylph, caught off-guard in her battle with her denizen. The fifth to die would be the Witch, which drew the anger of the Butler, who flung the Knight across the session hoping he would die on a meteor. Little did he know, the Heir of Rage had also turned, and she slayed the Bard before the Butler and the Seer could react. Considering the session doomed, Time and Space left Doom and Rage to toil in their own destruction. They set aside their differences, to give their fallen friends another chance. They escaped to the Land of Wine and Ink, and performed a 'spill'. Upon the great scroll that chronicled the history of their session, written in an ancient tongue, they spilled the ink of time, and all was restarted. Except not. Instead of being given the chance for another session, the Butler had other plans. He, like the Seer, had god tiered. They realized that they would only lose again, and so they decided to attempt to change history. Instead of the trolls eventually playing sgrub, they instead lived out their lives to their fullest. ~Seer of Time~ The Seer grew up differently. She was no longer a low blood, she lived the rich life of a purple blood, as a sea-dweller. Her lionfish lusus protected her, and she learned the arts of the ninjas under water, becoming a one-of-a-kind assassin. She was still not quite as smart as her other self, but she still possessed her killer hunting instinct, and a new found knack for keeping time. She was feared as a child, and respected as an adult. She gained a notoriety as the 'sea-killer'. Slaying opposing generals of the Troll army, traitors, and defacto low bloods. She would become the matesprite of a rather sly yellow-blood sharpshocker, and the kismesis of the grand forescythe of the troll army. She was the goddamn fish-woman. ~Rogue of Light~ The Rogue was also quite different. She grew under the status of an orange blood, yet retained her pirate persona. Her spider monkey lusus was a change, but she actually enjoyed his company. She raided hives for actual valuables, and killed all that stood in her way. She had trolls lining up by the dozens to become her kismesis, all of them shot down, literally. She was cutthroat and merciless, and extremely lucky. She grew up to become a very powerful space pirate, her mercenary forces always up for auction. There were no problems for her, lest said problems get cut by an anchor. They called her Miss Fortune, and her flag they feared. ~Page of Hope~ The Page was given a much humbler life. He grew as a red-orange blood and hated every minute of it. He was neither too strong nor too smart, an average troll. His lusus, a worm, tried to cheer him up. It didn't work. He grew to become a measly Cavalreaper, and it wasn't until one key battle did he realize his talent. Amid the ongoing battle on a foreign planet, he died fending off several enemy battalions, and getting fired by his own artillery. Normally it would be a sad, pathetic death, but his fellow soldiers saw how hard he fought on, even in his sudden death, and they were inspired to do the same. The trolls had won that battle, and eventually conquered the system that planet was located in. He had brought hope. ~Prince of Life~ Instead of being an odd green blood, the prince was given bright pink blood befitting an actual prince. He was an artist, and he painted scenes of combat, whether it was the young troll and his lusus hunting, or trolls at war. His lusus, a squid, often took his works and showed them off to other noble bloods, and he gained fame quickly. Trolls all over wanted his work, and he tried to keep up with the demand. As an adult, it was no different. People wanted his art, and he supplied it. When his lusus died however, he was shocked and appalled. He was one of the only trolls to keep his lusus with him, and his death was a tragedy. When he learned it was mysterious and no troll scientist knew of the disease that plagued his lusus, he decided to take up medicine himself. And so he healed. ~Sylph of Void~ The Sylph was the least changed. Her blood might have been yellow, but her aim was still as sharp as ever, and her hacking skills were still at their prime. At least that's what her lion lusus told her. She was sure he skills with ~ATH was due to her unique understanding of the term 'null'. Her life was uneventful, and she could never seem to do something to 'get her name out there'. She had ideas, but no real means of launching them out there for the world to see. She blamed it on her blood. Her role in the military was no different, sharpshockers used long distance beam rifles to eliminate important units and equipment. Her life was uneventful, but fulfilling. She was the best at what she did. She also happened to be the matesprite of a galactic-class assassin. But that was something else... ~Bard of Breath~ The Bard did something new. He had sky blue blood, and his albatross lusus often emphasized the 'sky'. Instead of food, he grew an interest in the weather. He wanted to know how it worked, why it worked, and how he could abuse it. This stemmed from his interest in the wind, and how he could feel where it came from and where it was going. As an adult, he finally satisfied his curiosity. He was the first troll to build a 'weather machine'. It could control the atmosphere of the planet, how much solar rays it received from the sun, and so on. His machine would change the tide of many wars for the trolls. I guess you could say it was quite... Shocking. ~Heir of Rage~ Yeah. The Heir, or better put, the Heiress, was given a much simpler life. Instead of the life of the executioner, she was given the life of a writer and a diplomat. As a young troll she was the ideal austiscpite for any troll couple. She promoted peace, not violence, and as her green blooded snake lusus would say, she was good at it. As an adult little changed, she became a very powerful and influential diplomat, even with green blood, and repelled pointless wars for the troll race for many years. Maybe it was just because she knew how to control her anger. ~Witch of Blood~ Her life had changed for the worst. Blood, her blood, was a bit too red for most people's tastes. They were scared of her. She grew up in fear as a child, her armadillo lusus always around her to protect her. The outside, and the future, frightened her immensely. If the trolls she lived around hated her, wouldn't it be worse when she joined the adults? Such thoughts left her to sleep in her own tears, realizing she would die at such an early age. At least, until she met a friend. Once she joined the adults in their galactic crusade, she met a young troll. He was on the other side of the hemospectrum, but seemed to care deeply about her, and encouraged her attempt to join the medicastrators. She succeeded, her unique knowledge of blood finally being put to use. She was happy. ~Knight of Doom~ The Knight changed for the worse. Instead of the peaceful troll his friends once knew, he was angry and prone to bursts of violence. To the point where his turtle lusus died of stress. He grew up as a dark green blood, and had no friends, if any. He would often stalk the forest around his hive for weary travelers, and kill them in their sleep. It was an addiction of sorts, and he grew an obsession with dreams because of it. Once he was an adult, he could put his talent of silent executing to good use. He would be ordered to execute traitors and misbehaving trolls in their sleep, which he did with much glee. He had become a nightmare. ~Butler of Space~ The Butler lived a more lavish life. His blood was a light, icy blue. His lusus was a penguin, and served his every whim. He had everything he wanted, yet he felt like he had nothing. Growing up, he was always a strategist. He would spend whole days playing chess with his lusus, only to lose due to one mistake. He would practice and become better, and this lead him to become a strategic mastermind. As an adult, he was the youngest one admitted to becoming a Forescythe, strategists and tactitioners whose methods have won many, many battles. He also met a red blood, who he grew infatuated with. She had a low self-esteem, and while she was extremely talented, she was too scared to put her talents to any use. So he helped. When asked how he became such a tactical genius, he merely answered that he understood that the outcome was never in his hands, only in the hands of space. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Locked upon request. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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