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The New Heroes- The Air Heroes

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Air Hero Night Blade
LV. 3
ATK 1700 DEF 1200
[i]This legendary hero skates through the skies, slashing the the very air with his
mighty blade, Excelius.[/i]

Air Hero Wing Supporter
Lv. 4
Winged Beast
ATK 1000 DEF 1500
Once per turn, you can equip this card to 1 "Air Hero" monster you control. It gains 1000 ATK and 1500 DEF. If this card is equipped to a Tuner Monster, you may Synchro Summon even while this card is equipped. That monster gains 400 ATK and 400 DEF. (Only 1 Union Monster can be equipped to a monster at a time.)

Sorry if I messed up on Wing Supporter's Union Effect OCG. I'm not used to doing Union Monsters.

Air Hero Crimson Wing
Lv. 7
ATK 2700 DEF 1000
"Air Hero Night Blade" + 1 "Air Hero" monster
This card cannot be destroyed by Spell or Trap card effects. This card is also treated as DARK and FIRE.

Don't worry, this Archetype is gonna get A LOT bigger. These were just my first 3. After nailing my Machine Emperor, I thought I'd try to do a hardcore Archetype.
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Not bad. I would suggest to look at some other created archetypes and see what the concept of the archetype is. For example, if you take a look at the Curses archetype that I made, you will see a unique concept of self-damaging effects that can be reversed onto your opponent through the boss Synchro. Also think about support cards and what they need to do to make this archetype competitive.
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