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[i][b][size="1"]This retro game was originally posted by the same person on October 18, 2009.[/size][/b][/i]


What you do is simple. I will post an all-caps word in bar code font, found [url=http://www.dafont.com/ccode39.font]here[/url], and you have to figure out what it says. First one to post the right answer gets a rep. You can use the grid for what each letter is in bar code [url=http://www.dafont.com/ccode39.font]here[/url].

You may also suggest a word via PM. Obviously, you cannot guess that word.

[spoiler=One - Solved by rodri666]

Hint: Think about words that are close to "excited."

Answer: ENTHUSIASTIC[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Two - Solved by Catman]

Hint: Think about words that are close to "crazy."

Answer: MANIAC[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Three - Solved by Shion Kaito]

Hint: Think about words that are close to "quest."

Answer: ADVENTURE[/spoiler]


No hint from now on, unless it's really hard.[/spoiler]
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