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Zombie Deck help?


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Okay so I need some help with my Zombie Deck. You guy's are probably going to bang your head against you desk because of the amount of cards I have in my deck. But I really need help narrowing down what cards I need and giving my deck a main goal. I understand that a good deck has around 40-45 cards but I have no idea what to keep in there, put in there and what to take out.


So here is my deck, please bear with me...


Total:70 :wacko:




3x Ryu Kokki

2x Soul Absorbing Bone Tower

3x Pyramid Turtle

3x Regenerating Mummy

2x Master Kyonshee

2x Zombie Master

2x Vampire Lord

2x Despair from the Dark

Fear From the Dark

Vampire Lady

Dark Dust Spirit


Shadow Ghoul

Des Lacooda

Patrician of Darkness

Paladin of the Cursed Dragon

Plague Wolf

Vampire Genesis

Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon

Malevolent Mech-Goku En

Double Coston




2x Dust Tornado

Reckless Greed

Imperial Iron Wall

Sakuretsu Armor

Magical Arm Shield

Torrential Tribute

Pharaoh's Treasure

Tutan Mask

Bottomless Trap Hole

Magic Jammer


Compulsory Evacuation Device


Spells: 24


3xCall of the Mummy

3xBook of Life


Magical Stone Excavation

Spell Shattering Arrow

Snatch Steal


Pot of Avarice

Mystical Space Typhoon

Nobleman of Crossout

Fighting Spirit

Ribbon of Rebirth

Cold Wave

Pot of Greed

Heavy Storm

Zombie World

Field Barrier

Horn of the Unicorn

Card of Safe Return

Card Destruction

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You will have to edit your Deck.


Although the actual limit is 60, the Forum Limit is 50.


If you want, i can supply you with a basic Decklist that can get you started.


Yes please that would be great.


If a mod could please delete or lock this thread that would be great. I'm going to go back and remake my deck with the 50 max card limit and think it over then start a new thread for advice on the updated deck. Sorry for the mess I created.

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