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2060 [OOC/Started/Accepting/PG-16]

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IC: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/240447-2060-icstartedacceptingpg16/

30 years ago, the world was plunged into chaos. Why did it happen?
Mankind had become greedy and selfish. Eventually, nearly all natural resources ever to exist had become completely depleted. Yet man still hungered for more. Despite the grave danger ahead, they continued with their greed. However, that was not the event that had changed Earth forever.
A scientist, Afanasi Ivanov, was a normal chemist. However, he had always had an interest in nuclear power. So, deep in an untraceable cave, miles below his home, Afanasi built a nuclear warhead. This warhead was so powerful it could destroy the entire world... and so it did.
Afanasi, a sensible man, hid in the remote chamber where he built the weapon, and then he launched it, destroying most of the world. Only about a million people survived throughout the entire world, and everything man had ever known was destroyed.
Man began to rebuild itself, and the greed continued. Soon, everyone who wasn't a child or settled down in whatever run-down cities there were to live in was a mercenary. A hunter. A killer.
And you are one of them.

1. No godmodding, metagaming, or powerplaying.
2. You can control any npc, including enemy mercenaries.
3. Maximum or 4 characters.
4. No super-advanced guns or lazerswords or anything like that. It's future, but it's the future after a nuclear holocaust. Things are not too advanced.
5. No uberheavy armor. Raggy clothes and maybe some kind og makeshift helmet only.
6. Enjoy.
7. To ensure you've read this far, make sure your post includes the name of this RP seperate from the actual app.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=My App]
Name: Joshua Cambrill
Age: 25
Weapon: 2 small pistols and, for when things get exceptionally difficult, a makeshift sword.
Appearance: [URL=http://img822.imageshack.us/i/joshuas.jpg/][IMG]http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/7914/joshuas.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
Personality: Joshua is friendly to those he trusts. However, there aren't many that he does trust. He's usually very quite and anti-social. Because of the stress he's under, if he finds cigarettes left from the time before the event, he smokes them.
Bio: Joshua was born 5 years after the Afanasi Event. His family was killed by mercenaries when he was an infant, and he was kidnapped and raised by those mercenaries. Throughout his life, he was trained to kill with no remorse.[/spoiler]

I'll make the IC thread once we get a few more apps.
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yes it was answered long ago but thats not my point T-T nvm

Name: Assam patton
Age: 24
Weapon: berreta m9 and has 2 clips for it, picks up rounds when ever he can find them and a swiss army knife
Appearance: a big asian dude, a bit bulky and large in frame. dosnt wears radioactive protection every where but his face other than his perscriptive goggles for his poor eye sight, and his shows which as normal running sneakers. short black hair and dark brown eyes.
Personality: because he's always been so serious his whole life he tries really hard to be optimistic and lossen up, but is always really calculated and thinks things through ahead of time.
Bio: he used to be a cop with no wife and no girlfriend at the time being engrossed to much in his work his girlfreind left him. He had faced a lot of riots during the days of low rescources, when the bomb hit he was in his bunker with a couple other cops that he worked with, when the structure fell ontop of his he was the only one that got out alive, he found supplies fairly easy in his area except for good food.
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[quote name='somenoobkorean' timestamp='1295158244' post='4937580']
yes it was answered long ago but thats not my point T-T nvm

Name: Assam patton
Age: 24
Weapon: berreta m9 and has 2 clips for it, picks up rounds when ever he can find them and a swiss army knife
Appearance: a big asian dude, a bit bulky and large in frame. dosnt wears radioactive protection every where but his face other than his perscriptive goggles for his poor eye sight, and his shows which as normal running sneakers. short black hair and dark brown eyes.
Personality: because he's always been so serious his whole life he tries really hard to be optimistic and lossen up, but is always really calculated and thinks things through ahead of time.
Bio: he used to be a cop with no wife and no girlfriend at the time being engrossed to much in his work his girlfreind left him. He had faced a lot of riots during the days of low rescources, when the bomb hit he was in his bunker with a couple other cops that he worked with, when the structure fell ontop of his he was the only one that got out alive, he found supplies fairly easy in his area except for good food.

A few things:
1. If he's 24, he couldn't have been a cop. The Afanasi Event happened 30 years prior to when this story takes place.
2. You didn't read the rules.
3. Your grammar is atrocious.

Fix those 3 things and you might get accepted. For now, no.
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[quote name='Dr. Rockso' timestamp='1295186833' post='4938212']
A few things:
1. If he's 24, he couldn't have been a cop. The Afanasi Event happened 30 years prior to when this story takes place.
2. You didn't read the rules.
3. Your grammar is atrocious.

Fix those 3 things and you might get accepted. For now, no.

lol ok im getting lazier after doing genesis
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Name: Assam patton

Age: 24

Weapon: berreta m9 and has 2 clips for it, picks up rounds when ever he can find them and a swiss army knife

Appearance: A big asian, with a bulky and large in frame. Short black hair and dark brown eyes. He wears radioactive protection everywhere but his face, altough he wears perscribed goggles for his poor eye sight. His running sneakers are the only nomal things he wears.

Personality: Because he's been so dependant on his father for so long, once he died it became very hard to adapt. He has good common sense and can pick up around his surroundings quickly but can't react quickly in panic situations.

Bio: His father used to be a cop, being engrossed in his work his wife left him and her child behind. Assam lived with his father untill he died of cancer within the massive periods of fallout. Assam was born with very poor eye sight and his cornea is clouded, unable to have the proper surgury for it, he instead uses goggles that pushes a lot of light into the back of his eyes so he can see figures and shapes. He now lives in a quarter of a downed commericial plane and dosn't like to move from place to place, hoping to settle there as long as possible.
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[quote name='somenoobkorean' timestamp='1295227065' post='4939689']
Name: Assam patton

Age: 24

Weapon: berreta m9 and has 2 clips for it, picks up rounds when ever he can find them and a swiss army knife

Appearance: A big asian, with a bulky and large in frame. Short black hair and dark brown eyes. He wears radioactive protection everywhere but his face, altough he wears perscribed goggles for his poor eye sight. His running sneakers are the only nomal things he wears.

Personality: Because he's been so dependant on his father for so long, once he died it became very hard to adapt. He has good common sense and can pick up around his surroundings quickly but can't react quickly in panic situations.

Bio: His father used to be a cop, being engrossed in his work his wife left him and her child behind. Assam lived with his father untill he died of cancer within the massive periods of fallout. Assam was born with very poor eye sight and his cornea is clouded, unable to have the proper surgury for it, he instead uses goggles that pushes a lot of light into the back of his eyes so he can see figures and shapes. He now lives in a quarter of a downed commericial plane and dosn't like to move from place to place, hoping to settle there as long as possible.

You still didn't fix numbers 2 or 3.
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[quote name='~PrettyNeko~' timestamp='1295227871' post='4939721']
Honestly, grammar is one of the most important things a person can use in life, especially when you have to hold yourself up?

Reserve my app.

*sigh* not in my career path but oh well will be fixed within the next 5 hours
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[quote name='somenoobkorean' timestamp='1295227489' post='4939706']
i read the rules but is it ok if i dont deal with the grammer im pretty lazy to do that

You didn't read the rules, as you didn't follow an important guideline in them. And it's not your decision if it's okay or not, it's mine. If you're lazy, I'm not the kind of person you want to be trying to get near.

[quote name='~PrettyNeko~' timestamp='1295227871' post='4939721']
Honestly, grammar is one of the most important things a person can use in life, especially when you have to hold yourself up?

Reserve my app.

Finally, someone understands.
Reserve accepted, post asap. I don't have any official members yet.
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[quote name='~PrettyNeko~' timestamp='1295228373' post='4939738']
Any career path. To even GET into that career path, you need to write, and most likely, you need a college degree. And that requires a lot of writing, trust me.

Please try to stay on topic. I'd prefer a mod doesn't lock this for not staying on topic.
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[quote name='~PrettyNeko~' timestamp='1295228599' post='4939744']
Exactly how advanced is technology? Where would we be on the current timeline? And would there be ruins left over, buried, and most likely derelict, with "ancient" technology?

Not ancient.
As stated in the rules, there are only simple guns (pistols, maybe some light machine guns, etc) and swords/knives/etc.
As far as actual technology, most advanced things were destroyed in the Afanasi Event. And yes, there are ruins, but nothing really in them. Through, if this is at all relevant, Afanasi still lives in his chamber below the ground with much advanced technology and weaponry.
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[spoiler=App]Name: Valcor Blak
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Blood Type: O-
Nationality: Russian
Age: 28
(L96A1 Black Magnum) ('88)
He also has a small silenced pistol, for close range fighting.[/spoiler]
Personality: Valcor usually comes off as a cold and cold and heartless killer, but in reality, that is what he really is. He holds no personal feelings towards anyone and always focuses on the task at hand.
Bio: Valcor, being born 2 years after the Afanasi Event, grew up never knowing what the world used to be like. He adapted to this new world as he grew up being taught by his dad the ways of survival, who used to be a commanding officer in the Russian military. His dad had been stockpiling weapons in the basement in case of a war before the Afanasi event, but most of them got destroyed. The only ones left intact were a sniper rifle and a small silenced pistol, which Valcor is seen using today. What had become of his father is unknown, but he continues to search for him.[/spoiler]

EDIT: I feel retarded....I always get too engrossed in making the app that I forget the special requirements. >.>

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[quote name='.:Zain:.' timestamp='1295281635' post='4940741']
[spoiler=App]Name: Valcor Blak
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Blood Type: O-
Nationality: Russian
Age: 28
(L96A1 Black Magnum) ('88)
He also has a small silenced pistol, for close range fighting.[/spoiler]
Personality: Valcor usually comes off as a cold and cold and heartless killer, but in reality, that is what he really is. He holds no personal feelings towards anyone and always focuses on the task at hand.
Bio: Valcor, being born 2 years after the Afanasi Event, grew up never knowing what the world used to be like. He adapted to this new world as he grew up being taught by his dad the ways of survival, who used to be a commanding officer in the Russian military. His dad had been stockpiling weapons in the basement in case of a war before the Afanasi event, but most of them got destroyed. The only ones left intact were a sniper rifle and a small silenced pistol, which Valcor is seen using today. What had become of his father is unknown, but he continues to search for him.[/spoiler]

You even added to the app. I like that. :D
But just one thing, you didn't do the special requirement at the end of the rules. :< But yeah, just edit the post once you find out what it is and you'll be fine.

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