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Can someone help me edit this deck.

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Alright so I ended up with this...




Darkblaze Dragon x2

D.D. Assailant

Masked Dragon x2

Tyrant Dragon x2

Cyber Dragon x2

D.D. Crow

Felgrand Dragon x2

Different Dimension Dragon

Medusa Worm

Kaiser Sea Horse x3

Decoy Dragon x2

Herald of Creation

Des Dendle

Dark Blade

Gren Maju De Eiza

Morphing Jar

Vampire Orchis

D.D. Warrior Lady





Soul Release

Return from a Different Dimension

Big Bang Shot

Lightning Vortex x2

Dimensional Fissure

Luminous Spark

Mystic Wok

Future Fusion

Soul Absorbtion

Black Pendant

Foolish Burial

Soul Exchange

Brian Control

Premature Burial

Dragon's Gunfire




Cursed Seal of Forbidden Spell

Just Deserts

Call of the Haunted

Dust Tornado

Sakyretsu Armor x2

D.D. Dynamite

Final Attack Orders

Magic Jammer

Draining Shield x2




Cyber Twin Dragon.

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I would like a good beatdown...deck..


EDIT: actually I'll take easysummon/beatdown.


-1 D.D. Dynamite

-2 Creator Incarnate (Or just one if you want throw Creator in.)

-1 Threatening Roar

-1 Big Bang Shot

-1 Masked Dragon

-1 Herald of Creation

-1 Insect Night

-1 Element Dragon

+1 Different Dimension Dragon

+2 Cyber Dragon

+1 Cyber Twin Dragon

+1 Future Fusion

+1 Return from a Different Dimension

+1 Soul Release

+2 D.D. Assailant


'Bout all I can think of for now.

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