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Forced Fascist Introduction

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Why I'm introducing myself in every forum, you may ask?


Okay, my name is Adolf H, I prefer to keep the H to myself for privacy. I come from Germany, and I was born around 1889. I assume you're asking why the hell I'm introducing myself in every single forum. Alright, well my dream is to become a leader and name myself Fuhrer. And my mom told me it's not gonna happen if I don't start forcing myself at this young age. So, I did this just to prove to you guys how much ambition I have of controlling the whole world. :)


I have friends. Ich habe freunde.


This is the statement I want to say bevor sie sagen that I have no friends and I have no social life and that's why I'm spamming your forum. That's untrue. I have a lot of friends and they come from around the world. I have friends from everywhere! My best friend is Benito, he's a really, really cool guy. Oh, I forgot to mention my Japanese friend - he's the Crown Prince of Japan! My other friend Osama is still a baby, but you know it's awwwrite to "befriend" babies and he's already got a camel. I have to admit I'm really better friends with the camel than Osama. I also have another friend whose mother is not even born yet, his name is Ben Ali. He's "ben" a really good friend. ^^ So don't tell me I have no friends! Some day, we will all rule the world together and even when we die your grandsons will be forbidden to say our name because of how FIERCE we are. And some time later, my grandson will tell you: "Ihre mutter ist der Führer!" But that day is not today.


I hate no one. Ich hasse niemanden. Well, except...


Jews, Homosexuals, Moar Jews, Moar homosexuals, Arabs, Poles, Moar Jews, Scandinavians, French, Moar Jews, Spanish, Moar homosexuals, Italians, Japanese, Chinese, American, Non-American, All-American, British, Moar Jews, Africans, Asians, Moar Jews, Europeans, Moar Jews, North Americans, South Americans, Moar Jews, North Polespeople, South Polespeople, Moar Jews..


Lasst uns kommen und dieses gesicht, ich hasse mich selbst.




Well, I hope we knew each other well now! I hope there are no hard feelings. ^^

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Doesn't affect me, you kid. Go slaughter yourself




Swollen with liquid

Ready to burst

A load of my lymph

Will quench this dead body's thirst

One month in the grave

twisted and half decayed

She turned a putrid yellow

I pissed in her maggot filled a******

f***ing the rotting

My semen is bleeding

The smell of decay

Seeps from her genital cavity

The smell was unbearable As I unburied her

I cum blood from my erection

I feel it run

down her throat, swallow

Eyes glassy and vacant

body dug up to play with

Skin greasy and naked

tonguing her rotted anus

I need a live woman

to fill with my fluid

A delicate girl, to mutilate, f*** and kill

her body exceptional

she thought I was normal

but I wanted more

I came blood inside of her

choking on the clot

gagging on the snot

gushing blood, from her mouth

bloody gel leaking out

Body buried in a shallow grave

Unmarked for none to find

The sickness I have left behind

Undetected go my crimes

The greatest thrill of my life

to slit my cock with a knife

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