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Ultimate adv D hero comp FINISHED

evil D

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try and find a picture for my advanced destiny heroes[picture not card] and you can have the chance to win that picture in my sig in card form and below prize


1st 3 great reps

2nd 2 reps

3rd 1 rep

4th my respect and on buddy list [you can choose]

try making 1 for advd-hero doom lord[might change name].

10 places allowed


Edit: You are aloud to make any adv d-hero only if they are origanated from the destiny hero you are trying to "advance"

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yup, you are aloud to make more than one card, but only the picture, not the card. i thought that i will change a name for the cards.

the following pictures you have to look for:


advanced destiny hero - the doom emperor [changed] doom lord


advanced destiny hero - the tenacious lord[changed]captain tenacious


advanced destiny hero -diamond dude [not chanaged]

[8 entries left for people not in contest left

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well, you copie ddiamond dude from university222

good pictures but due to diamond dude, you will remain 3rd unless someone else' picture gets the place

also during your next post, could you send me a link to captain tenacious


unversity222 1st

- 2nd

bobscholtz911911 3rd

- 4th

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