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[PCD]Pokemon, Chambers of Light and Darkness [PCD] Not Started/Always Accepting

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When the Pokemon world was created, there was always allies and rivals.But in this time, allies are numbered.Some trainers are helping Judo, leader of light
or Goku, Leader of darkness.In this war, Pokemon will fall, trainers will perish, and the world will have no rebels to fight, until six heroes rise up to stop the war before the 2 legendary Pokemon from rising.The Six heroes go by the names of Abel, Amy, Ian, Seth, Daniel, and Ash.Which side will rule, or will the rebels stop the war.The rebels have now said their name, Broken World.Broken World needs help.Choose your side, Light, Dark, or Broken World.

[spoiler=rules] No killing unless i say so.
All YCM rules apply here.
You must have an app. for one of the Broken World Leaders and it must be approved by me and me ONLY!!!
To prove you read these, name one of the Broken World Leaders in a spoiler.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=apps] Name:
Age:(16 or up for light or darkness, 10 and up for Broken World)
Looks:(URL, Pic, or Des. accepted)
Party:(you start with lvl.10 for light, lvl.10 for darkness, and lvl.9 for Broken World)
Region of birth: [/spoiler]

[spoiler=co-hosts]0 for now [/spoiler]

[spoiler=my apps.] [spoiler=Seth]Name:Seth

Looks:Black hair, short hair, turquoise eyes, usually wears a black t-shirt with a Charmander in the middle of it.

Personality:Seth is very nice and has alot courageous.

Bio:Seth was born into the Sinnoh region but his parents were the opposite time and they kept trying to recruit Seth onto their side.He got very mad at this so he ran away and helped form Broken World.His first Pokemon was a Charmander and he has been trying to get his parents to join but no luck came he lost a battle to his mom in the try.

Charmander lvl.9
Region of origon:Sinnoh [/spoiler]
Looks:White Beard and Mustashe, Straw Hat, White Martial Arts Uniform with a Black Belt
Personality:Very Nice and gentle, Judo likes people who care and who love their pokemon, unlike people like Goku.
Bio:Born in the Orre region, Judo fights for the pokemon and those of need.He met Mido and asked him to be light.He told him about Mido and that settled Mido.
Dragon Rage
Dragon Breath
Fire Storm[/spoiler]

[spoiler=accepted apps.]
[spoiler=Jewels]Name: Jewels
Gender: F
Age: 16
Looks: Has green eyes and long black hair. Wears stomach-showing tops with long flowing skirts. Mainly wears Purple.
Personality: Studious and quick witted, awkward at first but when you get to know her, can be the best friend you'd ever have.
Bio: Jewels came from Mossdeep City in Hoenn, yet when Rayquaza awoke and started to flood the City, her and her family fled and went to move to Unova. There Jewels was studying when one day a man in a cape came over too her. With the chance of immortalisation and welath at stake Jewels decided to take the mans offer and now, she fights for Goku, leader of Darkness.
Baruchai Lvl 10
Fury Attack
Toxic (Learnt through TM)
Region of Origon:Hoenn[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Mido]Name: Mido
Gender: Male
Age: 18
[spoiler=Mido] http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i.ytimg.com/vi/OBug-W1NCwI/0.jpg&imgrefurl=http://asiancelebs.info/index.php%3Fkey%3Dmidou&usg=__YxoVjRNbuB-l5C_gPPjzY7-mPgY=&h=360&w=480&sz=13&hl=en&start=50&zoom=1&tbnid=yZQYBkqNWAfCGM:&tbnh=122&tbnw=158&ei=8AgxTe7ACpPQgAef6s2fCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3DBan%2Bmido%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D552%26tbs%3Disch:10,759&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=974&vpy=241&dur=233&hovh=122&hovw=163&tx=148&ty=86&oei=wwgxTc6fK8Kt8Ab-rOTECA&esq=7&page=3&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:50&biw=1366&bih=552[/spoiler]

Personality: Kind, Smart, cocky in his abilities, and Calm during battles
Bio: Mido has lived in Johto for 14 years with his family but left them and he then moved to Hoenn where his grandparents were. On his way to Hoenn he might Riolu and also met Judo who became his teacher. Mido began to become friends with all pokemon. Mido then heard about Goku the leader of darkness. Mido was disgusted with the thought of a person who tries to destroy the world with pokemon. Now Mido sets off to find Goku and defeat him, but they are many obstacles before he can challenge him.
Party: LV.10- Riolu
Quick Attack
Force Palm
Region of birth: Johto[/spoiler]
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Hmmm, seems reasonable enough my app:

Name: Jewels
Gender: F
Age: 16
Looks: Has green eyes and long balck hair. Wears stomach-showing tops with long flowing skirts. Mainly wears Purple.
Personality: Studious and quick witted, awkward at first but when you get to know her, can be the best friend you'd ever have.
Bio: Jewels came from Mossdeep City in Hoenn, yet when Rayquaza awoke and started to flood the City, her and her family fled and went to move to Unova. There Jewels was studying when one day a man in a cape came over too her. With the chance of immortalisation and welath at stake Jewels decided to take the mans offer and now, she fights for Goku, leader of Darkness.
Baruchai Lvl 10
Fury Attack
Toxic (Learnt through TM)
Region of Origin: Hoenn

[spoiler= Requirement] Judo [/spoiler]
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Name: Mido
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Looks: [spoiler=Mido]http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i.ytimg.com/vi/OBug-W1NCwI/0.jpg&imgrefurl=http://asiancelebs.info/index.php%3Fkey%3Dmidou&usg=__YxoVjRNbuB-l5C_gPPjzY7-mPgY=&h=360&w=480&sz=13&hl=en&start=50&zoom=1&tbnid=yZQYBkqNWAfCGM:&tbnh=122&tbnw=158&ei=8AgxTe7ACpPQgAef6s2fCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3DBan%2Bmido%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D552%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C759&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=974&vpy=241&dur=233&hovh=122&hovw=163&tx=148&ty=86&oei=wwgxTc6fK8Kt8Ab-rOTECA&esq=7&page=3&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:50&biw=1366&bih=552[/spoiler]
Personality: Kind, Smart, cocky in his abilities, and Calm during battles
Bio: Mido has lived in Johto for 14 years with his family but left them and he then moved to Hoenn where his grandparents were. On his way to Hoenn he might Riolu and also met Judo who became his teacher. Mido began to become friends with all pokemon. Mido then heard about Goku the leader of darkness. Mido was disgusted with the thought of a person who tries to destroy the world with pokemon. Now Mido sets off to find Goku and defeat him, but they are many obstacles before he can challenge him.
Party: LV.10- Riolu
Quick Attack
Force Palm
Region of birth: Johto
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