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The Promised Land RP planning. Yet to be started, but accepting members and planning and planning is nearly halfway done or so

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Yes, ther is. I think this is it. Here is mine.

Name: Claire Rodric (Right name, right?)
Gender: Female
Empire: Angelic. (Oldest Heir Called it, plus, I'm Co-Host)
Species: Angel (Course)
Personality: Claire is an all around nice girl, though sometimes she can be stubborn. She hates being pampered, and even goes and works in soup kitchens some-times. She hates people saying stuff like "Oh look, there's [i]the princess[/i]. Better not bother her.", so she keeps her identity a secret, even with most of her friends, except for her friend Gracie, who is a homeless orphan. (Her app will be posted later) To keep her identity a secret, she dresses in T-Shirts and jeans when she walks out of the castle, and always through her tunnel, that she dug out.
Appearance (image optional):
History: I think Lego should make her/his daughter's Bio
Equipment: Claire has a staff that has multiple powers, that are revealed throughout her life. The only ability she knows, is that she can heal open wounds, but only really bad ones
Abilities: Her wings can absorb sunlight, though it'snot exactly a power. She needs to have a certain amount of sunlight to keep on going. If her sunlight levels fall bellow 20%, she begins to start getting weaker and weaker.
RP Sample: (Don't know how to make spoilers. Srry.)Claire walked in to the tunnel, and sneaked into the rear entrance, wearing short jeans and a T-Shirt that read: Why do you need money? You've got us!. That was the Soup Kitchen's slogan shirt. She made her signature soup, while all her soup friends greeted her. "Hi, Chelsea!" That was her codename. "Alright, the lucky folks out there are gonna get some of my great soup." She made the soup, and broght it out to the orphans and homeless people outside. Abby wasn't there, so she headed back to the castle, while she changed into her skirt. It was a good day.
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Ummsss... I need a blank app. Also, the royal family is famous for the plant nations bloodline which allows them to have the plant and animal ability to shape shift into one thing. It was kind of mentioned in the history. Also, it doesn't matter how old they are. And her being sixteen doesn't cut it if you want her to be the oldest.

And any heir can inherit, not just the oldest one. For age, I was thinking that an average death age would be 200, twice the human's average. So the equivalent of a teenager would be late twenties.
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Just make a profile for each character...but you can introduce new ones on the way. An RP sample...if you want.

Alright so lesse...

Name: Erika
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nation: Bern
Species: Human
Personality: (Under construction)
Appearence: (Under construction)
History: The/A princess of Bern. Maybe the heir? (Under construction)
Abilities: (Under construction)
Equipment: (Under construction)
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