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The Promised Land RP planning. Yet to be started, but accepting members and planning and planning is nearly halfway done or so

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Allied Galliac Tribes Republic (AGT)

The history of the Allied Galliac Tribes is most often divided into nine periods. The first six have little to no written record and exist primarily in the form of oral legends passed down by elders of the Old Ways. This is a brief account fo what our historians and archeologists have surmised.

[u]Early Tribes [/u]
The country of Galliac was originally occupied by several nomadic bands. Tales tell of how thirteen large bands settled and formed the great tribes. Smaller bands settled as well, but could not compare to the power of the great tribes. Living off the land in a hunter-forager lifestyle, they eventually built cities. Magic was still strong in those days and Shaman’s ruled each tribe. As the tribes grew, conflicts and wars sparked between them. Raiding parties stripped neighbouring lands of both resources and people. The tribes grew in strength, and greed grew with it.

[u]Tribal Wars [/u]
One of the 13 Great Shamans; the Navayee leader, raised a powerful army of fighters and magic uses and set about conquering the lands. One by one, the lesser tribes fell while the greater tribes fought back. The war was said to last for a generation. Soon, they too fell to the Navayee’s might. With the other Great under their control, Navayee became the sole ruler. The Navayee Shaman formed a large City-State that encompasses most of the (then known) land; from the Lake of the Sun’s Birth to the Crags of its Death.

[u]Tribal States [/u]
The then leader the Navayee set himself up as the High Shaman and set puppet rulers to govern the 13 Great. While his rule was not the kindest, he was just. The system lasted for three High Shamans, but then the fourth corrupted it. Greed for power, he began abusing his subjects. The quality of live for the masses fell while that of the ruling class rose. The seeds of dissention were planted.

[u]Rebellion War [/u]
And they took root. Under the cruel rule of the Fourth High Shaman, a rebel army rose to fight. They attacked from the outlying districts, liberating small tribes from the rule of the High Shaman, building their forces as they did. In retaliation, the Fourth held bloodier and bloodier campaigns against the rebels until the blood freely flowed on the land. The rebel army and the Fourth’s forces were locked in a stalemate for weeks when someone quickly slipped into the Fourth’s temple and slit his throat. In the discord that resulted, the rebels pushed and took control of the temple. They subjugated the survivors in a manner even worse than the Fourth, their once pure intentions tarnished by the wars.

[u]Dark Rule [/u]
Under threat of imprisonment, death and worse, the nation’s peoples suffered. The Dark ruler tapped the land itself for magic power and doled it out to loyal enforcers while using the rest to give himself pseudo-immortality. How he did this exactly was lost to the ages. Magic fuelled the development of dark cites build on the blood of the fallen. He became a Tyrant. Raids were launched to other lands, taking the people form unknown place to please his fancy. The Tribes swiftly became a the lands of despair and sadness and pain.

[u]Second Rebellion [/u]
Because of the Tyrants magic power, directly opposing him was impossible, so the members of the second rebellion hatched an unbelievable plan. In order to cripple the Tyrant, they would cripple the land itself. Over several years, they gathered powerful magic users a ley points around the land, slowly as not to warrant the attention of the tyrant. They dealt a blow to the land itself, shattering the land’s heart; and all magic with it. The cities crumbled and the Tyrant, deprived of his power, died in the ensuring battle. The New rebellion swept the remnants of his power from the land and freed the people.

[u]Rebirth [/u]
With no intention of ruling, the second rebellion left insecurity in the hearts if those who survived. But from the outlying forest and mountains came the remnants of the original tribes. Using the structure of time gone by, the rebuilt the 13 great. The next few years were years of turmoil as the people settle into their new freedom, but relative peace followed. The 13 Great grew in size and strength and soon the Dark rule was forgotten.

[u]Development [/u]
As the nations grew once more, the need for greater structure to prevent the failing of the past was address. Instead of letting the greed of one tribe reach the point of greed and power to conquer the rest, they formed the republic. One ruler, the Prime was elected to stand over the tribes. Beneath him, a council formed of the 13 leaders, 13 Voices elected by the people and 13 Patriots recommended by the people, the government was established. In order to ease living without magic, technology grew. They made advancements and were welcoming of immigrants from other countries, eager to distance themelfs from the past.

[u]Revival [/u]
The heart of the land slowly healed itself since it’s destruction to end the Dark Rule. When it suddenly re emerges in the land, mass panic was only held at bay because of the presence of those who knew of it from other lands. The legends form the times before the dark rule and the research conducted lead to the development of the five magic arts.

[spoiler=Important People]
Eran Sander- the First Prime. The first president of the Allied Galliac Tribes.

Herman Spiritwalker- A descendant of a shaman of old, he was the man that confirmed with definite proof the revival of magic. Much of the records and training methods for Shamen came as a result of his research.

Kendra Lemmings- The woman who’s years of study helped forged the Magi Association. She was the first President. He work with Hugh Dini and Mylin Olden made magicians more than just a side show.

Yu Jung- an immigrant from the Communist nation, she helped North Wind and Fern River (two doctors with weak magic connection) adapt healing magic into the Mage Arts.

Ricart Richardson- One of the Allied Galliac Tribes greatest military minds. He led them to victory during the Battle of the North Sea and saved the lives of thousands of soldiers and civilians at the cost of his own.

Leon Merrick- the chief research at Wizarding Development Division. [/spoiler]

Because the Republic is willing to accept immigrants from many other countries, they have a wide range of magic in their society. Shamanic magic is the native magic to the land. Mage magic was adapted from the magic of the communist state. Modern magic was the first magic to develop, mutating out of Shamanic in response to the changing face of the land. Pure magic was originally developed as a power source, discarded for its instability and adopted for military uses. Wizarding has become something of an Ascended Meme. Originally conceived by the youth in fiction, a batch of graduates attempted it and are working hard at perfecting the art.

Shamanic Magic- Led by the Shaman Caste, they focus on the elemental magics of the land. They are lead mostly be elders of the tribes who can recount teaching from the legends of old. The Ecologist and Eviromentalists are constantly at odds with them. Requires a link to the earth and environment.

Modern Magic- The Magi Association is a large corporation that works at developing Modern magic and training Magicians; conjuring items, teleportation, telekinesis, invisibility, flight and other of the more supportive magics. They are often involved in show business, especially in special effects. Requires a mutated form of the Shamanic link.

Pure magic- Unlike most magics, pure magic and the Casting Society have developed a simpler use of magical energies; releasing it in its pure form. Much less versatile than any other form, it was developed for and in employed by police and military forces. Uses require a magic circuit, occasionally occurring naturally but capable of being artificially induced in some people.

Life Magic- The Mage Chapter focusing on the magics of the living body and the mind. They heal injuries and sicknesses of many kinds. Mages are also talented in mind magics such as illusions and telepathy and is often found shattered behind the scenes. Requires a certain gene.

Wizarding Development Division (WWD)- The newest form of magic that emerged only a few years ago. Their intent in to create magi tech and make magic more readily available to the masses. So far, they have had limited success with alchemy and a maginet. Relies heavily on programming to control the flow of magic energy.
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Allied Galliac Tribes Republic...hmm...as long as we can call it Gallia as well, then I think it's okay. Everything pretty much looks good Grey. But...I don't think he can be the first president because this is supposed to be way after the nations were actually formed...like for example if this was the real world...like a real world RP of some sort for example, then it will start like 200 years or so after places like Canada and the US were formed. Also, what about the other nations. Any involvement with them?

Also, you don't have to RP characters from just 1 nation. You can have characters from different nations.
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[spoiler=Monster Nation History]Meny Ages Ago, About 2000 years in the past, the Monster States warred wiith one another, Each working to attain victory over all the other states. It was a time of Feudal War; However, rising among the Demon state was General Macedon Lughudush. Macedon was a blood thirsty and power hungry demon. Even with these Dark traits, he was a great leader. He was clever, wise, strong and devious about his work, doing anything to attain victiory. Being command of the military, his thirst for blood over took his mind, He quickly slew the Reighning government and took over, Declaring himself Shurkutal or Leader. With is military prowness and new found power, Macedon quickly dispatched the sorrounding states, absorbing them into his own and in little under 20 years he brought the young nation under his grasp naming the country Macedonia, after himself.

Although he was a military genius, Macedon was not much in the way of politics. He quickly brought economical ruin to the new country. To maintain his grip on the nation, Macedon created a reign of fear. Being as he was, his country was often defined as a Communist state because of its Governmental control. To end this Reign of fear and to satisfiy their lust for power, the Nobles assassinated Macedon little after 2 years after his ascension to his throne. After his death, war erupted among the Nobels over who would take his place. Over several years the fighting continues and the country delined into deeper and deeper depression untill Various Lughudush, son of Macedon, took power. After his ascension, The people of the country quickly prepared themselves for a civil war and athough their fear was justified, it was unnecessary. Hating his Late Father, Various quickly established a reign of peace over the nation. He later emerged as the Greatest leader of all time. Under his command the young nation quickly flurshied and expanded ushering forth a Golden Age for the country.

After 100 years, following the death of Various, the Golden Age began to decline. To replace the the fallen Surkutal the Orc noble, Holed Krognal, took leadership of the country under his wing and from this the country entered its first Great War, fighting no other than the Angelic Nation. This war took place for over 1000 years until finally the Treaty of Toros was signed, resulting in a loss of half their territory and reperations for the Monster Nation. Following the war, the nation became ravaged by civil unress as once again the warlike orcs began to try and take command. The Demons, a stronger and wiser race, challanged them and over the course of a few years tension grew untill the orcs attacked the demons publicly. Seeing this as an act of war, all members of the nations took sides and the nation erupted into a 5 year national civil war. In the end, the Demons emerged on top, being led by the mighty Lughudush family and from this line came the next Shurkutal, Gerotol. Seeing himself as a peacefull leader, Gerotol forced peace on the country, maintaining it by ANY means necessary. In doing this, Gerotol lead another time of darkness and fear among the country. Any disobediance would cost somebody their life. He would forever be remembered in the nations history a "The Blood King."

Gerotol was eventually assassinated and his Daughter, Herana, seized command of the nation. Also seeing peace as an ideal, Herana worked tirlessly to help lead a true peace on the country. Her time is know as the Era of Peace and Prosperity. Being a kind and gental demon was a far from what she was as night and day. Under her gental spirit hid her true nature. She was warlike and deceptive, leading forth the Second Great War with the Angelic nation. Under her leadership and the Leadeship of er successors, the Monster Nation was returned to it's formor Glory, being returned it's land and money after the signing of the Treay of Eternity, 600 years after the beginning of the war.

Presently, The nation is run by the Shurkutal, Merit Lughudush. A demon of high standings. He recently seized power after the "Accident" that killed the previous Shurkutal. He is Sneaky and Coniving, often having an agenda of his own. Even still, he is a tactical genius and a military expert. With these traits, he is preping his soldiers for another war.[/spoiler]

And yes lego, i was at war with your country a lot so get over it. We don't like each other so keep that in mind.
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[spoiler=Angelic Nation History]
The Angelic Nation is the oldest nation there is. 5000 years ago, some sect of humans teamed up with wizards whose power was FAR greater than today and changed the humans to give them powers. This interaction led to the tradition of magic and angelic nations working together.

After 1000 years of stabilizing the country, Shado the First because King of the Angels. The government consists of a king and a council. They both make decisions, but sometimes one group is stronger than the other. Shado had the people on his side and was stronger than the council. Shado was a good king though. He established an alliance with the plant kingdom. It was a small kingdom at the time, only just having become one land. He forged that alliance by taking a bride from the plant and animal kingdom. And so only those with royal blood have Plant and Animal Kingdom ancestry out of all the angels.

After about another 1000 years, the rest of the humans had split up into many groups. The angels sided with two of them. The medieval kingdom and the republic kingdom became its allies as a result of the War on Monster States. They won the war, but didn’t realize their actions would eventually forge the monsters together. Those humans helped them out and even though no alliance was signed, tradition can speak louder than law.

For the next 2000 year, all was pretty much quiet. But when the Monsters attacked the Angels, Shado the 50th struck back. He was killed in the first month of the 1000-year war when Klipo the 3rd signed a treaty which declared 10% of Angelic land to be neutral and 50% of Monster land. They would have won the war, but war had become unpopular. Because of this, the rulers of the Monster Kingdom and Angelic Nation have secretly been friends, but not allies.

After 800 years, the rest of the kingdoms had been established, but the Angelic Nation had not sided with any, save a tenacious alliance with the Empire, which could break at any time. Those of the royal line in the present are, King Rodric the 1st and his three sons and one daughter. The Queen died years ago from an attack by the Monster Kingdom. It was supposed to be an attack on the Republic, but the Queen had been visiting.

I crossed over with over kingdoms histories and also changed how the treaties work for the angelic nation.
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I included a war with the Empire into mine which will explain my nation being enemies with the Empire.
[spoiler='Feudal Nation's History'] Raijingusan no Tochi (Land of the Rising Sun, literally Raijingu: Rising, San: Sun and Tochi: Land) was started about 3500 years ago, when Fushin lead his Tribe, Raijingusan (Rising Sun, literally Raijingu: Rising and San: Sun), against the Tribes of Tochirano (Rocky Land, literallly Tochi: Land and Rano: Rock), Raijinguflyru (Rising Flood, literally Raijingu: Rising and Flyru: Flood) and Tochiwiru (Land of Wind, literally Tochi: Land and Wiru: Wind), with the help of the Tribe Chymarimyn (Changing Moon, literally Chymari: Change and Myn: Moon). when the alliance had beaten the other tribes and claimed the country as theirs, the two tribes turned on eachother and a long and bloody civil war began, one that would last for nearly 5 centuries before finally ending from the efforts of Furan, a decendent of Fushin, lead Raijingusan with the help of Tochirano, Casuflyru and Tochiwiru to finally unite the country about 3000 years ago and naming it after the Tribes who helped to finally unite Raijingusan no Tochi. Furan then declined the post of Shogun, instead deciding to lead his own tribe as one of the Daimyo, now a village and instead gave the post of Shogun to his brother, Zha Yi. The Samuri, while having existed during the war, became an official type of warrior, one who were incredibly loyal to their lords and very proud. Zha Yi lead Raijingusan to attempt to take over the world about 20 years later but failed because there is water separating the Land of the Rising Sun from the rest of the world and, while they have boats, Xuan Wu objected to the attempt and raised the sea against them. The land then remained peaceful for nearly 2000 years before getting into a war with the Empire, which was when the Ninjas came about, being useful to get infomation and assasinate powerful targets. There are also Five Immortals, each able to control a different element and having their own heirachy, each able to change form and each able to grant minor control of their element. The Jade Emperor is the ruler of the immortals, he is the Centre, the colour yellow, a dragon and controls earth. Xuan Wu is the second in command, the god of war and martial arts, a turtle and a snake, the colour black, controller of water, the Greater Yin and North Wind. The other three are all equals, Bai Hu, is the controller of metal, a tiger, the colour white, the Lesser Yang and West Wind. Zhu Qui is a Pheonix, controller of Fire, the colour red, the Greater Yang and South Wind. The last is Qing Long, a dragon, controller of wood, the colour blue or green, the Lesser Yin and the East Wind. These five immortals are rarely seen, and are thought of as Gods for the people of the Feudal Nation. During the battle with the Empire, these Immortal's withdrew from the world and stopped granting their magic. The war ended on a stalemate 40 years later because at that time the Empire was still using a bit of magic and because of the Immortals, no magic other than magic granted by the immortals will work in any of the Land of the Rising Sun. Raijingusan has been a peaceful nation again, developing freindships and alliances with all the nations except the Empire, until recently because of the Empire not using any magic at all now and because of a radical group has risen up that is calling for Raijingusan no Tochi to take over and rule the world. The current Shogun is a woman called Zana, and despite being a peaceful nation currently, Raijingusan no Tochi does have a history of war and there are fears that they will try to take over the world again.

Edit: I didn't make up the Five Immortals, they are taoist deities, you can look them up on google if you want to check that.
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can i join? i can use my little made deck to be zombies!

[spoiler=FAV CARD(i made it)][IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/23uohf6.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler=my deck so far]
[spoiler=signature2][CENTER][IMG]http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/whatcolor_iswhite.jpg[/IMG][URL=http://www.wizards.com/magic/playmagic/whatcolorareyou.asp][B]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER][/spoiler]
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The Alexandrian Empire

Allies: Fantasia, Macedonia
Enemies: Gallia, Abyssia, Raijingusan No Tochi, Riviera, Bern

The Empire is well known as the most powerful country in the world. Although magic users are very rare, firearms and their advanced artillery makes up for the lack of magic. Their army, navy, and airforce is massive in numbers as well and adaquate for combat. The Empire was found thousands of years ago. The first emperor of Alexandria was found by Alexander, known as Alexander the Great (Not the real life Alexander btw, the RP Alex) The empire's economy is very good as well. Because Alexander was related to the first ruler of Fantasia, the empire and Fantasia have been in good terms for a very long time. The advent of modern technology began five hundred years prior to the start of the RP and is also the founder of modern technology. Their research in catagories such as medicine has happened improve the lifes of people. Army, navy, and airforce personnel have been well trained and mass production of artillery, jets, helicopters, warships, tanks, etc. The empire was once friends with Abyssia until they decided to follow the ideals of communism. The empire had a racial attitude to the people of Riviera. The republic was seen inferior by the empire and tensions grew between the two nations. The empire has the more territory then any other nation in the world. Macedonia has been on good terms with the empire because the ideals of their leaders were similar. The empire had been at war with most of the other nations in the past before, but right now peace is only temporary. In the empire, there are eight generals. The generals are known as the strongest warriors in the military, besides the monarchs and the marshall of the military. The top commanders of the military don't really use the weapons that the common soldiers use. They may use medival weapons, magic, or perhaps something you may not expect. The current emperor is different then some of the past emperors and wishes to make peace with their enemy nations, but because the enemy nations cannot forgive the actions of some of the former rulers, this made things difficult. The emperor himself does not think that a state ruled by the military is such a good idea, although the empire and Macedonia are still friends. The emperor himself tried to stop the hate against other groups, however most of the people are not used to change, making his plan a difficult one. Now it may take a miracle for all the nations to live in peace and harmony.
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