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New Morphtronic's!!!!!


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Morphtronic Dragon
1 "Morphtronic Dryon" + 1 "Morphtronic Washen" + 4 "Morphtronic" monsters
Once per turn, you can remove from play one of the monsters used to fusion summon this card and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the removed from play monster.
ATK/3000 DEF/2000

Morphtronic Dryon
● While in Attack Position: Once per turn, you can special summon 1 "Morphtronic Washen" equipped to this card.This card cannot declare an attack. ● While in Defense Position: Once per turn, you can equip 1 "Morphtronic Washen" to this card from your hand.
ATK/0 DEF/2000

Morphtronic Washen
● While in Attack Position: While you control a face-up "Morphtronic Dryon", you can tribute this card to inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of 1 face-up "Morphtronic Dryon" you control. ● While in Defense Position: Once per turn, you can switch the ATK and DEF of 1 face-up"Morphtronic Dryon" you control, until the End Phase.
ATK/2000 DEF/0

Morphtronic T.Visen
1 "Morphtronic" Tuner + 1 non-Tuner Machine-Type monster
● While in Attack Position: Once per turn, you can switch the battle position of 1 face-up "Morphtronic" monster you control. ● While in Defense Position: During your opponent's Main Phase, you can Synchro Summon using this face-up card you control as a Synchro Material Monster.
ATK/1000 DEF/1000

Morphtronic King
1 "Morphtronic" Tuner Synchro monster + 1 non-Tuner "Morphtronic" fusion monster
Once per turn, you can activate 1 of the following effects:
●Discard 1 level 4 "Morphtronic" monster and negate the effect of 1 effect monster your opponent controls, until the end phase.
●Draw 1 card if it is a monster reveal it, if not discard it, if it is level 4 or lower special summon it, if it is level 5 or higher remove from play 2 "Morphtronic" monsters in your graveyard and special summon it.
●All "Morphtronic" monsters, excluding this card, gain 400 ATK and 1000 DEF.
ATK/3500 DEF/3000
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Morph Dragon is outright unplayable. You are giving up SEVEN cards and getting one back, and there is no easy way of doing so (since it's not DARK, Overload is impossible).

Washer and Dryer work like some odd Union theme and burn, neither of which Morphs do very well. (Why does the washer burn, anyway?)

Tvision needs to have a draw effect, and his Attack mode effect is kinda bad.

King is interesting, but essentially, you're hitting a -8:

-1 for the Synchro Tuner
-1 for the Accel Synchro
-6 for the Fusion

making it unplayable. Essentially, rework Washen and Dryon to better fit the Morph theme, reduce Dragon's cost, and Dragon and King should be household appliances of some sort. Refrigadore and Dragoven, maybe?
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[quote name='Bringerofcake' timestamp='1294902513' post='4931767']

-1 for the Accel Synchro

Accel Synchro? It needs a fusion, not a synchro
And you can get out Morph dragon polymerization says from your hand or side of the field.

[quote name='Bringerofcake' timestamp='1294902513' post='4931767']

-1 for the Accel Synchro

Accel Synchro? It needs a fusion, not a synchro
And you can get out Morph dragon polymerization says from your hand or side of the field.
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[quote name='GlaceEx' timestamp='1294970875' post='4933325']
Accel Synchro? It needs a fusion, not a synchro
[b]Yes, but the first part of the Material Monsters says it needs a Synchro Monster. Using a Synchro for a Sycnhro is called Accel Summoning.[/b]
And you can get out Morph dragon polymerization says from your hand or side of the field.
[b]Yes, but you still need to use 7 cards to get it - Dryon, Washen, 4 other Morphs and Polymerization itself. A major -6. No one would even dream of playing it.[/b]
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